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A thread to post gear that you want to acquire at some point. Also softsynths.

I'd like Zebra 2, Komplete, and Harmless. That'd be pretty good for me at this point.

Fls gross beat is pretty cool with Stutter if you already have it.

You know I wrote the demo for FL Studio 9, right? :P I have all their stuff. The demo song I did uses Gross Beat extensively, too. However, Stutter Edit is more powerful and easily programmable (IMO) so while I'll keep using GB, SE is too good to pass up.

You know I wrote the demo for FL Studio 9, right? :P I have all their stuff. The demo song I did uses Gross Beat extensively, too. However, Stutter Edit is more powerful and easily programmable (IMO) so while I'll keep using GB, SE is too good to pass up.

I hand cut my stutters in Sound Forge.



1. Legal license of FL Studio Sig Bundle and Harmless & Gross Beat so I can sell this album I'm semi-working on (it's exceeding my CPU's limits so I've stopped) for some cash. I prefer this over everything else in this list

2. Zebra 2 (don't need this any time soon, but I really dig the way it works from the demo)

3. Komplete 7, again, don't need anytime soon

4. An XLR microphone. Vocoded vocals in electronic tracks or recording FL Studio tutorials. I would prefer not to have this any time soon (my voice is still teenager esque). I have a USB webcam mic, but I can't use it and my audio interface at the same time.

5.The entire Impact Soundworks catalog except for Shreddage (I play electric guitar)

6.Build a PC (this might be this summer, I talked to my dad about it and if I can keep my grades up then I will)

7. East West Composer's Collection. Kontakt's samples are outstanding and I'm more than satisfied, so this is probably the one thing on this list that I need the least. (and would consider everything else before it)

8. An 88 key midi controller so I can self teach piano on Synthesia.

9. An Agile AL 2000 Silverburst electric guitar with two humbucking pickups and the cool lookin pick guard. First Act guitar sounds great in Guitar Rig 4 Pro... but it's possible this might be better. :P

8. An 88 key midi controller so I can self teach piano on Synthesia.

That would also be nice for me, too. Another thing to add to the wishlist!

You know I wrote the demo for FL Studio 9, right? :P I have all their stuff. The demo song I did uses Gross Beat extensively, too. However, Stutter Edit is more powerful and easily programmable (IMO) so while I'll keep using GB, SE is too good to pass up.

Oh i see, they seem the same to me, but i do stuff like that manually XD.


I want a German made concert grand piano.

A high end electric piano with midi (with hammer action as close as possible to a Schimmel grand piano).

East West Hollywood Strings

Symphonic Orchestra Platinum

Ministry of Rock 2, or Prominy or something with guitars that don't sound fake

NI Komplete 7

East West Silk

Storm Drum 2

Good choir libraries with word building/phrase building (Tonehammer requiem, Voxos, Symphonic Choirs).

Good solo vocals (Voices of Passion, etc.)

a better DAW than FL Studio that can actually use the Wordbuilder tool (Cubase maybe)

better scoring tools (Sibelius or Finale probably)

a decent PC that can actually run everything at the same time (Intel I7, 24 gigs RAM, multiple SSD's)

I know I left off a few things; eventually I want to just hire crazy talented people and make my own sound libraries.


zircon, neblix, not sure how often you guys check the Stuff For Sale thread but I've got Sylenth1 and Zebra 2 listed there.

My own personal wish list:

LA Scoring Strings (even just the light version)

Project SAM Symphonic Brass

EWQL RA and Silk

Something with the power of the just-announced Korg Kronos keyboard but with an interface similar to the Nord Stage (eg. hardware knobs to get a basic effects routing done for your bread-and-butter piano, organ, and electric piano sounds; something where you can show up to rehearsal without even knowing the songs and quickly throw presets together).

zircon, neblix, not sure how often you guys check the Stuff For Sale thread but I've got Sylenth1 and Zebra 2 listed there.

My own personal wish list:

LA Scoring Strings (even just the light version)

Project SAM Symphonic Brass

EWQL RA and Silk

Something with the power of the just-announced Korg Kronos keyboard but with an interface similar to the Nord Stage (eg. hardware knobs to get a basic effects routing done for your bread-and-butter piano, organ, and electric piano sounds; something where you can show up to rehearsal without even knowing the songs and quickly throw presets together).

I'd love to, but I need to learn self control and not blow all of my savings on stuff I saved for (ironic, huh). I just bought Kontakt 4 a few months ago.


1. 88 key midi controller

2. Voices of Apocalypse(or something)

3. Drum kit:

- Tama Kick

- Sonor Snare 14x5'

- Tama Toms(10x8'- 16x16')

- AAX Sabian Hats

- ZBT Ride(don't remember) and Paste 3000(or something)

- bla, bla...

4. Ibanez JEM 77 Steve Vai signature

5. Some AMP(around billions bucks)

6. Music studio

7. Band

Well thats it for now.

Going to buy midi controller this summer.

EDIT: Forgot to say.. I want Jet fighter(F-16 or Mig-29 or Mig-23).

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