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Posted (edited)

You know, it's a shame we can't selectively edit out areas that nobody's currently using that are already generated so we can regenerate stuff closer to home. It's a non-issue setting up a mining camp (kinda fun actually) but we'll see how it goes.

I had some of the bad lag graphical issues with yesterday's version. Loaded up today and MC is doing much better, so I'm going to dink around in single player for a bit tonight, and then multi later if it's up. :)

In other news... Dispenser MADNESS!


p.s.: Server crashes me to desktop atm. Yay for servermodguy needing time to update :)

Edited by JadeAuto

Yeah, the framerate problems were caused by debug code being left in the release build. The latest update fixed that.

There's plenty of unloaded chunks right next door to my base, so I'm going to set up a mining operation back there once the server is back up. Anyone will be allowed to go and mine for LL there.

You know, it's a shame we can't selectively edit out areas that nobody's currently using that are already generated so we can regenerate stuff closer to home.

Doing this is simple, if you guys want it can be done. I can do it in either MCEdit with a backup or i can just do it in WorldEdit in real time, if its ported to Hey0/Bukkit

p.s.: Server crashes me to desktop atm. Yay for servermodguy needing time to update :)

Did you revert your client?


I think we can wait until the live editor is ported into Bukkit. I look forward to building a self-transit system to my new mine. :)

As for the client reversion, I'm playing on single player to get aquainted with the changes. :)

Just throwing ideas out there. I'd love to keep working on our transit system.

Posted (edited)

Well, this update is too much for someone whos not interested in working on MC stuff anymore so hey0 doesn't seem like hes going to participate in anymore updates after all

Right now Multiplay is working on making a custom version of hMod to work with this update, to tide their customers over until they and the Bukkit team can release a mature version of their complete rewrite.

They are working feverishly since the last update and hope to have something finished by the weekends end

As a reminder: The server works 100% fine right now, its just the clients that refuse to connect, unless you downgrade them.


Downgrade instructions and files. I've tested it, works fine

Of course, you will no longer be able to connect to 1.2 servers and your single player 1.2 upgrades will be gone (and i probably woudn't even reoopen single player unless you upgrade your stuff back to 1.2) but if you want to play on the OCR server really bad, here you go


Also I'll post here when its upgraded to 1.2, I'm not sure why I continously see people trying to connect, unless they are just ignoring this thread

Edited by Crowbar Man

Spiders are now my number one hated enemy. They climbed over my cactus-wall of mob-protection and proceded to kick the shit out of me in single player.

The old methods of mob protection no longer work vs. spiders. I'm thinking we may have to go so far as to have a double-wide lava moat to defend vs. spiders.

Seriously, annoying!

Posted (edited)
I'm thinking we may have to go so far as to have a double-wide lava moat to defend vs. spiders.

I suppose you haven't seen the notes for the next patch about spiders having fire immunity, have you...

Kidding! Seriously, just put an outward overhang on your wall and you'll be fine so long as the spiders can't jump from the ground to the side of the overhang itself. As for me, I've discovered that creepers seem to have both a larger activation radius and a larger blast radius. Also, they seem to hold their fuse for much longer if you go out of the activation range... leading to my death when I thought it was safe to get close again when it actually wasn't.

Also, this.


Edited by HalcyonSpirit
Posted (edited)

Okay, temp solution:

MPUK is offering a Vanilla option. Since this has servere limitations on what I can and cannot do with the server, and has a larger chance of corrupting the world: I am using it for now, BUT only with a temp world. Once Bukkit comes out, we can switch back to the beautiful modded version of the server with the old world. For now, heres some terrible Vanilla :/


Edited by Crowbar Man
Well, if you make it, make sure you get the notes right unlike this guy. The last 2 notes being wrong bothers me greatly.

They're as right as the game lets you be. Read the comments/description


Abadoss, spiders are still quite easy to kill as long as you aren't taken by surprise, and it makes sense that spiders can climb walls. I don't mind the change, it's quite refreshing.

But that's not why I'm posting right now.

This is. I have a feeling it's from something, but I don't know what.


Just a hint for any weirdos wandering into the server now:

You will probably be banned. Especially if you lie about knowing me. I have no personal contacts who play Minecraft, and I would post on the forums before allowing them.

If this keeps up, I'll probably be switching back to 1.1

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