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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Yeah and to be fair, don't you play mostly bot games as opposed to ranked like Jeff does...?

I agree that Ahri is really strong because of her huge mobility, low mana costs, ranged disable and solid nukes. I think Xerath is pretty strong too... he reminds me of a Ryze with more range, but a similar amount of spell spam. If I had to pick the top AP mids I would probably say (in no particular order) Ahri, Brand, Morgana, Kassadin and Xerath. They all compete on a similar level. All have long-range pokes and big teamfight presence. Orianna, Annie, Sion and Kennen would be the tier after IMO.

Yeah and to be fair, don't you play mostly bot games as opposed to ranked like Jeff does...?

nope I mostly play normal draft and right now I'm in some ranked tourney a friend roped me into

also contrary to popular belief actively playing ranked games does not magically make someone a good player


Just for fun, I looked at Elementz' solo queue tier list (Yes, I know, lol Elementz) just to see what he thinks on the top AP champs.

In order, they are: Morgana, Ryze, Cass, Karthus, Kennen, Kass, and Xerath in tier one. Ahri's the top AP in tier 2.

I feel bad for poor Heimer, alllll the way down at the bottom. He was one of the first champs I learned to play really well. :(

Yeah and to be fair, don't you play mostly bot games as opposed to ranked like Jeff does...?

I agree that Ahri is really strong because of her huge mobility, low mana costs, ranged disable and solid nukes. I think Xerath is pretty strong too... he reminds me of a Ryze with more range, but a similar amount of spell spam. If I had to pick the top AP mids I would probably say (in no particular order) Ahri, Brand, Morgana, Kassadin and Xerath. They all compete on a similar level. All have long-range pokes and big teamfight presence. Orianna, Annie, Sion and Kennen would be the tier after IMO.

of those, i feel that kass, brand, and ahri are the top, with morgana and xerath lower ONLY because they require more skill imo to play at the same level. a pretty good xerath is the same as a darn good morgana - although that changes based on who got fed first.


Oops, yeah, I left out Cass. Almost NO ONE picks her but she is incredibly strong.

of those, i feel that kass, brand, and ahri are the top, with morgana and xerath lower ONLY because they require more skill imo to play at the same level. a pretty good xerath is the same as a darn good morgana - although that changes based on who got fed first.

Morg requires more skill to be good in a teamfight, definitely. But she is really easy in lane because of her no-brainer farming and sustain, plus her shield prevents harass even if she misses her snare. So it's a mix...


Bleck is right. Playing ranked means nothing. In LoL all playing ranked means is that you're willing to put up with trolls and idiots who think they're tough shit with improper knowledge of the metagame and speak with the vernacular of a twelve year old boy.

Btw in my personal opinion top 3 AP mids in order are Cass, Morg, and Ahri. Biggest part of a strong mid is a consistent disable and these guys make the mark quite easily. Orianna, Brand and Karthus are the next three because they lack a consistent disable. Also as you know I really dislike Brand as a hero so he probably belongs just above Ahri objectively but oh well. LeBlanc and Heimer deserve honorable mentions cause they really dish out solid damage as well but have more specific uses.


LeBlanc, I think, is a really good example of how a really strong champ is hurt by mechanics that are objectively more difficult to pull off than others

specifically, her only form of cc being not only a skillshot but one that she has to land and then put herself in danger to actually activate seems kind of unfair compared to say annie or ahri or ryze's respective forms of cc

Posted (edited)
GOD whiteyrdy

not as funny when you clearly just waited out the post timer, implying you have nothing to do but troll euros.

i have been playing kennen roughly average lately. i've had several games now where i get nothing early (like, 1-5-5) and end up going 12-7-10 or so. i've also had games where i get fed early (like 6-2-6) and then finish 6-4-15 or so. he's an assist magnet with pikachu and his ult, and if you do what i do and build spellvamp, he's always full of hp until he gets focused and trololdeads. plus a 450 damage shuriken every 2.5s is retarded. he's loads of fun and i've not played another character since i picked him up except for one singed game where i autofarmed assists like a boss. i feel that he's like tryndamere in that he can just farm all over the place and then get away if he's ganked mid-game really easily, and in that he's so tough to shut down because his stun has so much utility anywhere. even better than a sion or someone. plus his map mobility lets him be everywhere at once. so much fun. i'm also farming a lot better with him, since energy is the best thing ever.

rumble, kat, or karth is next for me. i need ap and i need to learn casters more.

Edited by prophetik music
not as funny when you clearly just waited out the post timer, implying you have nothing to do but troll euros.

yeah man if I have thirty seconds with which to do something during the day than clearly I have no life or something

it's not even like I could have been doing something else on my computer while I waited!


I dunno... I think all 3 of those are not the best picks around.

* Kat is a bit of a noob champion. She's not effective against competent players/teams, because she is stopped by a single stun/silence (not to mention you can just run away from her ult.) She also has to be up close to do damage, and yet she's not tanky in any way.

* Rumble is a solid top for sure, and sort of in the same role as Singed - a tanky, AP bully that excels at close range. But he's not really a caster per se.

* Karthus is strong if you excel with his Q and W, BUT, in my experience, it's very easy to do badly with him. If you die early/out of position or don't get farmed he gets really weak.

I would try Cass or Kass!


yeah definitely go with cass or kass - cass is not only very strong and fun but also has the element of surprise because almost nobody plays as her

kass is the anti-caster and will basically shut down almost any other caster

I dunno... I think all 3 of those are not the best picks around.

* Kat is a bit of a noob champion. She's not effective against competent players/teams, because she is stopped by a single stun/silence (not to mention you can just run away from her ult.) She also has to be up close to do damage, and yet she's not tanky in any way.

* Rumble is a solid top for sure, and sort of in the same role as Singed - a tanky, AP bully that excels at close range. But he's not really a caster per se.

* Karthus is strong if you excel with his Q and W, BUT, in my experience, it's very easy to do badly with him. If you die early/out of position or don't get farmed he gets really weak.

I would try Cass or Kass!

i want rumble as a tanky dps ap character. i'd like to try kat for the heck of it. and i want karth because he's a total dick. i mean, why not? =) i like trollface characters, so he'd be fun.

cass is another one that'd be fun to try, but she's kind of expensive. i'd have to wait for a free week.

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