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Nice to be running into so many great vocal ReMixes here lately. This one is great, and the feeling that you can imagine between the music and lyrics makes this one of the best takes on Wily 1 that I can remember. Wonderful arrangement, great production, and it's just plain good. Can't get much better than that.

  • 6 months later...

I love the song. I love it so much, I was considering figuring it out for an acoustic cover (-100 internets, but what can I say, it's not the first OCR track I've wanted to cover, and the creator of the first knows who he is, I was asking about chords via Facebook). And then I got...well, I think it's in F# minor. 8-O

This is a problem - I have trouble playing chords in F# minor, and this song hits me where it hurts at the moment, because this is exactly the circumstance I'm currently in, having finished high school and had a massive fight with the girl I had a crush on, one of my best female friends. It fits the advice everyone has given me - one day I'll learn to move on, but until then, I'll be hearing this song and thinking of her. Hence why I wanted to learn it, I wrote an original song about how the way she treats me makes me feel (at the time she was ignoring me) roughly two years ago, and if I could get this song down, then I'd be able to have the two sides of the coin - the crush, then the results of trying to act on it.

  • 3 years later...

I think this is the first ReMix of this theme I've ever heard and I love it much more then the other ReMixes of Wily 2-1. Seriously, there's a ton of guitar-centric metal covers of the original (don't get me wrong, some of them are pretty cool), but this is the only one vocal-based version, which is quite awesome. It's also pretty chill, I think. Good job!

  • 4 years later...

Of all the vocal remixes I've listened to, I must've sung along to this one the most. It's that fresh and inviting.


- At 0:32/0:33, the extra tonal downfall on that last word ("...it came to be this way...") feels like a deeper, bolder step of uncertainty and self-doubt into the unknown. It works so well.

- The drop of most synths halfway through gives compatible breathing room for the more reflective, farther-reaching lyrics ("So it's been written through the ages of time...").

- While the first chorus projects a feeling of regret and resignation, the higher key at 3:12 colors it with confidence and the courage to turn a new page in one's life.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02121 - Mega Man 2 "For You"
  • 4 years later...

I love this song a lot. Played it on repeat quite a bit the last few weeks.
This is a very good example how to sing video game melodies. Things are changed up in all the right places, but the melody is still there and recognizable. The autotune doesn't bother me at all, but I listen to a lot of rap with overly autotuned voices (sometimes even more so than this) so I'm just more accustomed to it. The dude's got bars, and that's all I really care about. And speaking of, the bars are great. Writing is very emotional and straight to the point. The tone in the voice is also on point, your emotions are coming through quite a bit.
This is probably one of my favorite vocal remixes on the website, and for good reason: the execution is just great. A lot of more amateur singers try to hide any flaws behind the music (I'm guilty of this as well), but I like the confidence of this piece a lot. He keeps the voice in front, and lets the rest of instrumentation back him up, rather than letting things get too crowded. I love it.

  • 5 weeks later...

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