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  Gollgagh said:
it's hard to be afraid of something you can literally beat the shit out of

Yahtzee joke aside, the same could be said of any Resident Evil, in theory. Yet, everyone got little underwear stains during the Racoon City incidents. ;)

And blanketing everything with fog in an attempt to mask hardware limitations isn't really making things scarier. At least not for me.

  Gollgagh said:
I maintain that it's not really that scary

Well, we're not talking about the second run when even on Hard/Zealot you can obliterate anything in 1 sec with the trusty C99 Supercollider.

We're talking about the very first playthrough of the game, when you start as Isaac - the friendly weaponless engineer. xD

  Blue Magic said:

It might not be that scary now, but when I first got it when I was a kid, I was too scared to even play the game. I remember the music that played when you entered the houses was creepy as hell.

"Creepy house" music + actually running into Jason while in that house = the last time I ever played that game. I think I also peed myself a little bit too.

Yes! That game scared the living crap out of me!

  Schwaltzvald said:
Now if you were aiming for the "Freddy Krueger" aspect then maybe.

I was aiming for the "I am seven years old and this music is fucking scary WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS OH GOD" aspect

seriously when I managed to beat that game it was possibly the most rewarding video game experience of my life

the genuine sense of dread created by the atmosphere in that game is unmistakable imo

  chthonic said:
I was aiming for the "I am seven years old and this music is fucking scary WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS OH GOD" aspect

seriously when I managed to beat that game it was possibly the most rewarding video game experience of my life

the genuine sense of dread created by the atmosphere in that game is unmistakable imo

Gonna have to say that the dread you felt in LoZ:LA was lost upon me, especially when Super Metroid a year later when you got inside the old crashed ship did it better :|

The only time I could ever considered anything Zelda related actually frightening were the redeads along with "The Well" and "Shadow Palace/Dungeon". Sure the atmosphere helped along withit but considering no matter how much you'd at least killed the floating specters, they keep coming back and randomly appear around you; less dramatic that those damned "Victims" that seep through the walls in SH:4 but not as lethal.

  tefnek said:
Clock Tower on the Playstation 1. The pacing is slow and the dialog is pretty bad, but it does such a great job of creating suspense. It's probably the only game that has actually frightened me.

You should try out the

with the english patch :)!!
  Mazedude said:
Anyone else here play the relatively recent "Clive Barker's 'Jericho'", for PS3? That game was insanely intense, and had some crazy scary moments even by grown-up standards. I loved it. :)

Been meaning to give that a spin for some time. I hope it's as good as Undying was.

  Mazedude said:
Anyone else here play the relatively recent "Clive Barker's 'Jericho'", for PS3? That game was insanely intense, and had some crazy scary moments even by grown-up standards. I loved it. :)

I thought I was the only person who enjoyed Jericho! I know it got slammed for many reasons, a lot of them valid, but I'm a huge Clive Barker fan and the action was pretty damn good. Story wasn't super-horrendous either, and the monsters for quite horrific.

  Coyote-Trickster said:


Majestic fuckbeans, the Fatal Frame series is scary. Take everything errie about Silent Hill (a series which I also love), add in Japanese folklore and ghost stories, remove weapons from the game, and make the battle mechanic as follows: your only method of attack is a camera, the only way you do damage is taking a picture, and you only do the most damage if you let the ghost get UNSPEAKABLE CLOSE UP AND PERSONAL. This is, by far, the greatest implementation of risk-and-reward in a battle system I've ever seen. If you can, start with the first game, but even if you can't find it, do not skip out on FF2: Crimson Butterfly. There are some unspeakable things in that game.

I'm echoing Fatal Frame, Penumbra, Condemned, Dead Space, Silent Hill, and Eternal Darkness. Also throwing Doom 3 into the ring, along with:

* Call of Cthulhu (if just for the chase scene, the whole game is quite good though)

* I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream (even if you don't play it, watch a playthrough: seriously disturbing and fucked up)

* Cryostasis

I'm sure I've got more, but I can't think of them right now.


Seconding Penumbra, Amnesia, and Yume Nikki.

The first two are wonderful horror, because you can't just kill things that are in your way. You're helpless.

The third because the objective is vague, the dream world is huge, there's no real enemies(None that give you a game over anyway), and yet it still instills a feeling of dread that you can't shake. Some areas seem all cheerful and some are just off, leaving many disturbing implications as to why madotski is in that situation.


You know what *wasn't* scary? Silent Hill Homecoming. Aside from some rather excellent monster designs there was no psychological horror to it; it just seemed like bad copy/paste from previous games to give it some sort of legitimacy (oh look, Pyramid Head! FOR NO REASON). The storyline wasn't engaging by any stretch of the imagination, and Alex was...well...boring.

Just...avoid that one. It's more the Black Sheep of the series than SH4, and at least 4 could seriously creep you out (ohgodthatdollwhydidIpickitup).

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