PLBenjaminZ Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 11. SCENE: Crono retrieves the Masamune after the three are tested, and they are carried out by the wind to Frog, granting him the blade SONGS: Silent Light LENGTH: 2:00 I'd like to take this one as well, since that would make my three songs in conjunction with each other, and, in total, would only mount up to 8:30 anyway. ...and that's it for now I guess now to look at the script and plan exactly how I want do it.
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Wow...only 10 pieces left and 7 mixers still without any songs to their names. Perhaps we should limit it to one song per person (from now on) until everybody has their say? EDIT: People who have already claimed songs can keep the ones they've claimed. I have no intention of stealing them from you. Just for clarification on the above comment.
SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Alright then, just Zeal for me until others get around to claiming songs. Also, thanks for sending me the script portion Claado, but am I blind or where do I find these short snippets on the scene with the recommended song lengths that Ben has been quoting? I don't know where the song length can be found for the Zeal scene... Edit - Although looking over the list and how many have been finished/reserved for other people in conjunction with how many mixers there are (11)... it will be about 2/person, and that's why I chose 2 scenes to work with. But I agree, we should let the others get a shot at picking their first choices before we claim our second choices (who didn't get here early enough! I respect Emperor for be here before everyone, as I assume his time zone made that kind of difficult...)
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Alright then, just Zeal for me until others get around to claiming songs. Also, thanks for sending me the script portion Claado, but am I blind or where do I find these short snippets on the scene with the recommended song lengths that Ben has been quoting? I don't know where the song length can be found for the Zeal scene... In the first post there's a link to the OST listing, which has everything Ben has been quoting. Plus, you don't have to give up your other song if you don't want...I just wanna make sure that accepted mixers have the opportunity to do some mixing.
Blake Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 SCENE: At the End of Time, Gaspar explains to them the Conservation of Time, the three gurus, the ancient kingdom of Zeal, and about the curse of Lavos. Lucca decides to stay behind and investigate the area while the others go to 12,000 B.C. SONGS: The Brink of Time LENGTH: 5:30 I'll gladly take the song "End of Time", and I think you're assuming the song "End of Time" by mentioned "Brink of Time"^^^^^.
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Alright, 11 songs and nearly 45 minutes of music left to claim. Any other takers?
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 C'mon, Unknown, where are ya.... I feel the same way. But about all 6 of those who haven't shown up.
ellywu2 Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Hi hi, sorry im so late, had to reformat my computer! I'd like to work on either song 10 or 11, i.e frogs theme and 600ad. Mainly due to the fact i've worked on them before, so i can delve more deeply into them, that and last night i was screwing around with frogs theme and discovered my secret love for brass
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Hi hi, sorry im so late, had to reformat my computer!I'd like to work on either song 10 or 11, i.e frogs theme and 600ad. Mainly due to the fact i've worked on them before, so i can delve more deeply into them, that and last night i was screwing around with frogs theme and discovered my secret love for brass Oooooooh...Ben's already claimed both of those songs. As well as #9, the Zombor/Frog scene. Sorry. #8, the song playing while in Guardia Castle, will obviously have a lot of brass in it (think imperial), as well as #18, the scene in which Crono and the others destroy the Mammon Machine. Both of those are still open (if you're looking for suggestions, that is). But please, for now, only choose one song to do. That'll make it easier for others to choose their songs. EDIT: I can't believe nobody's chosen to do #16, the scene with Schala. I thought something like that would go rather quickly. Hmm.
sephfire Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 You may want to PM some of the other remixers in case they forgot or haven't seen the thread in a while and aren't up to speed.
ellywu2 Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Erm, well in that case you guys can choose something for me, nothing else really inspires me EDIT: Screw it, i'll do schala if you want?
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 You may want to PM some of the other remixers in case they forgot or haven't seen the thread in a while and aren't up to speed. Good idea. Let me do that.
