KyleJCrb Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 I need links and suggestions for other forums or sites I can submit it to for plugging/display; anything general gaming or RPG where Chrono fans should hang out would be fine, like a Tales of Symphonia forum or something. Try the official boards; they have a music forum there.
Zeality Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Yar, thanks. Someone posted the Compendium at that forum awhile ago by word of mouth, and I've been getting a steady stream of hits from it. haven't been able to track down where exactly.
The Flame Stealer Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Also, I just had a great idea, Flame Stealer. For the second CD, use the same image as the one for the first, but flip it around so it's a mirror-image of the other, invert the color (green and white), and then place the title on it as a mirror-image of the other (one is aligned to the left, the other would be aligned to the right, etc.) That would be awesome, dude. Thanks.BTW, you said you had just heard about the project...from where? Just wanna see who's mentioning us, you know...gauge our popularity somewhat. ~.C.S.~ I'm glad LatentSanity can help actually, as I don't think I came up with something that great for the second disc (I tried to make the stuff green but it looks like some XBox art...). Here's the .psd LatentSanity so you can edit the stuff and the words (I don't have the police you used so I didn't put "Disc the..."). I'm Chrono'99 from Chrono Compendium and meteorcross from GameFAQs by the way, there were some topics about this project on those 2 boards.
LatentSanity Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 The same fade is going to be hard with the background. It varies so greatly from light to dark that any of the things I did on the original will not come out right...I'm working on something else though. I'll drop it off when it's done. Would there be any way for me to get a larger version of the same picture? It'd be great, as the template I've been working from is the size of a CD, and therefore won't be stretched for application to one. If you want to do some work too, I have the locations for the font and picture of Crono I used. Font: The font is called Fortunaschwein, and it's located about halfway down the page. Pic:
The Flame Stealer Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 Thanks, I'll see if I can do something if I find the time to (yeah school really sucks). I don't have a larger pic unfortunately. The artwork was originally even smaller than this...
Red Omen Posted June 7, 2005 Posted June 7, 2005 I've spoken to Claado Shou, and I'll be doing Guardia Castle. I'll tie up some loose ends with my current piece and get going.
Zeality Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 K, these guys have responded to the interviews thus far: Claado Shou BliziHizake pixietricks Red Omen PLBenjaminZ sephfire DarkeSword Emperor Ellywu2 Awaiting (no big rush): SirRus Kanjika FM (I think...for some reason I feel like I've read his) mv Rellik Reuben Kee mv's on leave, so I might not get a response from him. Also attention loalz Like an idiot, I forgot to ask something crucial in each of the e-mails. The question is, would you like a picture of you displayed on your interview page in the feature? If so, let me know and I'll get with you. The picture will look like this probably, aligned right and starting it off:
extrakun Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Hmm there seem to be something wrong with the downloads. I keep downloading emtpy mp3 files...
Claado Shou Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 Hmm there seem to be something wrong with the downloads. I keep downloading emtpy mp3 files... Which songs in particular are you referring to? I just re-downloaded a couple and they all seem to be working fine for me. Hm... Also, what browser are you using? That might - MIGHT - have something to do with it. ~.C.S.~
extrakun Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 Tried with both Firefox and IE. The song in question is "To Far Away Times". Edit: Other songs seem to be fine. Perhaps it is only that file is broken?
Wolfimus Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 "To Far Away Times" is a dud on Firefox and IE for me as well.
Claado Shou Posted June 8, 2005 Author Posted June 8, 2005 Alright, fixed. The filesize was 0 bytes for some reason, but it's reuploaded at 4.5 MB. All is right in the world...again. ~.C.S.~
Kanjika Posted June 8, 2005 Posted June 8, 2005 K, these guys have responded to the interviews thus far:Claado Shou BliziHizake pixietricks Red Omen PLBenjaminZ sephfire DarkeSword Emperor Ellywu2 Awaiting (no big rush): SirRus Kanjika FM (I think...for some reason I feel like I've read his) mv Rellik Reuben Kee mv's on leave, so I might not get a response from him. Also Uhh......what interviews Oh and ill have Magus's redemption finished soon. Summer break finally started so i have plenty of time
Zeality Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Well, I tried sending to your listed e-mail, but I'll PM then.
