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ReMix: stats.png

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vz29y40RjsY

First version: http://tindeck.com/listen/iywr

This is a ReMix of the cave theme in Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow/(Green). I tried to make it a lot more 'mellow' than the source track. This remix only uses 0:00-0:24 and 1:11-1:20 of the source track, since the rest was pretty much unusable for the direction I went in.

It's a bit liberal, but I did a quick check and I'm pretty sure it's got just enough source for site rules. I just need a bit of help fixing up the production a bit, and maybe work on those transitions if people don't like them much. :)

(If it's unclear, 0:00-1:55, 2:24-2:37 and 4:22-end of the remix is based around 0:00-0:24 of the source, and 2:37-4:19 of the remix is based entirely off of 1:11-1:20 of the source)

EDIT: The ReMix is now called "Moondrops", thanks to Emunator. :)


It's odd how I can't seem to remember any music from any of the pokemon games.. Well except for the touhoumon games, those were just pure classy..

First impressions.. background cave noises are alright to start with, you surely got the essence of the song right there. When the piano, drumming and bass comes in the song really does come alive. Not sure if this is real drumming or sequenced, but it's very well done.

Background wah-wah that starts at 1:04min is just super annoying. There's an odd moment of silence at 1:26, sounds like one instrument falls out?

Melody that starts at 2:34 sounds fresh and new. I'd personally use a sampled harp for that if you have one. Organ that starts at 2:45 could have been a slightly better sample (sounds a bit lo-fi) Pizzicato that starts at 3:38 could be louder

Overall, pretty relaxed song. Chiptune breakdown at 5:00 was a new addition.


Thank you for your feedback, guys! :)

First impressions.. background cave noises are alright to start with, you surely got the essence of the song right there. When the piano, drumming and bass comes in the song really does come alive. Not sure if this is real drumming or sequenced, but it's very well done.

Nah, it's not real. ;-) Everything in this is sequenced (all in Reason 4), it's just an excellent sample.

Background wah-wah that starts at 1:04min is just super annoying. There's an odd moment of silence at 1:26, sounds like one instrument falls out?
:lol:Yeah, I got a bit carried away with that wah-wah thing. Should I tone it down (like lessen the frequency changes or spread it out more) or just remove it completely?

I'm pretty sure that dropout is the drums. I'll have a look and fix that up.

Melody that starts at 2:34 sounds fresh and new. I'd personally use a sampled harp for that if you have one. Organ that starts at 2:45 could have been a slightly better sample (sounds a bit lo-fi) Pizzicato that starts at 3:38 could be louder
Actually that is a sampled harp. :) So... a different sampled harp then? I'll be sure to fix those things to. Thanks Redtails!
impressive work mapping this theme to a listenable progression. because the original song is terrible. :D

Haha, I know what you mean. I kinda remembered liking this song, probably because I'd only really heard the somewhat decent intro ingame (thanks to those damn Zubats. Maybe that's why there's so many of them) but that middle bit in particular is a complete mess. Which is why I didn't use it. :)

Thanks everyone!


:lol:Yeah, I got a bit carried away with that wah-wah thing. Should I tone it down (like lessen the frequency changes or spread it out more) or just remove it completely?

You need the wah-wahs at 1:55, before that you can try to hide them behind sound or remove them, but they're definitely necessary after 1:55

Actually that is a sampled harp. :) So... a different sampled harp then? I'll be sure to fix those things to.

Oh excuse me for that. Perhaps if you make the harp slightly louder, the character of the harp sound comes forward, otherwise use a different harp yes

Much obliged that I could be of help to you


Update: stats.png

*Removed the wah-wah from the first bit, toned it down at other points

*Gap in drums fixed

*Harp and Pizzicato turned up a little (I checked and I don't have any other good harp samples)

I really like that rhodes sample at 2:45 though, so I left it in. Sorry Redtails.

Update: stats.png

*Removed the wah-wah from the first bit, toned it down at other points

*Gap in drums fixed

*Harp and Pizzicato turned up a little (I checked and I don't have any other good harp samples)

The fixes sound great, always remember it's your arrange!


Wow I like what you did here. Sounds great while I'm STILL waiting to hear the Pokemon Album from here, this is some great work. Would be awesome if it did manage to get on site. You brought a lot more to this mix than the source had haha. Oh and as far as like a rule on original source, I think someone once did a remix of something that was only 8 seconds long (perhaps on the Jingle album or something around here). I'm no expert but I think there's more than enough variation going on here for it to work.

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Haha, I'm so lazy...:< But I finally got around to fixing this up! :D


Boosted the drums and added a proper transition, as the judges suggested, and also did a bit of general mixing/mastering.

I think this is pretty much finished so I'm putting it straight to mod reveiew. :grin:


SO flooooating with this *___* feels so light and pure!

I'm not liking those ton-tons that play throughout the first half of the track (1:07-09; 1:11-13; 1:21-23; 1:25-27; 1:34-36; 1:38-39; 1:47-49; 1:51-52). I mean, they work well as bridges for repeating a key or getting to new ones, but it sounds outta the flow when they're put on those places, specially with that same pattern repeating over and over. You could probably put them back a bit to see how it goes, or add some more dynamics/articulations? Also, cymbal and snare's a bit rigid; velocity variations would do them good!

