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Chrono Trigger: Chrono Symphonic - History

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ATTENTION - Since the forums have switched to the new vBulletin format, this is now the only thread related to Chrono Symphonic. So post here about comments or feedback, if you have any.

That's right, people. And you thought it was all just a myth.


Here is the official track listing for the project, including the special tracks. All songs are compositionally finished and all titles are official.


Track 01: Inciting Incident - sephfire

Track 02: Morning Sunlight - SirRus/sephfire

Track 03: Blue Skies Over Guardia - DarkeSword

Track 04: To Lands Unknown - Sleepy Emp

Track 05: Darkness Dueling - LunarHeart

Track 06: Lucca's Arrival - Zas

Track 07: Revelation of Fire - Claado Shou

Track 08: Hymn of Valor - Red Omen

Track 09: Frog's Intervention - ellywu2

Track 10: Denadoro Climb - PLBenjaminZ

Track 11: The Masamune - ellywu2

Track 12: Darkest Omen - mv

Track 13: Confronting the Mystic - sephfire

Track 14: Door to the End of Time - Blake Perdue

Track 15: Manifest Destiny - SirRus

Track 16: Schala and the Queen - ellywu2/pixietricks

Track 17: The Third Guru - Claado Shou

Track 18: Beneath the Surface - Rellik

Track 19: The Rising - DarkeSword

Track 20: Crono's Dream - DarkeSword

Track 21: The Chrono Trigger- Russell Cox

Track 22: A Parting of Ways - Unknown

Track 23: The Last Stand - RoeTaka

Track 24: The New Beginning - Sleepy Emp

Track 25: To Far Away Times - Reuben Kee/pixietricks






Bongo Bill


OmegaDonut('s friend)


mythril nazgul





Sounds like a great idea, but I think you're making a mistake by excluding piano. Pianos are sometimes (I'll admit not frequently, but sometimes) used in movie soundtracks to spectacular effect.

Piano will not be excluded by any means. The ending theme, which will play during the credits, will have the main instrument be a piano. BECAUSE of its emotional effect, that would be an ideal instrument for that particular scene.

I wish I could participate. Unfortunately, I lack the gear/software/money required to convincingly synthesize an orchestra.

There are plenty of free soundfont packages out there. If you have a desire to do something, I could recommend a few for starters. There's no reason money should be an obstacle.


Chrono Trigger sux and your script is worse than shit. Darkesworde can't do orchestral, all he can do is retarded syruppy faux-saxamophone dealies.

"Where am i... better yet when am i"

rotfl when am i

CT tributes are for nostalgic losers go to the bar and get a life.

I feel smart.

Chrono Trigger sux and your script is worse than shit. Darkesworde can't do orchestral, all he can do is retarded syruppy faux-saxamophone dealies.

"Where am i... better yet when am i"

rotfl when am i

CT tributes are for nostalgic losers go to the bar and get a life.

I feel smart.

And on the 11:00 news tonight: When trolls attack!


Only in Canada...

Anyway, I'd like to change one small thing about the audition guidelines...the pendulum sound in the beginning is not necessary. Rellik has made a point of the fact that it's really hard to find a good pendulum effect, and it's also kind of counterproductive to force something like that on every piece, when many of these will be standalone and not used in the movie soundtrack anywhere. So...that is not necessary. Do it if you like, but not because I'm forcing you to. :)


ok claado... so you're post was really long and I read it fairly fast.... but are you actually planning on MAKING the movie? Cuz I didnt' see that part in there, but what good is a script and a soundtrack if you're not going to make the movie?

Also, did you say you TOOK OUT Ayla and Robo??? I hope I read that wrong... how do you just Take Out two Main characters??

ok claado... so you're post was really long and I read it fairly fast.... but are you actually planning on MAKING the movie? Cuz I didnt' see that part in there, but what good is a script and a soundtrack if you're not going to make the movie?

Also, did you say you TOOK OUT Ayla and Robo??? I hope I read that wrong... how do you just Take Out two Main characters??

1. No, I do not plan on making the movie. I have expressed a hope that should these two aspects of the movie come together, somebody will be willing to help create the third, namely the visual. But for now, the OST and the script are the only two finished products we're shooting for.

2. Yes, I took out Ayla and Robo. Along with them, I took out nearly an hour of unnecessary and confusing sidequests/backstory which would have drowned the movie with more than it needs. So know that my decision was well-thought-out, and the resulting product is not hurt, but instead is helped because of it.


At first I was put off by the fact that it was probably never going to become a movie, but I figure I might as well get the orchestral experience and get a chance to make some cool mixes that will stand on their own after all is said and done anyway.

hm. I'm actually running into a lot of trouble here. As much as I'd like to do orchestral stuff, apparently I'm not quite ready yet - perhaps you should take me off the list.

No offense, but you've been working a maximum of three hours, probably closer to two. Perhaps you should give it a little time? You do have three weeks, you know.

A good suggestion would be to listen to other orchestral stuff similar to the style you want yours to be in, and take notes on the patterns of different instruments, and how they use them effectively. Fast, detache, higher-octave strings, or slower, drawn-out, lower ones? Fast brass or extended? Play by example would be my suggestion.

Just...please don't give up. I'm positive you can do something extraordinary. I mean, come on. You're zircon!

hm. I'm actually running into a lot of trouble here. As much as I'd like to do orchestral stuff, apparently I'm not quite ready yet - perhaps you should take me off the list.

No offense, but you've been working a maximum of three hours, probably closer to two. Perhaps you should give it a little time? You do have three weeks, you know.

A good suggestion would be to listen to other orchestral stuff similar to the style you want yours to be in, and take notes on the patterns of different instruments, and how they use them effectively. Fast, detache, higher-octave strings, or slower, drawn-out, lower ones? Fast brass or extended? Play by example would be my suggestion.

Just...please don't give up. I'm positive you can do something extraordinary. I mean, come on. You're zircon!

I know when I'm beat. I have absolutely no artistic ideas, nor do I have any skill in writing this sort of thing. No promise whatsoever in what I currently have.


I have no talent, skill, or knowledge whatsoever in making music. However, if this project as a whole does someday see a production phase, I'd beinterested in doing some voice work.

I tried to novelize CT a long time ago... I seem to have lost the disk. :x

I know when I'm beat. I have absolutely no artistic ideas, nor do I have any skill in writing this sort of thing. No promise whatsoever in what I currently have.

I'm truly sorry to hear that. I could still use somewhere to host the music files and also someplace to make an official website, if you have any extra room on the ST server. Also, I know you have teh madd connectionz with people on ST, so a bit of advertising would be a welcome addition, though I don't want to force you into anything. :roll:

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