Jillian Aversa Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Ah, by the way, Reu is only home for weekends, so that's why you haven't gotten a response from him yet. He's in teh army. ^_~
Zeality Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Ah, alright. I'm almost done centralizing all the art in the Symphonic folder on herograw. I'll make an edit...
extrakun Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Alas, poor Reu is indeed serving National Service. It sucketh. At times, you don't even get weekends off.
extrakun Posted June 9, 2005 Posted June 9, 2005 Just listened to the re-uploaded "To Far Away Times". Its absolutely grand (from my limited experiences, of course). Love it, i Do!
Claado Shou Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 Ah, alright. I'm almost done centralizing all the art in the Symphonic folder on herograw. I'll make an edit... Kanjika also did a few pictures, both of which are being used on the actual project. I don't know what page they're on, but one is of a clockwatch and the other is of Crono and Frog in the rain. Both very cool. ~.C.S.~
Claado Shou Posted June 9, 2005 Author Posted June 9, 2005 Another thing...I have just realized that not only is 2005 the 10th anniversary of Chrono Trigger's release, but SEPTEMBER 27TH is the 10-year anniversary of its North American release date. Which gives me the sneaking suspicion that SEPTEMBER 27TH would be a great day to have this project released. So that means that if you're planning on doing a song, please have it ready to go entirely at least a few weeks prior to SEPTEMBER 27TH so it can be released accordingly. Thank you. ~.C.S.~
KyleJCrb Posted June 10, 2005 Posted June 10, 2005 I'm trying my best not to download any of the songs, since I want to wait until the project is out, but...Grrr...Must hold back...
Linearity Posted June 11, 2005 Posted June 11, 2005 That just might be the day on which to release the project. Just maybe.
Claado Shou Posted June 11, 2005 Author Posted June 11, 2005 I just realized something...there are three projects all near completion, all three representative of different things...just like the Next-Gen Console Wars of 360, Revolution, and PS3. So without further ado, a more detailed explaineration: -Rise of the Star (Kirby's Adventure) - Nintendo Revolution Considering Kirby's automatic connection to Nintendo (duh), and considering the project itself, Rise of the Star best represents the Revolution. While the project is already completed, it isn't telling any of its secrets (all of which are very interesting), and is waiting for just the right time to show itself. -The Dark Side of Phobos (Doom) - XBOX 360 While Doom is for the PC, it's latest incarnation, Doom III, is most certainly an XBOX title, making this the best 360 candidate. While the project is not yet completed, and a lot of its specs are under wraps, more and more of its secrets are being unveiled, as well as the enormous array of parties/songs involved. And finally, this humble project... -Chrono Symphonic (Chrono Trigger) - Playstation 3 While it would be nice to cliam Nintendo as our homeground, Kirby deserves that particular title more, and we already have claim here with the PS1 re-release of Chrono Trigger, as well as Chrono Cross, its intellectual sequel. So, while the other two projects seem to be going at the goal with no true powers revealed, and while they seem about to be released close to one another, this project is letting it all hang out, also sporting the highest improvement over the original (25-30 times better, if I do recall) and no desire to finish earlier than the rest. So there it is. Now, onto true business... I'm trying my best not to download any of the songs, since I want to wait until the project is out, but...Grrr...Must hold back... Hmm...this is a question that I, too, have been struggling with... Should I bring down the songs from downloading, until the project is released, keeping these final tracks under wraps until we're ready? Or should I have everything out in the open? I honestly don't know, so I guess I'll ask you guys. Any comments? ~.C.S.~
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