The transition to the second half's great for me! I'll quote Vig and TO, though; it's hard to make a song that flows nice and smoothly when you intend to divide it into three acts. The way you've done it, where you set a break in the middle that's more fast-paced than the rest (which have similar soundscapes set) and have new elements coming in, makes me in doubt on whether there's a solid direction or not. My opinion is that it feels like the second half's the part that'll end the track. As you can see, it also divides crits :P

I love those synths. The wah-wah-windy thing that starts on the second half adds to it beautifully. During the ending, that sine wave's so timid "^^, but I have no problems with it. Piano's really pretty, well worked and slides like liquid; organ was a nice touch, too.

Well, that's my coins :mrgreen:


I love your interpretation this song! I really hope this gets posted.

Everything flows really nicely in this song. It is really smooth and relaxing, yet it maintains my interest.

I really don't have anything to add so good job and good luck!


Transition = hypnotic :nicework:

Maybe lower the volume of the mono synth during the transition a little bit. It drowns out the piano just a bit. Everything else is perfect about that transition, imho :D

The leads are pretty simple, but you know what damn it, they WORK. For the atmosphere of the song especially.

The percussion is a lot better too.

My hat's off to you, sir. :-D


Gotta admit i found this remix and downloaded it in its earlier beta stage, and even in its beta i loved it.

theres something about it...

kinda floaty

love the piano with the sinth in the background

youve done quite well with this sockpuppet5,

this is going on my mp3 regardless of wether its accepted by ocremix judges but i think it definately is worthy of getting through.


Thanks for all your comments, everyone! :grin:

Maybe lower the volume of the mono synth during the transition a little bit. It drowns out the piano just a bit. Everything else is perfect about that transition, imho :D

I see what you mean. I'll fix that right away.

I'm not liking those ton-tons that play throughout the first half of the track (1:07-09; 1:11-13; 1:21-23; 1:25-27; 1:34-36; 1:38-39; 1:47-49; 1:51-52). I mean, they work well as bridges for repeating a key or getting to new ones, but it sounds outta the flow when they're put on those places, specially with that same pattern repeating over and over. You could probably put them back a bit to see how it goes, or add some more dynamics/articulations? Also, cymbal and snare's a bit rigid; velocity variations would do them good!

Haha yeah, acoustic drum writing is definitely one of my weak points. :lol: I'll see what I can do about that.

I'll quote Vig and TO, though; it's hard to make a song that flows nice and smoothly when you intend to divide it into three acts. The way you've done it, where you set a break in the middle that's more fast-paced than the rest (which have similar soundscapes set) and have new elements coming in, makes me in doubt on whether there's a solid direction or not. My opinion is that it feels like the second half's the part that'll end the track. As you can see, it also divides crits :P
I'm not really sure what to do about this. Personally I'm happy with the arrangement as it is, but I can see why it bugs some people. At this point there's not much I can do without removing large sections and/or completely rewriting it, neither of which I want to do. :neutral: Although... do you think it would at least be a little better if I made the 3:53-4:22 a bit smoother?

Anyway, certainly something I need to think about.

Thanks again guys! I really appreciate the help! :-D


I've got another suggestion: try putting that windy key, 2:36-3:01, as a substitute for 3:53-4:22. The way this key ends sounds perfect to me for that snare transition to the 3rd act, and the cool sounding synths that for now begin at 3:02 seem to suit great as a 2nd act opener, once the necessary adjustments get done. Both problems could be solved with only one move, so I say try it! :grin:

I've got another suggestion: try putting that windy key, 2:36-3:01, as a substitute for 3:53-4:22. The way this key ends sounds perfect to me for that snare transition to the 3rd act, and the cool sounding synths that for now begin at 3:02 seem to suit great as a 2nd act opener, once the necessary adjustments get done. Both problems could be solved with only one move, so I say try it! :grin:

Hm, that's a possibility. I really like that windy synth where it is now though. Maybe if I just do something similar at 3:53. I'll try a few things and see what works.

I'll see if I can get another, hopefully final update up today. :grin:


Just gonna chime in here and say I really like this. It's relaxing, which was a change of pace for me as I usually go for higher tempo, more energetic stuff, but after a couple of listens I'm nodding off (in a good way).

If I had any crits, it'd be that at times maybe it's too slow moving, and there's not too much going on in the soundscape, however that's probably just a personal taste thing. Some of the drum sounds sound a little far back as well, especially from 0:51-1:00. I get what you're trying to do there, it just sounds a bit odd. The verb on the violin after that is a little much I reckon, but it might be due to a bad sample so you need it that high. Try turning it down a touch, or maybe add a bit more chorus as well. Not sure on that - and I'm being super-critical anyway!

No problem with the first transition, in fact it's my favourite part! The second one works well, too. Nice work! Those organ chords sound great.

Wacky idea instead of a fade-out: have the DELELELELE wild Pokémon alarm go off, followed by the zubat screech! A surefire way to wake up anyone who fell asleep.

Or not. Good luck with the sub :)

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