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Just as a heads up, the Eastern qualifier for the second International is happening today, but the twist is that it's entirely viewable ingame through Dota TV, and it even has the audio channel feature implemented so you can pick a caster to listen to while controlling the camera yourself.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus fuck Undying is fun now that he's been fixed.

I got ganked by a Lion, Alchemist and Lanaya at the same time, my lane buddy Rubick died almost instantly, but somehow I managed to not only survive (after eating a Lion ult) but also grab two kills. I just kept waddling around juking their stuns, draining their strength while an ever increasing army of zombies was spawning on top of them.


There was some bug with Decay that caused it to actually heal enemies over time because of the strength gain at the end of the duration, and the zombies from the tombstone didn't properly enrage when enemies got below a certain health threshold. Thanks for the summer sale gift by the way!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey I've been playing DOTA 2 lately, I got my invite a while back and now I'm just starting to pick it up. I usually play bot games, I'm not super competitive, but playing diretide has been a blast.

If anyone would have a noob-ish person on their team while playing just add me, my steam ID is Unstable Hamster

Edit: Just remembered I had a question, where would be a good spot to move the quick key's for the item slots?


I haven't really found an ideal config yet...1-6 work nicely if you don't play heroes with pets, otherwise I stick with z,x,c and don't buy more than 3 activatable items (although I try not to do that anyway :P). I think the Heroes of Newerth default is Alt+Q/W/E/A/S/D or something but I don't remember if Dota 2 allows key combos.


I find that the best quick keys for items for me are Tab, F and spacebar, this allows you to keep your hands right around qwer while still having a few items nearby for quick activation. If you have a mouse with more than three buttons, you can assign items to them as well.

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