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There was a similar amount of DOOM AND GLOOM about the 3DS at this point in its lifespan. There was a similar amount of DOOM AND GLOOM about the Wii as well.

There's always DOOM AND GLOOM about Nintendo, but has any of it turned out to be true?

Not really, no.

I'm being patient, seeing what comes of it. Nintendo's always been about quality over quantity. Always. And what I played of the Wii U was quality. The system isn't even a year old yet; it's far too early to claim it has failed. There's still time.

And I'm giving it that time.

Posted (edited)
I have a 3DS. It is a controller with two screens. Nintendo clearly has the tech to give us two screens, why dont they?

They did? Its called the 3DS and the Wii U. Ones a portable with low end graphics, one is a console with higher end graphics. I don't really understand what you are trying to say

I am pointing out that a gimmicky screen is really just that. A gimmick. There is no reason to sing the WiiU's praises when the only things it has going for it is a handful of meager to mediocre at best ports, a Mario game that, just like the 3DS version is a rehash, and a theme park game that gives you nostalgia goggles for good Nintendo games long past.

Controllers dont sell systems. Games do.

And obviously no games are coming out for it. Not the games they keep showing off, and the new (real) Mario they will show at E3. Nope. THE LAUNCH GAMES WERE ALL THEY HAD PLANNED AND NOW THEY ARE DOOMED!

As mentioned before, unlike the Wii controller, even if you ignore the gimmicks on the Wii U's controller: It is a fully functional traditional controller regardless.

. I don't buy a system unless it has 5 games that I want that are exclusive to that system. At this time there are 2 that I want. Pikmin and Bayonetta.

Then wait until 5 exclusive games come out? Its a Nintendo console, there will be plenty of exclusive games FROM NINTENDO coming out on it.

And no, no one wants Sonic. And even if I did, Sega stated there would be a port to the 3DS. Moot Point.

Correction: Nobody wants a bad Sonic. That is just all Sega has been able to make for the last decade or so. Everybody would crap their pants if an actual good Sonic came out, but chances are slim to none of that happening.

Also. There hasn't been a new Zelda game since Ocarina.

Which was more or less a remake of Link to the Past. Regardless, almost every Zelda game is still top notch.

Edited by Crowbar Man
In this thread the people calling others trolls are the trolls themselves, unable to acknowledge legitimate criticisms about Nintendo and the Wii U.

Pikmin 3 and Bayonetta 2 will only appeal to a small audience, people who like micro-managing bugs and people who like objectifying women and big boobs as an attempt to hide subpar gameplay.

You're making yourself look stupid. Again.

They did? Its called the 3DS and the Wii U. I don't really understand what you are trying to say

And obviously no games are coming out for it. Not the games they keep showing off, and the new (real) Mario they will show at E3. Nope. THE LAUNCH GAMES WERE ALL THEY HAD PLANNED AND NOW THEY ARE DOOMED!

As mentioned before, unlike the Wii controller, even if you ignore the gimmicks on the Wii U's controller: It is a fully functional traditional controller regardless.

A good majority of the games I play on Wii use it as a traditional controller, usually in horizontal formation (like an NES controller). It works fine like that.

You're making yourself look stupid. Again.

That happened several pages ago. At the rate he's going, he'll have dug himself to the core of the Earth in...

lessee... carry the 4, extra zero...

only a few more posts.


I am beaten. Clearly I am dumb and have no clue what I am talking about. There certainly has been no desperation coming from Nintendo themselves because they can't figure out why people don't want their system. They are the smartest game company on the planet, and will always be the best console every cycle.

Real talk: Delusions are ok to have. You three seem to be teeming with em. But be realistic. Seriously.

Also it is incredibly rude to call someone dumb. I don't call you all idiots when you ignore facts. I try to have a rational debate, and yet I am met with fanboy, and Mirb's case fan girl vitriol.

Posted (edited)
Real talk: Delusions are ok to have. You three seem to be teeming with em. But be realistic. Seriously.

For my part, I don't think it's such a delusion to think that Nintendo can turn around their struggling system like they have with 3DS.

I think it's more delusional to say the system is already a certain failure based on ignorant opinions.

I try to be rational too but every time I see a reply on here it's coupled with a ridiculous fallacy. Brandon judging Pikmin 3 and Bayonetta 2 as if only his opinion matters, for example.

