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Press the console key and write "player.additem F 99999" ?

If that's the first solution you have to offer someone legitimately playing, you have zero room to be talking about anything, much less a person's preferred control scheme. :whatevaa:


The most broken way to get money I know if is to buy iron and leather and gems (filled is less work) and make iron daggers then enchant them with the highest selling enchant. Paralyze sells for a lot. Not to mention it's the best way (afaik) to lvl those professions.


I had no real problems with cash, just had to do a few missions to get what I needed. I got my house in Whiterun, plus all the upgrades for it, plus a bunch more cash that I've since blown on smithing materials. I'm up to Elven (exquisite), which was expensive because I had to buy all the moonstone I needed.

I've gotten a bit farther in the main quest (just did the embassy mission with Delphine) and I can't decide whether I want to go for the Stormcloaks or the Legion. I was leaning toward the Stormcloaks, but some of the stuff that's come up has given me pause.

Long story short: does joining the Legion mean you have to play nice with the Thalmor? Because if I can join them and still kick the shit out of uppity elves, them I'm all for it, but if I can't then I'll go Stormcloak.


The new crafting system is great, albeit maybe too easy to powerlevel. I've gotten both smithing and enchanting up to around 80 now. Made some special enchanted gear pieces with 15-20% improved smithing results on each piece, which all stack. I wore them while crafting and improving ebony armor in addition to drinking a blacksmith potion with an additional 40%, resulting in my ebony armor and weapons nearly doubling in stats.

The new crafting system is great, albeit maybe too easy to powerlevel. I've gotten both smithing and enchanting up to around 80 now. Made some special enchanted gear pieces with 15-20% improved smithing results on each piece, which all stack. I wore them while crafting and improving ebony armor in addition to drinking a blacksmith potion with an additional 40%, resulting in my ebony armor and weapons nearly doubling in stats.

Yeah about 5000x Iron Daggers and Leather Helms. The thing with crafting is that no matter what level you are each one made gives the same amount of experience. You can literally level to 100 within an hour or two depending on how much cash you have.

And the shopkeepers restock their money and goods every 48 hours, so you just rest for a bit and hit the old grindstone again. Its kind of game breaking that you can be so powerful so early on, but that is what the difficulty settings are for.

EDIT: Steam updated Skyrim today. The update was only designed to ensure that Steam couldn't be bypassed by launching the game directly from TESV.exe. However it also breaks any modifications to that .exe file, including the popular Large Address Aware patch.


Diracy;822198']Yeah about 5000x Iron Daggers and Leather Helms. The thing with crafting is that no matter what level you are each one made gives the same amount of experience. You can literally level to 100 within an hour or two depending on how much cash you have.

And the shopkeepers restock their money and goods every 48 hours' date=' so you just rest for a bit and hit the old grindstone again. Its kind of game breaking that you can be so powerful so early on, but that is what the difficulty settings are for.


these games have always been a joke when you play em with a power gaming mindset. see morrowind speedrun.

it's actually the dynamic level system that keeps the game from being completely broken. if you craft a lot, you'll have supreme gear and levels but still be a weak fighter. your dynamically generated enemies won't be.

these games have always been a joke when you play em with a power gaming mindset. see morrowind speedrun.

it's actually the dynamic level system that keeps the game from being completely broken. if you craft a lot, you'll have supreme gear and levels but still be a weak fighter. your dynamically generated enemies won't be.

When you can effectively set magic resistance to 95%, your armor rating to the cap, and your attack power in the thousands, combat ability starts to not matter as much. Still the ability to become a godlike being is something that's been in most TES games.(Alchemy/enchanting in Morrowind, chameleon/spellcrafting in Oblivion)

When you can effectively set magic resistance to 95%, your armor rating to the cap, and your attack power in the thousands, combat ability starts to not matter as much. Still the ability to become a godlike being is something that's been in most TES games.(Alchemy/enchanting in Morrowind, chameleon/spellcrafting in Oblivion)

I think there's a cap for resistances around 80% or so. I was wearing 2 50% fire resistance pieces but I was still taking some damage from fire breaths.

I think there's a cap for resistances around 80% or so. I was wearing 2 50% fire resistance pieces but I was still taking some damage from fire breaths.

The cap is 85% for general magic resistance, but elemental resistance still applies after the magic resistance. I forget what the elemental resistance cap is, I'd guess around the same value. .85 off of .15 is about .02 of the damage left. So 98% magic resistance is possible.


well, luckily i had already heard about the OP-ness of crafting before starting out. after the little in-game smithing tutorial i also knew that it isn't particularily fun. don't bother imo, atleast on 1st playthrough.

i'm playing a pretty ordinary hunter/thief with focus on archery and dual dagger backstabbing. great fun on expert mode. every little dungeon or fortress becomes a small infiltration mission, quest attached or not.

i think skyrim is bethesda's masterpiece. it's like a consolised morrowind with only little loss in actual complexity, but at the same time it offers this immediate feeling of a reactive and evolving world...it reminds me a bit of the random encounters in red dead redemption.

before skyrim, bethesda games were immersive because of their sheer complexity. they were rather ugly (without extensive modding) and, most pressing, quite stale in their presentation of game events. once the shiny intro was over, you quickly realised that it's another what-you-put-in-is-what-you-get deal. so you create your own existential journey, try to act out a believable character, and find your place in the world. and you somehow accept that the stuff happening on screen is mostly symbolic for the way more awesome stuff happening in your head ^^

i guess it's still the same in skyrim, except that it's just that much more gripping.

in morrowind i needed like 5 hero rerolls over several weeks to even care about the game. with skyrim, i lost track of time after a few steps.

it is extremely fucking immersive.


If you haven't played the game yet today, you need to avoid the latest patch at all costs. If you're on PC, first disable automatic updates for the game, then go into offline mode before you launch it.

The new patch creates more problems than it fixes, some of the most severe gameplay bugs introduced are magic resistances not working at all and dragons refusing the fight you.

If you haven't played the game yet today, you need to avoid the latest patch at all costs. If you're on PC, first disable automatic updates for the game, then go into offline mode before you launch it.

The new patch creates more problems than it fixes, some of the most severe gameplay bugs introduced are magic resistances not working at all and dragons refusing the fight you.

The patch notes didn't even seem to figure anything anywhere.

"Fixed rare issue where NPCs show up dead to your wedding"

"Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug"

What about Markarth being totally unusable after that prison questline?

What about the "Blood on the Ice" quest in Windhelm never starting and making it impossible to buy a house there?

What about the thieves guild quest required to complete the guild master questline that send you to a house in Whiterun that you can't enter if you've done the civil war questline?

These seem WAY more important than some rare sleeping animation bug.

The patch notes didn't even seem to figure anything anywhere.

"Fixed rare issue where NPCs show up dead to your wedding"

"Fixed rare NPC sleeping animation bug"

What about Markarth being totally unusable after that prison questline?

What about the "Blood on the Ice" quest in Windhelm never starting and making it impossible to buy a house there?

What about the thieves guild quest required to complete the guild master questline that send you to a house in Whiterun that you can't enter if you've done the civil war questline?

These seem WAY more important than some rare sleeping animation bug.

that's smell a non official patch like TESIII and IV in there time.

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