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Based on feedback from users and staff alike, we've decided to migrate IRC chat networks from EnterTheGame to EsperNet, effective immediately.

Actually, it happened a few days ago, but saying "effective immediately" sounds way more pro...

More info @ http://ocremix.org/info/Chat

Don't know what IRC is? Well, long and short of that is, if you wanna come chat with OC ReMix staff, mixers, & other listeners, it's the best way. Being the Internet, there's also a fair spattering of off-topic conversation ranging from inane to asinine, within the boundaries of our channel guidelines and what not.

For the curious, the rationale for the move was more or less as follows, in no specific order:

  • Several users had issues connecting to ETG and/or had problems with the 3-connection limit
  • Several users had bans they could not avoid and did not warrant themselves.
  • #vgmusic, the IRC channel for www.vgmusic.com, is also on EsperNet
  • EsperNet features some enhanced services like nick registration that should make life easier for both staff/ops and others

We took a few days to test the server, everything seems fine, and so we're now officially announcing the move. Thanks to IggyKoopa & DarkeSword specifically for assisting with the migration.

I'd like to personally thank the admins & staff of ETG for many years of awesome service, providing a chat network free of charge that I believe served OC ReMix well. Based on feedback from others, it seemed like it was time to explore another option, but in my interactions with them they've always been courteous and helpful.

- djpretzel


Not to mention other scene subculture music related channels like #modarchive, #modulez, #milkytracker, #renoise, #mod_shrine, #botb, #chipmusic and #nectarine ;)

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