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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Haha, CS doesn't provide anywhere near that type of advantage to the losing team, especially since it was patched. You should play it more often. :P

tensei doesn't even play lol he just shows up to tell us what the bad parts of it are from time to time

Posted (edited)

I played yesterday, but you wouldn't know that since I don't even have you on my friends list. Thanks for taking so much interest in what games I play though! qiRCR.gif

Ad hominems really help get your point across!

Haha, CS doesn't provide anywhere near that type of advantage to the losing team, especially since it was patched. You should play it more often. :P

I have Dawn of War 2 Retribution installed which is a game that's actually built around the point capture gamestyle from the ground up, and it just has way more depth with multiple unit micro, multiple resources, and an actual form of persistent advantages (tech levels). I play LoL for its dotalike gameplay, not for its simplified mariokart arathi battlefield bad company ripoff.

SR is just way more fun to me than CS.

Edited by Tensei


I bought Graves and he is actually pretty fun, though I'm still getting used to his skill set. Its weird to have a ranged carry that benefits from going into melee range to Buckshot someones face off. Though he still does pretty great from far away as well. With quickdraw his auto attacks can get pretty ridiculous.

Also, his attack animations and sound effects are REALLY cool, which is a nice little bonus :3

Yeah Graves' skillset actually does look fun as far as AD carries go (aside from the lame passive).

Yeah his passive encourages you to constantly be attacking minions to keep the stacks up, but its not ideal to be constantly pushing like that. Also getting caught in Smokescreen is pretty ridiculous. Like a reverse bush.


I do love Graves' smokescreen's interaction with Nocturne. Hopefully we'll get more of that kind of thing in the future.

Haha this is Riot we're talking about never gonna happen...

Posted (edited)
I do love Graves' smokescreen's interaction with Nocturne. Hopefully we'll get more of that kind of thing in the future.

Haha this is Riot we're talking about never gonna happen...

of course not its not like they did it or anything

edit: just won a dominion game by 322 points

Edited by The Derrit
People forget that the game isn't about kills. It's not about your ratio. It's not about how hard you ganked, or how bad your team is feeding. It is about destroying the opponent's nexus. It is possible to pull out games with a 15-20 kill lead, sometimes even worse. It's also possible for the kills to be even but the game to be completely one-sided since one team might be getting all the buffs, pushing towers, getting dragon/baron and farming way harder. Thus I am almost never in favor of surrender.

Thats right 5 days ago win a game 19-38

You know how in Mario Kart when you're in 8th place you always get the lightning and the blue shells and the chain chomp and what not? CS is kinda like that.

you know how in the lol thread there's always one asshole who doesn't understand that dota has always and will always be a shitty game

this thread is kind of like that

Posted (edited)

But it's not? Why have you been playing LoL before Dominion came out then? I think I've given Dominion a fair chance because I played a number of games on it, and it's just no fun to me at all.

Either way, no reason to get all offensive about it!

Edited by Tensei

Haha, not really, we just had mentally deficient teammates the entire time. For example we had a game with a Singed on the enemy team, while I was Jarvan and brad was Amumu. Brad would ult their squishies, like, say, Brand or Twitch, and I'd follow up with my ult. The rest of the team would promptly chase Singed and we'd all die. Repeat 10 times until we lost. The worst part was that we had an Ezreal on our team who could easily have just used his blink to get behind Singed and help us, but I guess that's too much to ask. I've seen the same thing happen with Cho'gath. Bad players cannot understand that the enemy tanks don't necessarily do a lot of damage and should be ignored in favor of squishy, high-dps AP or AD carries.

Haha, not really, we just had mentally deficient teammates the entire time. For example we had a game with a Singed on the enemy team, while I was Jarvan and brad was Amumu. Brad would ult their squishies, like, say, Brand or Twitch, and I'd follow up with my ult. The rest of the team would promptly chase Singed and we'd all die. Repeat 10 times until we lost. The worst part was that we had an Ezreal on our team who could easily have just used his blink to get behind Singed and help us, but I guess that's too much to ask. I've seen the same thing happen with Cho'gath. Bad players cannot understand that the enemy tanks don't necessarily do a lot of damage and should be ignored in favor of squishy, high-dps AP or AD carries.

it was frustrating too because i'd land this magical bandage toss through their entire team onto brand, and ult and get four of them. jarvan would hop in and ult like half their team, so they're stuck and can't get out. then our team would retreat to the fountain, and then bitch that it was now 3v5.


so shyvana is pretty fun. still trying to figure out how to build her, obviously you need attack speed and i'd like some sustain but there aren't many inexpensive armor/mr items that fit well. the wit's end idea is pretty smart and works but that attack speed needs some damage on it to be effective.

i'll figure it out

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