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Freshly Baked ReMix Challenger 2011: Phase 100 (It's "pretty much" over!)

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When are you making the claims list pubic

We need to hear back from 3 people:




I can't do rerolls till we get an email back from these 3.

The following have accepted:

Amphibious - Final Fantasy 3 - The Boundless Ocean Requested by: Gario

BlackPanther - Space Station Silicon Valley - Snow Joke Requested by: JH Sounds

Bundeslang - Gremlins 2 - Level 1 Requested by: Brandon Strader

Chernabogue - King's Quest VII - In The Clouds Requested by: The Mac Attack

Cyril the Wolf - Legacy of the Wizard - Any (Recommend: Worzen Family, Preparations, and Warrior's Theme) Requested by: Xarnax42

DJ SymBiotiX - Jazz Jackrabbit - Diamondus Requested by: Sockpuppet

Eilios - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Gumshoe's Theme Requested by: The Mac Attack

Jacob Diaz - Warlocked - Intro Requested by: Moseph

jmr - Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - The Gears Go Awry Requested by: Chernabogue

ladyWildfire - Blast Corps - Cromlech Court Requested by: JH Sounds

MetalMan - Crash Bandicoot: Warped - Skull Route Requested by: Rexy

Moseph - Terranigma - Elle Requested by: Suzumebachi

mv - SaGa Frontier II - Feldschlacht I Requested by: ProjectSpam

Neblix - Beatmania IIDX 7th Style - Zero-One Requested by: DJ SymBiotiX

prophetik - Super Smash Tv - Circuit 1 Requested by: BlackPanther

Rexy - Final Fantasy 10 - Besaid island Requested by: Joseph Wells

Sockpuppet - Shin Bokura no Taiyou - Gyakushuu no Sabata - Vanargand Requested by: Taylor Brown

Xarnax42 - Golden Sun - Normal Battle Requested by: metalsnakejuice

Whoa, how have I never heard this game's music before.

I can feel some metuls brewing.

I read this and thought, this could totally be my suggestion...


Yeah, Cyril, this game is totally under the radar (plus the gameplay is as good as the music) and it makes me sad. Can't wait to hear what you cook up.


Amphibious - Final Fantasy 3 - The Boundless Ocean Requested by: Gario

I am excite.

The MIDI sources are there for those that can't work out the originals by ear. Hence why sometimes people tend to find things easier to arrange if they're available :)

it's not necessarily for people who can't work out the originals. i have no problem working out the notes by ear. i just prefer to use something that's already down on 'paper', since it allows me to save some time.

i work very fast, but i have limited time. so, if i'm spending an hour writing out the track, but i only spend six hours total, that's a huge chunk of time that i'm spending on something that's basically irrelevant by the end of the process. i don't like to waste time.


Sorry about the delay from my end - I've seriously been out of town for the last half of this month (and for the last week, completely disconnected from the internet).

I accepted the challenge. Sorry for the tardy reply.

EDIT: Haaa, I just saw Gumshoe's theme in there. That was a fun track to remix a couple years back - wonder what Eilios will do with it.

Sorry about the delay from my end - I've seriously been out of town for the last half of this month (and for the last week, completely disconnected from the internet).

I accepted the challenge. Sorry for the tardy reply.

EDIT: Haaa, I just saw Gumshoe's theme in there. That was a fun track to remix a couple years back - wonder what Eilios will do with it.


My request got rejected ;-;


Aaahahaha... I didn't think you'd post the same track twice (I did the last two years, but it only went through once :P).

Now that I think about it, this'll be weird, not working on a Rama request. Every time before this I got your request :<.

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