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So I don't see a thread for this particular topic. In case someone doesn't know, Kim Kardashian has a song out...that is...no good (to say the least). I've remixed it and made it better, but I figured I start a thread to discuss this song (like what's wrong with it) and others like it.



So you guys won't give me anymore crap >.>

link to the song

obligitory pic of dat ass:


Are there music videos yet? I expect the videos will be better than her songs.

Of course the videos will be better than the songs:

Anyway, she should just stick to arching her back while making her ample chest and ass more noticeable in shape hugging attire. She's good at that.

More of what she's good at in the video. :P


and who the hell is Kim Kardashian?

I sir, will be coming to move in with you and live in your wonderful world. A world where Kim Kardashian does not exist, is a world one step closer to perfection.

no link to said song

no link to said remix

bad thread

link to the song

FYI, in off-topic, I am THE KING of bad threads.

I, personally, am amazed that they let horrible songs like that get out in the first place. I almost feel bad for Kim Kardashian. She doesn't have any musical background, so she's depending on some producer to coach her, and meanwhile everyone else must be like, "it's Kim Kardashian, people will buy it just cuz, so who cares what it sounds like." Ugh, I guess greed is tonedeaf.


I, personally, am amazed that they let horrible songs like that get out in the first place. I almost feel bad for Kim Kardashian. She doesn't have any musical background, so she's depending on some producer to coach her, and meanwhile everyone else must be like, "it's Kim Kardashian, people will buy it just cuz, so who cares what it sounds like." Ugh, I guess greed is tonedeaf.

It's not like someone held a gun a to her head and said make a shitty record. It was probably the garbage truck full of money that they drove up her house.

Also, she does nothing. She makes nothing. She is nothing. She's not an actress, she's not even like a real model, what does she do? She runs around in front of E! cameras in front of her and typical reality show bullshit ensues.

And for some reason, enough brainless twits tune every week to keep her going.

I sir, will be coming to move in with you and live in your wonderful world. A world where Kim Kardashian does not exist, is a world one step closer to perfection.

My world is dark and twisted place.

Mainly cuz I don't watch TV.

It's not like someone held a gun a to her head and said make a shitty record.

This is true. It's possible she came up with the idea. But the fact remains the producers and studio get paid...more than likely with her money. And she probably paid top dollar to have a good song made...and she got...well she didn't get what she paid for.

Pretty bad, good production, her song jam was way worse

Are there music videos yet? I expect the videos will be better than her songs.

Let's be honest here.

She could be putting out some of the best songs EVER and the videos would be better than the songs.

Just get naked. Geez.

Post edited to improve thread quality:

I agree with Flare4War


no link to said song

no link to said remix

bad thread

Yeah, what's up with that. What a lame OP.

bad thread

That's because there is not even a picture of Kim Kardashian in here. Wtf?

I fix it!


My world is dark and twisted place.

Mainly cuz I don't watch TV.

If only it was that simple. I hope you have a bunk bed.

This is true. It's possible she came up with the idea. But the fact remains the producers and studio get paid...more than likely with her money. And she probably paid top dollar to have a good song made...and she got...well she didn't get what she paid for.

I doubt it. Even if this was the case why would she put a song out she's not happy with?

P.S. I'll shut up now. You started this thread to discuss the song, and I let it dredge up my malice about her vacuous existence. Hope it didn't come off as a hijacking.

You started this thread to discuss the song, and I let it dredge up my malice about her vacuous existence. Hope it didn't come off as a hijacking.

Maybe she is a ditz a lot of celebrities are.

You should ask yourself why she bothers you so much.

Maybe she is a ditz a lot of celebrities are.

You should ask yourself why she bothers you so much.

In a nutshell, because she's like Paris Hilton. But, attractive. Famous for... doing nothing.

You can at least argue that a celebrity who acts, plays a sport, music, etc., does something of arguable merit (or even talent) to get famous in the first place.

What made her? A sex tape? Having a dad who helped OJ escape a murder conviction? Having a stepdad who looks like Bruce Jenner's butch grandma?

(OK, NOW I'll shut up!)


Am I the only one that has trouble with telling the difference between or is unable to tell the difference between Kim Kardashian and Eva Longoria? In addition...why are they famous? (lucsious posterior excluded)

I realise I could do that research on my own, but that's a rabbit hole I don't want to go down. Internet people, give me your expertise!

Also, that song is bruuuuutal. If this gets on the regular rotation on the radio, all faith is lost.

If only it was that simple. I hope you have a bunk bed.

If you mean not watching TV......there's almost never anything worth watching anyway lol. Sorry I don't got a bunk bed.

Am I the only one who finds this Kim chick to be just "meh" looking? Oh well, almost anything's better than that gross "snooki" or whatever her name is.

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