There certainly has been no desperation coming from Nintendo themselves because they can't figure out why people don't want their system.

What desperation?

Edited by ocre
And you can't even play the best minigames in NintendoLand without multiple people. No online capabilities. Huge fail.


Posted (edited)
For my part, I don't think it's such a delusion to think that Nintendo can turn around their struggling system like it has with the 3DS.

I think it's more delusional to say the system is already a certain failure based on ignorant opinions.

I am arguing that the system doesn't have the grandiose potential that most fanboys say it does. Also I am a cynic, and my cynic sense points to this. Money drives our industry. Nintendo saw a lot, and I mean A LOT of money last cycle. They want to see that kind of money again with this. Anything shorter than that will be seen as a failure. It is that very love of money that lead them to be complacent. That is biting them in the ass. They really could turn it around, they have done it late in the cycles in the past. Look at the Gamecube. Without the money that wouldve been brought in by having a large array of third party support, and being once again crippled by being viewed as under powered by the big publisher company EA (and probably by other publishers whom are quiet about it, though that is speculative), they are going to fail this cycle. Not in a "Nintendo Shuts It's Doors Forever" kind of way, but in Playstation 3 kind of way.

Also: the desparation comes from everyone of the mainstream audience thinking that the WiiU is just a Wii add-on. One they don't want.


Nintendo made these flyers after focus groups couldn't identify differences between the two systems.

Edited by Brushfire
Posted (edited)

Not sure if I am included in the "three" you mentioned, but I have no idea where you got that I think Nintendo is doing well, and doing a good job. Nintendo is doing a terrible job on multiple fronts (online network, OS updates, DRM with eShop, advertising, and the console itself leaves things to be desired), that is why they are floundering right now. However, if they create a bunch of fun and awesome games (like they, being Nintendo, TEND to do) and maybe drop the price a bit, then their situation can easily turn around, like the 3DS.

A boring company like EA isn't going to save them. Nobody is going to buy a Wii U to play more Madden. Nintendo is the one that needs to save themselves

If they screw up the one thing they are good at (Making games) then the Wii U is pretty much going to falter


Nintendo made these flyers after focus groups couldn't identify differences between the two systems.

This is a failure on the part of Nintendo to distinguish the Wii U from the Wii. They showed off the controller too much and didn't make a big deal about the console. They also named it too similar to the Wii, and this whole thing backfired because there is still a large misconception that the Wii U is just an add on for the Wii and this is hurting Nintendo's sales. Nintendo is actively trying to fight this by educating retailers.

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

For my part, the only potential I'm talking about is the potential of the announced in-development games to increase the appeal of the system, in response to people spouting nonsense that those efforts are not enough.

Nintendo saw a lot, and I mean A LOT of money last cycle. They want to see that kind of money again with this. Anything shorter than that will be seen as a failure.

People sure seem comfortable calling the system a failure already. Speaking realistically though, the Wii is one of the most successful systems that has been released (the 3rd best selling home console after PS2 and PS1). Those lofty heights shouldn't exactly be a standard benchmark for success.

Edited by ocre
Posted (edited)

oh shit testibles


I didn't post that, but I find it too funny to delete. How did this manage to happen? lol


Never mind, Gman did it, mystery solved

Edited by Crowbar Man
Not sure if I am included in the "three" you mentioned, but I have no idea where you got that I think Nintendo is doing well, and doing a good job. Nintendo is doing a terrible job on multiple fronts (online network, OS updates, DRM with eShop, advertising, and the console itself leaves things to be desired), that is why they are floundering right now. However, if they create a bunch of fun and awesome games (like they, being Nintendo, TEND to do) and maybe drop the price a bit, then their situation can easily turn around, like the 3DS.

A boring company like EA isn't going to save them. Nobody is going to buy a Wii U to play more Madden. Nintendo is the one that needs to save themselves

If they screw up the one thing they are good at (Making games) then the Wii U is pretty much going to falter

My bad, I think I may have clicked an extra quote button.

I am beaten. Clearly I am dumb and have no clue what I am talking about. There certainly has been no desperation coming from Nintendo themselves because they can't figure out why people don't want their system. They are the smartest game company on the planet, and will always be the best console every cycle.

