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Posted (edited)

It's a joke. Lothars is the DotA equivalent of Assassins Shroud and I'm pretty sure the hero in question is Clinkz. Clinkz has a windwalk ability similar to Madman, so Lothars is completely redundant on him.

I have to say though, the voice acting work is mindblowingly detailed. Heroes not only announce the type of rune they pick up to their team or taunt certain rival heroes after killing them, but they actually have item-specific lines (Slardar saying "This...would seem redundant" after picking up a Basher) as well as lines that comment on whether an ability was succesful or not (Faceless Void goes "An eternity of embarassment" after messing up Chronofield).

Sniper even has an entire category of TF2 references ("Thanks for standing still, Wanker/Ganker.")

Oh, and Pudge literally has the same voice actor as the TF2 sniper, faux-accent and all. It somehow fits perfectly.

There's a guy uploading them here if you want to check them out.

Edited by Tensei
I think Dragon Knight is one of the characters from the Half Life series...one of the half life 2 episodes...i can't recall which one or which character. Can anyone identify him?

That's the Vortigaunt guy, I believe.


I have to say though, the voice acting work is mindblowingly detailed. Heroes not only announce the type of rune they pick up to their team or taunt certain rival heroes after killing them, but they actually have item-specific lines (Slardar saying "This...would seem redundant" after picking up a Basher) as well as lines that comment on whether an ability was succesful or not (Faceless Void goes "An eternity of embarassment" after messing up Chronofield).

awesome. hon kind of missed that opportunity as the spoken bits are pretty much as repetitive as in wcIII. i've been especially annoyed with rhapsody lately... DO RE MI SO LALA LALAL SHUT THE FUCK UP

Posted (edited)

The NDA has been lifted so there are plenty of people streaming now. I just want a key though. :(

Also, from the sounds of it, they initially wanted to run a year long beta (!) so they could add all 105 heroes before release, but now they decided to push the release out a lot sooner so I suppose it will be more like HoN/TF2 with them progressively adding new content.

Edited by Tensei
Posted (edited)
Does anyone else here have a key?

MM takes ages due to the small pool atm. Pretty fun though, even as someone who's terrible at dota.

Get me a key and I'll play with you and explain everything!

As a general rule, just try to die as little as possible. Even 1 for 1 exchanges are only good in very specific circumstances. Oh, and try to stick with easy heroes (Lich, Lion, Tidehunter, Slardar).

Edited by Tensei
As a general rule, just try to die as little as possible. Even 1 for 1 exchanges are only good in very specific circumstances. Oh, and try to stick with easy heroes (Lich, Lion, Tidehunter, Slardar).

I was playing veno because I can just sit on a lane and push quietly. The spawns also work as good scouting on alternate lane paths so I can see a gank coming and gtfo. I'll try one of those heroes though.


Generally you shouldn't be pushing a lane unless all the other heroes are elsewhere and accounted for -- if you get too far from your tower you have a much greater chance of being ganked. That's why you need to constantly be denying your own creeps to pull the line back to your own tower.

Also you can't rely on the other creeps to scout for you...they can only see so far and it's too easy to get distracted and not notice another lane's heroes missing. Have wards up at all times.


Venomancer is pretty decent as well because he's straightforward, but he's also really squishy and lacking in escapes so you tend to die quickly when you get focused.

Tide is a Strength hero so he can take a lot of punishment, and his ultimate really wins teamfights. Lich and Lion are pretty squishy as well, but they both have basically infinite mana so you don't have to really worry about spamming your spells.


I'm pretty on the fence about this game - everything about it seems to have some excellent Valve touches, but the core gameplay sounds like the same archaic bullshit. I guess I'll give it a try if it's free?

Posted (edited)

They added in SOME conveniences (segmented health bars, 10 second grace period for selling back items, more intuitive shops, etc.) but overall they're playing it completely straight. Whether the core gameplay is archaic or not is something that's completely subjective.

I'll be playing it because of the Valve polish, to play some of the heroes that never got ported to HoN properly (Doombringer, Tinker, Pugna, Meepo), and most importantly because I feel that the core gameplay is actually more interesting than HoN and it's just being held back by an archaic engine.

Edited by Tensei

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