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Sounds good! :D

I'm sorry about the non-completion of my carnival night track so far, I'll try to fix that this weekend. I'm in the last two weeks of my course, and there are still assignments that will probably take me a month to complete, after all the *official* deadlines... So, you know, I am actually kinda busy. But yeah. The track's been basically finished for ages, just wanted to add a solo, which hopefully won't take too long and isn't too major of an addition... just want to give a little more life to the piece.

I haven't had a chance to look at converting the HTML/ColdFusion site to php yet, and I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to do that. If anyone can offer coldfusion hosting, that'd still be VERY appreciated - would save me a lot of time and pain. Hell, maybe we could ask for donations, and actually pay for server space? It just depends whether you want to wait for me to try to convert it or not. With assignments and my actual paid design work, it might be another month or longer before I even look at it.

As for the Flash website, it could still do with some more background music tracks. So far I have about... one. Atleast three total would be good, but I'm hoping for more than that if possible. As soon as it gets more tracks, it can go online. Well, I need a little info from the project directors too, but you know, the main thing holding it up is the lack of background music. I know Snapps himself was working on a piece, maybe the other project directors could help out here aswell, if they have the time? I might also begin asking mixers who aren't already on the project to consider contributing.

Well, that's about it from me for today.

Stay cool,



No worries man. you're already doing so much for the project that I think we can spare a bit of time for you to get your things done.

I have to now really g through all these tracks and start analyzing them. Then contacting whichever artists THOUGHT they were finished and nicely asking for a change or two... which never goes well.

Anyway, yeah, release is gonna be soon. Not right away, but soon enough so that people will FINALLY get to hear this amazing album.

So, another 2-3 months before Project Chaos is released?

Hey genius, read the rules for posting in Site Projects.

What about "Don't insult people/curse people off"?

There are nicer ways to tell people that they've broken a rule, without making them feel like an idiot.

The community is supposed to be excited, that's the whole point in the project - you can't be angry that some people are a little, say, over-enthusiastic.

So, another 2-3 months before Project Chaos is released?

Hey genius, read the rules for posting in Site Projects.

What about "Don't insult people/curse people off"?

All I'm saying is that there are nicer ways to tell people that they've broken a rule, without making them feel like an idiot.

The community is supposed to be excited, that's the whole point in the project - you can't be angry that some people are a little, say, over-enthusiastic.

Alright, I was out of line with the genius comment. I take it back and apologize.

But seriously, asking when the project is coming out doesn't make the project come out any faster, and to be honest, there's no reason that people need to know a release date. It's not something you plan your life around. It'll be out when it's out, end of story. That's why I wrote the rules.


So an accurate question would be:

How far along is the project, say in...percentage-wise?

There. Not badgering for a release date, just a simple question that will give the answer that is wanted, without actually asking it.

Not that I honestly care for the answer...the day I see "Project Chaos" on the OCR homepage is good enough for me.

you guys need album art? I would love to make the album art.

and what about bg music for the site? I can try to work on some, just depends on what exactly you're looking for.

This isn't official or anything, but it's how I think things should be:

Anyone can do album art. There will likely be one "official" cover, but there'll also be bonus covers if anyone else wants to submit anything.

The extra covers would be unique to the Flash website, and would be hidden around so you could find and 'unlock' them, along with other bonus content.

This is official:

As for the background music, a short track (about 1-2 minutes) that uses any of the themes from sonic 3 and knuckles is fine. It can be a medley, or just use one of them, whatever. Quality isn't as uber important as for the main project tracks, but we still want stuff that sounds good. Any other questions, feel free to ask!



Hah, I might work on some background music for the site. I'll see what happens. I'm thinking a version of one of the menu themes from the Sonic Mega Collection...


first of all, I'm not asking "when is this going to be released?", because I don't like to break guidelines.

I just want to ask, shouldn't the thread title be updated? it's been "Project Chaos - .deadline Jan 31st.**Major Announcement!!**" since a pretty long while, and that deadline is over by two weeks now...

no more news that deserve the spotlight in the thread title?

first of all, I'm not asking "when is this going to be released?", because I don't like to break guidelines.

I just want to ask, shouldn't the thread title be updated? it's been "Project Chaos - .deadline Jan 31st.**Major Announcement!!**" since a pretty long while, and that deadline is over by two weeks now...

no more news that deserve the spotlight in the thread title?

"Project Chaos: WE PWNZ0RZ J00 N00BZ!"

Aaaand it would appear that Lava Reef is open again.


For the love of Chaos... not again? O_o

Right, unless we can find a viable match that may be something I'll be up to do. Although, with Red Tailed Fox on holiday and Prophecy still seeming to be MIA in terms of remixing I may fall short with the contacts that I have X_x

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