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Sorry to hear you drop out, Sporky. I know how you feel.

Hey, now there's another track for analo...I mean, anyone to claim!

lol, he is a busy man lol.

Yeah, I know. But I can always dream.

Speaking of the Desert Palace theme, I noticed that the Desert Palace and Chrome Gadget themes are switched in the GYM files. These files are pretty poorly organized.


Those files are indeed poorly organized, it may be wise to try Shadow of a Hedgehog if .mp3s are needed that are both tagged correctly and missing in that archive.


I haven't really read the entire thred, but just curius, is the "No Game" music going to be featured on this? It's when you put in a game that's not Sonic 2 or 3 into Sonic and Knuckles and the words "No Game" or something like that appear overhead. It's also used as the Race Results music. I remember that using Sonic 1 to unlock a secret speical stage to play. I liked the music, and hardly anyone remembers it. Just curious folks!

Here's a link to it...


I look foward to this project! Good luck everybody.

I know this is overkill, but for those who want a complete and accurate Sonic 3 & Knuckles GYM soundtrack (checked it myself), here you are:


(Copy+Paste the Link if necessairy... and if someone wants to, they can mirror it) I hope it uploaded all right.

And here's the list of all the files in the RAR.

Thanks Jeff.. I also hope you're not wrong :)



I guess I'll try something. I'm not sure what though, maybe nesper and I can collab on lava reef or something. I might find something I like more though, but yeah, count me in on this.

Well, I've decided to do a collab on the Hydrocity mix with Gman so can you add his name to the main post, sithlord-aku? Thank you! :D

I hope you don't mean this "Gman." I'm no musician, I'm just trying to help out. :?


I went through sithlords original list and compared it to the "official" gym list and theres quite a few discrepancies to clear up. At this point I think we should be referencing filenames rather than act names/events so we know exactly what we're talking about. Here is what I've found. (assume .gym at the end of all filenames)

01-Sega - FREE/Possibly Unused

02-S3TitleScreen - FREE

03-SKTitleScreen - FREE

04-DataSelect - claimed by sithlord-aku

05/06-AngelIsland - claimed by Rexy

07/08-HydroCity - claimed by yoshi_84

09/10-MarbleGarden - claimed by RoeTaka

11/12-CarnivalNight - claimed by DCT

13/14-IceCap - claimed by analoq

15/16-LaunchBase - claimed by GeckoYamori

17/18-MushroomHill - claimed by Lord Maestro/or GaMeBoX

19/20-FlyingBattery - claimed by Beatdrop

21/22-Sandopolis - DarkeSword

23-LavaReef - claimed by nesper/or Xerol (tenative)

24-HiddenPalace - FREE/Possibly too similar to 23-LavaReef

25-SkySanctuary - claimed by Azar/or nesper

26/27-DeathEgg - claimed by DJBren

28-Doomsday - claimed by Joker

29-ActCleared - FREE/Possibly Unused

30-S3Knuckles - FREE/Possibly Unused

31-SKKnuckles - FREE/Possibly Unused

32-GumballBonus - FREE/Possibly Unused

33-GlowballBonus - FREE/Possibly Unused

34-SlotMachineBonus - FREE/Possibly Unused

35-SpecialStage - claimed by DCT

36-ChaosEmerald - FREE/Possibly Unused

37-S3SuperSonic - FREE/Possibly Unused

38-SKSuperSonic - FREE/Possibly Unused

39-S3ExtraLife - FREE/Possibly Unused

40-SKExtraLife - FREE/Possibly Unused

41-Continue - FREE/Possibly Unused

42-CompetitionMenu - claimed by nesper/or antipode

43-AzureLake - claimed by Rayza

44-BalloonPark - claimed by Ichitootah

45-ChromeGadget - claimed by Hetcenus

46-DesertPalace - FREE

47-EndlessMine - claimed by jeffreymroberts/or Siamey

48-RaceResults - FREE

49-Drowning - FREE/Possibly Unused

50-GameOver - FREE/Possibly Unused

51-S3Act1Boss - claimed by ffmusicdj/or General Slicer

52-SKAct1Boss - (Did they claim S3 or SK act 1 boss?)

53-Act2Boss - claimed by Sir Nuts

54-FinalBoss - claimed by Hadyn/or DjNova

55-S3Ending - FREE/Possibly Unused

56-S3Credits - claimed by Rayza

57-SKEnding - FREE/Possibly Unused

58-SKCredits - FREE (sounds like a megamix/compilation of many themes)

I've made comments (in bold) and listed every gym from the pack. Some are very short in which case I wasn't sure if we'd use them or not. Others just haven't been discussed yet and I wasn't sure what was actually going to be used/not used.

I also combined many of the main act themes since we decided many are very similar and the artist can choose which (or both) he wants to use for their mix.

If there are any major errors let me know..

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