PLBenjaminZ Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 get ready for long post time! Okay... *attempts to transform into a smart person* ... I’ve been having a problem with planning on how to arrange music for these scenes… I believe that the script doesn’t go along very well with the music OST time restraints that have been planned; the estimated times for the songs seem incorrect to a great extent. For example, in Scene’s ten and eleven, there is large amount of events which take place that I’m sure cannot be fit into a time span of only four minutes and thirty seconds (unless they talk super fast and A LOT of emotional charge is taken out). These events include climbing the Denadoro Mountains while Marle is hurt (and this part of the script is pretty long, by the way), meeting Masa and Mune, actually fighting them, followed by the two transforming into ‘Masamune’, fighting a bit more, then talking some more. Then, they are taken out of the Denadoro Mountains by wind to where Frog is located, the Frog vs. Chrono w/ Masamune part on the bridge is shown, Masamune talks to Frog, and Frog demonstrates the Masamunes power. As I already said, I don’t believe all these events can be shown in a mere four minutes and thirty seconds without dumping out a lot of emotional charge. I’ve been thinking about this, and I have come up with a proposition… I think that we should change the format of how the OST should be done. I think we should just create fully extended versions of our remixes/arrangements and ignore the time restraint. The project should be done so that it can adapt to the emotional charge the movie intends to portray. Why? First of all, I think several of the given time restraints are not proportional to the actual amount of time in the script, once again as already mentioned. Also, I believe that by doing it this way, the music can adapt to changes in script (and I believe there should be many changes in the script by the way). Another reason I believe ignoring time constraints is it would make this project a lot easier on the people remixing/rearranging the music. Basically what I mean in the previous paragraph is that I’m not particularly fond of the script as it currently is, and even if we were to correct the time restraints given to something reasonable, it would be a pain in the ass for everyone to rework their arrangement due to a change in script. The reason why I brought this up is because we haven’t really started the remixing stage yet, and can still effectively make changes to the structure of how this project should be done without any unnecessary work (working on a remix for a long time and then finding we need to start over…). I think we should do this project by remixing the many songs in Chrono Trigger individually, with variations of certain songs if need be. For example, I planned on doing two different variations of Frog’s Theme in the scenes I selected; the first to introduce Frog as he was “kicking Zombor’s ass”, and the second variation to play while Frog was demonstrating the Masamune’s power. The reason I came up with this is because while reading the script to plan out what I wanted to do, I found myself going through too many transitions in songs in order to fit the mood.It shouldn’t be the remixer’s problem to adapt the music to the scene, at least not until the movie is actually being made, complete with a reworked and mastered script. I don’t think the movie is even going to be made anyway (at least not anytime soon). We should just enjoy creating remixes/arrangements in an orchestrated manner, and not worry about the music fitting with the script. *reverts back to retarded self* damn i'm out of power to go super saiyen AAAaaAaNyWaYz i wrote WAAaAaay tOOo much! i have more to say but i have to go to church now so if i still remember what i want to say by the time i get back i’ll bring it up. Sorry if what i wrote doesn’t even make sense, i typed it kind of quickly
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Erm, well in that case you guys can choose something for me, nothing else really inspires me EDIT: Screw it, i'll do schala if you want? I'm sorry to hear you've lost your initiative. Remember, you can use any source song you want in the piece, as long as you're reasonable. Schala's Theme can switch to Undersea Palace and then to Frog's Theme, if you really want. As long as it's good as a single piece and it fits with the script, anything goes. Do it however you'd like. I'm not saying this to berate you; I just want to let you know that even with your preferred pieces already chosen by someone else, there's still a reason to be inspired. So don't make any more frowning smiley faces (if that paradox is even possible).
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Sorry to douse your long-ass post, Ben, but ignoring the script is like going into battle without any ammo...there's no point. As for the time restraint thing, your particular scenes do fit rather well in 4:30. Mainly because the entire part from where they first enter the tunnel to the point where Crono retrieves the Masamune (3 or 4 minutes of screen time) is not covered by music. Remember, there are plenty of times in movies where no background music plays at all. Silence is a huge factor in making the music for a movie that much more enjoyable and powerful. So yes, if you look at the script (as I PMed it to you), 4:30 works quite well (1 page of formatted script = 1 minute of screen time). Sorry to be a spoilsport, and sorry to just toss aside your comment, but it's necessary. BTW: When I referred to editing the script, I meant for revising dialogue (which does not affect the music any), and also perhaps adding scenes if needed. Neither of these will play a role in the actual ST, as additional scenes can be composed for and dialogue can simply be replaced. As long as the music portrays the ACTION of the script, then there's no need for concern. Besides, to be absolutely honest, IF the movie ever gets made (which I doubt), it'll probably be best for a single person to re-orchestrate the ST (using the songs of this project as the foundation for the new ones), in order to have the most realistic effect possible, at which time any indiscrepancies may be dealt with. This is not to say the project is useless, because as the script stands, these pieces will be perfect enhancers. It's just that I'm sure when the details are finally visually realized, the music may not be entirely accurate anymore, and somebody will need to tweak what music has already been made. Don't let this deter you, however, from making your best effort. This ST will still be a great collaboration of many wonderful pieces, and I'm sure yours will be at least one of them. Cheers.