Real talk: Delusions are ok to have. You three seem to be teeming with em. But be realistic. Seriously.

Also it is incredibly rude to call someone dumb. I don't call you all idiots when you ignore facts. I try to have a rational debate, and yet I am met with fanboy, and Mirb's case fan girl vitriol.

Fantastic post

Posted (edited)
Nintendo made these flyers after focus groups couldn't identify differences between the two systems.

I read the same stuff about 3DS/DS brand confusion* right before Nintendo slashed the price and released Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7.

After those things happened the theory that 3DS's 'crippling brand confusion' was the end of the system suddenly went away. Hm. Or people just wanted games to play on the damn thing.

I don't think the people who don't know Wii U isn't a Wii are the main problem (though I do acknowledge they exist). We all know what the main problem is and it starts with a G.

* and about how 3DS would be stomped by the PS Vita (which also has suffered from a crippling lack of exclusive high quality games, if you're keeping track) because it didn't have two analog sticks and was so technically inferior and wasn't receiving ANY WESTERN DEV SUPPORT OH GOD WHAT WILL THEY DO

Edited by ocre
Posted (edited)

I'm not going to say if Nintendo is going under or not. I'm not going to say whether or not the Wii U or 3DS is a "failure". I'm not going to say whether or not the games available, or that will soon be available, are good, bad, or whatever.

I AM going to say that, no matter how anyone sees it, this is a real thing:


Specifically this:


That is not to say that we know all the factors behind this, or even all of the data being considered. That is not to say that Nintendo can, or cannot, turn this around.

Edit: I also believe that Sony, and Microsoft, may also find disappointing sales with the release of the new XBOX and Playstation, but that's just my estimation.

Edited by Ramaniscence
Posted (edited)
Yeah, those bar charts are nice. Have a line graph.

So, which one is accurate?

Edit: nm. They're both accurate, but the one you posted is a little misleading. First, It's cumulative, and 2, only goes up to 2011, which is where it starts to level off.

So, from these 2 graphs, it's clear to see Nintendo is not making as much money as they once did, but certainly have money stockpiled. Which, the same could easily be said for Sony. It's also worth noting that Microsoft and Sony do not depend on video games for sales (this graph is specifically from video game sales) while Nintendo's business is dependent on it.

Again, I'm not saying Nintendo is GOING TO FAIL or the console IS FAILING, but it indisputable whether or not Nintendo is making money.

Edited by Ramaniscence
The PS4 has countless devs singing the praises of the system and how easy it is to work with.

that's because the implication of those statements was "compared to the PS3"


Also it is incredibly rude to call someone dumb. I don't call you all idiots when you ignore facts. I try to have a rational debate, and yet I am met with fanboy, and Mirb's case fan girl vitriol.

Odd how you talk about being rude and in that very same breath you say some rather rude things yourself. :/

The one you posted is a little misleading. First, It's cumulative, and 2, only goes up to 2011, which is where it starts to level off.

So, from these 2 graphs, it's clear to see Nintendo is not making as much money as they once did, but certainly have money stockpiled. Which, the same could easily be said for Sony. It's also worth noting that Microsoft and Sony do not depend on video games for sales (this graph is specifically from video game sales) while Nintendo's business is dependent on it.

Again, I'm not saying Nintendo is GOING TO FAIL or the console IS FAILING, but it indisputable whether or not Nintendo is making money.

Consider that the past two fiscal years are the only two in the history of the company where Nintendo have posted operating losses.

And I didn't think you were saying things like that. You made that clear in your first post.

Posted (edited)
That only goes up to 2011 from.... 1981 something...? What? At any rate I don't think that picture belongs in this thread about the Wii U, which began its downward financial spiral in 2012.

Here ocre, this is for you.

What does that video have to do with Wii U, hypocrite?

Yeah, the graph starts at 1981. The year Nintendo got into electronic games (with the Game & Watch). Following along?

Edited by ocre

It's not vitriol.

But I suppose if that's how y'all feel about me, why bother saying anything?

After all, apparently every single word I type is akin to sulfuric acid; corrosive, caustic, volatile.

I thought this was a thread about the Wii U, but instead it seems to have turned into "let's bully Mirby out of this thread because she's one hell of a critical bitch and we don't like that."

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