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Waaaaaaaaaaaaah. I'm mad.

Haha, this is hilarious. Keep up the rage.

Boy I sure am glad people know how to read in here.

And color me strange, maybe, but hanging out in an IRC channel drooling over random links and images people are posting doesn't seem nearly as enjoyable as actually finding the stuff yourself.

Boy I sure am glad people know how to read in here.

And color me strange, maybe, but hanging out in an IRC channel drooling over random links and images people are posting doesn't seem nearly as enjoyable as actually finding the stuff yourself.

If you wanna find it yourself, buy the games. Can't buy the games? You don't get to. :P

Good luck figuring out the entire ARG yourself... Practically impossible. It was designed as a community project.

I never said I would have, or even could have, but it'd be nice to get the chance to see the evidence first-hand within the games themselves. I didn't decode the hidden radio messages in Portal during the first ARG, but at least I was able to get the achievement that gave you said messages.

If you wanna find it yourself, buy the games. Can't buy the games? You don't get to. :P

Yes, which is exactly what I'm complaining about. :P

Yes, which is exactly what I'm complaining about. :P

You do realize what you're complaining about boils down to:

"I want to play a game but I can't pay for it so it's perfectly all right to whine about it because what they're doing is unfair as I need to pay to play the game."

I want to play Crysis 2, but it costs money. That's SO UNFAIR to people like me who can't pay for Crysis 2 and don't get to participate in playing it.


...except I did pay to play the game. I pre-ordered Portal 2. I legally own it. So I don't think it was too much of a stretch to assume that that would give me access to things Portal 2-related. But then the entire Potato pack came about, and I learned that I would have to purchase an additional one or two or several or thirteen additional games, games I might not have had any interest in buying, to participate in something Portal 2-related. There was no logistical reason why Valve had to do things this way...they could have done something with the original Portal again, or hell, just kept things web-based. By doing things this way, they cut off myself and other Portal fans from something we probably would have enjoyed.

Look, I'm only saying this once more, because it's obvious that no one is actually paying attention to my core complaint, and I'm frankly sick of repeating myself. I do not like the fact that Valve chose to use a bunch of different games in order to create a Portal 2 event. I recognize that Valve had every right to do so, and that it was probably a good thing for the parties involved...but by the same token, I have every right to not think it was a good thing, and to express my opinion accordingly. That's pretty much it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find something better to pass the time until Portal 2 does release than repeating the same arguments ad nauseam.


Team Fortress 2 begs to differ, and many people would argue that many modern forms of "DLC" aren't worth a fraction of what they cost. But that's beside the point...was there any other gaming-related ARG in the past that cost additional money to participate in like this?

But then the entire Potato pack came about, and I learned that I would have to purchase an additional one or two or several or thirteen additional games, games I might not have had any interest in buying, to participate in something Portal 2-related.
I would have to purchase an additional one or two or several or thirteen additional games
have to

you're an idiot


I'm rather cheesed off that I can't actually participate in the ARG. I don't have the funds to buy the potato sack. However, I'm having a blast watching it. Videos and such sum it up pretty well. :smile:

Team Fortress 2 begs to differ, and many people would argue that many modern forms of "DLC" aren't worth a fraction of what they cost. But that's beside the point...was there any other gaming-related ARG in the past that cost additional money to participate in like this?

Oh you're one of "those" people. Basically it now boils down to "But..but...but... but... Valve does free stuff with TF2, everything should be".

You paid for portal 2, you'll get portal 2. That doesn't entitle you to any bonuses that Valve makes. You'll get portal 2 on release date or maybe a few hours sooner. Stop crying.

Look, I'm only saying this once more, because it's obvious that no one is actually paying attention to my core complaint, and I'm frankly sick of repeating myself.

Pretty sure everyone understood your point just fine, but it's hard to care when it basically boils down to a sense of entitlement on your part and complaining about something that will have no affect on enjoying Portal 2 aside from the possibility that you may be enjoying it sooner.

Valve decided to do something that was pretty cool to not only help promote some smaller developers, but to also create some buzz for Portal 2. So what if there's an ARG that those who didn't buy the pack can't participate in (especially when it's already been established that you could buy just one of the games, and some of them are not only awesome but really cheap too), and to top it off, those who can't or don't participate in the ARG still get the benefit of Portal 2 releasing a bit early.

Bottom line, you're not entitled to everything Portal related because you paid for Portal 2, Valve is awesome for supporting indie devs like this, and rewarding fans, and you need to get over yourself.


I'm fine with disagreement, but I can't say I was prepared to have people calling me spoiled or entitled, since that wasn't the mindset I was coming from. I think Koriantor wound up expressing my viewpoint a lot better, and it only took him one sentence to do it. I never was good at keeping things short. :P


That's what she said.

As time progresses I find myself caring less about this silly ARG (which I initially thought stood for "ARGH! RELEASE THE GAME YE FOUL BEAST") and more about actual Portal 2 content.

Are we still in a castle in the sky? :P


Yeah, I'm more than ready to stop griping about potatoes and to pick up my Portal Gun again. Co-op should be crazy enough, but I think I'm looking even more forward to how the singleplayer is going to play out. I can't wait to see what sort of crap GLADOS is going to fling at us.

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