sephfire Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 I see what Ben is saying to some extent. I agree that cramming a certain amount of creativity into a small time frame can be demanding. However, I also think it's unreasonable to put NO time limitations, as we're trying to create a CD format soundtrack here (which is already slated to be too large for just one disc). I'm more inclined to side with Claado on this issue, as this is how he organized things from the start and we've all had fair warning. It isn't like we have to write in dynamics for every single line each character speaks. Just try to find the changes in emotional tension (or the "beats" if you're into theater at all) and organize around those. Do what you can with what you have.
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 I see what Ben is saying to some extent. I agree that cramming a certain amount of creativity into a small time frame can be demanding. However, I also think it's unreasonable to put NO time limitations, as we're trying to create a CD format soundtrack here (which is already slated to be too large for just one disc).I'm more inclined to side with Claado on this issue, as this is how he organized things from the start and we've all had fair warning. It isn't like we have to write in dynamics for every single line each character speaks. Just try to find the changes in emotional tension (or the "beats" if you're into theater at all) and organize around those. Do what you can with what you have. 'Xactly.
SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Yeah, the whole concept of "film scoring" is what really boosted this projects appeal for me in the first place. True, GrayLightning and other very liberal and expolorative remixers like yourself Ben would be turned off by soome of these contstraints, but I found it to be a good exercise and challenge even to design my music around certain criteria. Just a matter of perspective really... you made some good points, but I hope you are still willing to work within the guidelines Claado set out, cause in my opinion, that's the fun part. Yeah, so I hope all the tracks get assigned today - is Darkesword just contributing his Millenial Fair song or did he agree to work on another one for the project specifically? Just curious.
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 Yeah, so I hope all the tracks get assigned today - is Darkesword just contributing his Millennial Fair song or did he agree to work on another one for the project specifically? Just curious. As far as I know, he's still going to participate. I accepted his Millennial Fair song as an audition piece and it fit the 1000 A.D. scene well enough that I just decided to ease the remixing load of others. But I certainly hope he's going to continue his part in this project.
SirRus Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 umm hey Claado, I just remembered I have made one other CT mix besides the one I did for the audition. It was Guardia Castle, with Secret Forest mixed into the intro/outro. It has some sax and a little piano, but other than those two instruments all orchestral. If you like it, I could go back and rework it (I made it quite a long time ago, and have learned a lot more since then). Thing is, I find it perfect for this movie type project, since when I made it I had a story in my head and was trying to narrate that (you can read about that on the vgmix write up): Storming Castle Guardia Let me know what you think about that idea. I won't really be offended if you don't like it, or would prefer a totally different take on the song. Just thought I would mention it.
Rellik Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 I think I'd like the Ocean Palace one... more details later (don't have time to flesh it out now, but I just wanted to reserve this one ).
Claado Shou Posted November 7, 2004 Author Posted November 7, 2004 I think I'd like the Ocean Palace one... more details later (don't have time to flesh it out now, but I just wanted to reserve this one ). Alright, I put you down for #18 (it's the one where Crono and the others meet Melchior and attack the Mammon Machine). If you actually meant #19, the one where the Black Omen rises into the sky, lemme know so I can change it. And about your song, was good until you had some strange samples pop in there, which totally ruined the feel. I know you made this a long time ago, and you won't feel bad if I don't like it. So...I don't like it.
sephfire Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 BTW, if no one goes for them, I'm still interested in the "Crisis" theme and also the "Morning Sunlight" tracks. And I'd love to collaborate on either or both if someone wants. ^^
ellywu2 Posted November 7, 2004 Posted November 7, 2004 Erm, i'll collaborate on one if you want mate? so far i'm only doing 6minutes, so i feel i should contribute a bit more.
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