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http://remix.kwed.org/sid.php/2501/Cauldron%20(subtune%201).sid - Subtune 1/1

So yeah, not bad here. Nothing that I found particularly interesting, to be perfectly honest. I think djp will be able to highlight the strengths of the track better than I can.

Heh. Cute little laughing witch samples. The drums have some decent patterns going on, but aren't nonetheless fairly plain-sounding for most of the track. The straight arrangement of the source in the first half is handled fairly well. The laughing witch samples are fairly overused around the 1:22 mark.

The arrangement was pretty simple until COUCOU really played around with things at 1:33. Very engaging stuff right there. The ideas at 2:02 vaguely gave me a Wizards & Warriors vibe. In fact, the whole mix did, so if you're a fan of that stuff, you may also wanna check this out. Nice ideas for the ending at 2:42 as well, closing out with the witch laugh.

Not my cup of tea, but this possesses a decent vibe, nice similarities to Wizards & Warriors in the quirky style, and, most importantly, some solid arrangement ideas relative to the source tune. Kinda funny how we managed to get Halloween tracks now.


  • 3 weeks later...

I'm with Larry here that there is nothing too special about this mix. Drums, instruments, and synths all get the job done, but aren't really engaging in any way. The arrangement is solid, of course (I would hope it would be considering the simplicity of the original). Though the synthwork becomes more interesting later with automation and various subtle effects, the drums continue to be fairly low-fi and poorly sequenced (aside from the drills, which are always fun). I'd say this is really close, but it needs just a little more tweaking: mess around with the melody instruments and synths more to make them more interesting and prominent, introduce some of your arrangement ideas earlier on (as up until 1:14 the mix is relatively boring), and change the drumline so its more of a groove.

NO, but please resubmit. Just a few changes would get a yes from me.


Haha I love that bit where you screw around with the arpeggio. It starts blooping all over the place. XD

This has a pretty neat old-school synth sound. I think it's got a great vibe and an interesting texture. Laugh samples are used well without being overused.

A bit too much reverb though. :(

I give this a YES!

  • 3 weeks later...

First off, you've managed to do one thing that many submitters do not. You've actually improved on the quality of the original. There wasn't much to work off of, but you've definately created something that doesn't make my ears bleed. The arrangement is particularly impressive, considering what little there was too work off, but the entire work seems inspired by it.

The whole mix has a very retro feel to it. This is partially accomplished by the lower quality sounds, but it is indeed a situation in which the low fidelity is not a bad thing.

There are some transition sections I am less than pleased with, and some of the drum work is a bit haphazard. But overall, I feel this captures the vibe of the original in a new light, and has an acceptable presentation.

"It's juicy, C64 goodness!"




we've got cheesy laugh samples,

we've got sections like at 1:30 which are embarrassingly sparse

we've got noobish percussion

and we've got a long section that has nothing to do with the original and isn't very good.

the arrangement, of course, is really quite clever.

it's almost enough to push it over the bar for me, but honestly if i downloaded this off the front page of ocr i would be pretty dissappointed.

if you want an example of a mix that takes a hardly substantial C64 tune and develops into a well executed remix, try this.

love the arrangement, i really want to pass it, but i think this deserves a resubmit for the weak execution.



ok, i love the laughter. but then again, everybody knows i'm maniacal in nature.

this however doesn't have much else goin for it. the source material is spooky and haunted. and this is a very clever funky arrangement that sounds horribly empty (and not in that spooky sort of way). i like that it is greatly improved over the original... but we aren't voting based on how well it improved the source... a person can take a "game over" theme and turn it into a 10 minute track that bites and it still won't be YES-ed

some neat ideas, the percussion and instrumentation/mastering leaves it soundin vacuous, and all in all is not quite good enough to be accepted by me.



Hmmmm, I personally liked it *regardless* of the limited source material... perhaps I'm more partial to COUCOU's particular style.

Could we get some more votes? Also, if you're suggesting resubmission, try to be specific about where the ReMixer should put his efforts, primarily...


i think analoq said it best. the arrangement is clever at times, but at other times it sounds thin and underdeveloped. the percussion hurts it, as does the rest of the rhythm section, which in sections like 1:00 sounds just like the preprogrammed rhythm sections in a casio keyboard.

it's pretty good, for a resubmit i'd say bump up the drum samples, make the rhythm section more natural, and try to make the mix longer by further developing your ideas.



Arrangement is interesting, although the texture of this mix gets very thin indeed at times. The drums are very simple, not much energy there most of the time. Comparing it to the source tune, a lot has been done, but ultimately this is not enough in my opinion for OC.

While my main quips are about the percussion and relative sparseness of the tune, to add to the comments already made, this just didn't sound engaging enough to me overall. Needs more development and progression.



Contains more form than the original, is a little more developed. Basically it. The synth lead is bouncy and fun and the drums are simple and snappy, but COUCOU hasn't improved much since we let his Puzzle Bobble mix pass - this features many of the same problems as that did, concerning mixing, sound quality, and arrangement. Sorry, we can't keep passing your mixes only out of novelty gag value.


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