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Am I the only one who misses the old Dota from Warcraft3? The fact that it was a custom map made with WC3 engine made it special somehow. Shit was real back in the days.

I played two games of HoN and stopped playing for a few reasons. Mostly because it was difficult to figure out what to do and what to buy because the game didn't do much to actually explain anything to newbies, but also because I got the feeling that it was a game where there's a lot of pressure from teammates to not screw up, and I don't really like playing games where there's that much pressure.

This is why you DON'T play with (most) people from OCR. In all seriousness I have 10000000x more fun playing with people from TheShizz because they aren't fucking assholes who flip shit over a god damn game.

EDIT: Wow just replied to an old ass post. derp

  • 2 weeks later...


in DOTA, while you tend to focus on a single hero, there are some parts of the game that will reward player who have good microing skills. Being good at controlling a lane in the early game is one of those, but is not something that is required to have fun or be competitive.

Looks like denying is in.

Which is good, because fuck having next to no lane control in LoL.

Posted (edited)

http://i.imgur.com/pDSSw.jpg (big image)

Finally a leak! It looks pretty amazing, definitely 'Source-like', but very clean nonetheless. I like how they took up LoLs segmented health bars. The map looks pretty much exactly the same as DotA/HoN, though I'm going to miss that little secondary legion ramp near the bot river. It also looks like they put in some effort to make the terrain look more subdued compared to the heroes themselves, which would be beneficial in confusing teamfights with shit flying everywhere. Auto-attack damage is now static. Overall it seems like they took the best elements of LoL and applied it to DotA.

E: Here's a nice screenshot comparison.

Edited by Tensei

I actually prefer, and was hoping for more of a gritty realistic looking game, similar to HoN's graphics. Sort of don't like the cartoony-looking aspect of it, but I'm sure it'll grow on me, and I haven't seen much of the game other than a few still shots. And Lucy looks sorta cool.

Heck, I don't see why I should complain, considering the gazillion hours I've spent on War3.

And anyway, at least HoN's free to play if I really want those kind of graphics... heh.

I actually don't think it's too cartoony looking. It's no League of Legends. :P

Agreed. It actually seems like a balance between LoL and HoN. Its got the more realistic and smooth look, like HoN, but it has those bright colours akin to LoL.

Really like the look of it. 99% chance that I will play this.


I'm probably too attached to the League of Legends lore to switch over to this game

I'll definitely not switch over if they try to appeal to the 'oldschool' DotA players and include goddamn denying and five second stuns like fucking HoN

Death Match was seriously my favorite game mode. I am sad that they never implemented it in HoN. The inclusion of DM in DotA 2 will constitute an insta-buy on my part.

I'm quoting my last post because it still entirely sums up my opinion of DotA 2, with the addendum that if they don't implement DM, then I most likely won't buy the game (or at the very least I will wait for one of those crazy Steam sales).

I'll definitely not switch over if they try to appeal to the 'oldschool' DotA players and include goddamn denying and five second stuns like fucking HoN

If they were really trying to appeal to oldschool DotA players, they would turn you into a sheep for a second every time you accidentally targeted one of your allies :twisted:

also the term moba is stupid

This a thousand times over.

While I don't think they'll get me to fully leave LoL as I've come to enjoy the casual nature of it I really do miss having lane control via denying and I also miss the old heroes like Lucy, Lina, and ESPECIALLY PotM. Valkyrie is close but no cigar. I don't care that she's a direct port I wanna ride on my damn tiger and abuse the hell out of my five second skill shot stuns.

Posted (edited)

It's ironic that Bleck described Valkyries/POTMs five second stun potential as a dealbreaker because I always felt like Valkyrie was one of the most well-balanced heroes in the game, since she's in that position where she never gets banned, but is almost always a good pick. I really don't get the hate for powerful CC because powerful CC = higher chance at succesful ganks = less emphasis on farming and more on ganking, all of which makes for a more fun and fast-paced game to me.

Also, given recent developments, I'd be pretty surprised if this game wasn't free to play.

Edited by Tensei
I really don't get the hate for powerful CC because powerful CC = higher chance at succesful ganks = less emphasis on farming and more on ganking, all of which makes for a more fun and fast-paced game to me.

Five seconds of stun is five seconds where a player isn't playing. It's fun for the stunner, but not fun for the stunee; in my opinion, any game where the most powerful strategy is the one that essentially takes the controls out of your opponents hands (especially when using that strategy amounts to nothing more than picking the right character and pushing the right button) is badly designed.

I'm a guy who thinks that the three second stuns in LoL are ridiculous, and that even the two second ones are probably pushing it. Five seconds is altogether too bad for me.

Posted (edited)

But an absence of CC means that the outcome of a fight will depend purely on which side has the bigger damage output. It adds a whole extra dimension to the game which allows weaker, caster-type heroes to stand up to farmed DPS heroes.

It's also not nearly as arbitrary as you're making it out to be, as 9 out of 10 times getting CC'd down and dying will be at least partially your own fault for pushing out too far, getting caught out of position or generally just misjudging the situation.

What I'm saying is that while you lose control when you're stunned, you do have the ability to avoid even getting into that situation, and in the other cases it's up to your team to help you out.

The 5 second Valkyrie stun you're talking about is attached to a skillshot that travels slower than an Ashe arrow, gets blocked by creeps, and has to travel at least one screen length to actually get the 5 seconds worth. I think the strongest stun that's simply point and click would be Sven/Hammerstorm's Storm Bolt, which lasts for 2 seconds.

Edited by Tensei

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