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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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Irelia is still really strong. She is one of the most well-rounded champs in the game; magic damage, true damage, physical damage, a gap closer, a slow/stun, natural tenacity, etc. It is very hard to prevent her from snowballing since she's naturally tanky with pretty high damage output. Hitting her sustain was probably the right move.

Irelia is still really strong. She is one of the most well-rounded champs in the game; magic damage, true damage, physical damage, a gap closer, a slow/stun, natural tenacity, etc. It is very hard to prevent her from snowballing since she's naturally tanky with pretty high damage output. Hitting her sustain was probably the right move.

i like how they did it, too - they didn't reduce her ability to punch you in the mouth and heal off of it - they just prevented her from going from 25% hp to 100% hp in a few minutes of autoattacking with no items, like it used to be.

lulu is fun but her cast ranges are shorter than you think and she's super slow so i've found myself in the front line by accident a couple times.

oh yeah i also live in japan now

i played a game against her where she absolutely facerolled our top lane and was 4-0-1...and then fell way off and finished 7-8-9. she's able to solo, which is cool, but she's far superior as a support with her CC, shield, magical fairy thingie, and ult.


I play her as an aggressive support. So far my red runes are attack speed because I'm not sure I'd get much out of spell pen. I got mana regen and health regen in yellow and Ap per level on blue. Movement speed quints (my Teemo runes basically). I doubt I coule play her as a straight up mage like I do with Morgana or Janna though. She takes a lot of getting used to, but a good support that has unique abilities.

  • 2 weeks later...

Bunnygirl Riven still confuses me. I'll never understand the LoL playerbase, I swear.

"Riot! Riot! All the female champions in this game are sexist! They all have giant boobies and skimpy outfits and heels and stuff! Give us a non-sexist female!"

"Okay, here's Riven."


I just don't get it, I really don't.

Bunnygirl Riven still confuses me. I'll never understand the LoL playerbase, I swear.

I just don't get it, I really don't.

what is there to get? there is no 'playerbase' it's the people who actually play games and try hard and want esports to succeed who say 'this is sexist' and all of the 10-16 year olds (and older, there's immaturity everywhere but it starts down there) that say 'BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS'

and because both customers are just as valuable seeing as they both have paid nothing for the game, both get catered to. so all the things you want you'll get eventually, and all the things you don't want will also happen because some other idiot wants it

  • 2 weeks later...

just did two ranked games to finish my night. first game, we had a graves give up three deaths by the first ten minutes and then ragequit, so that game was over. second game, not one but two people instalocked random players they hadn't played before, and went a combined 5-23-15.

what encourages that kind of assholery? it's completely worthless, and i lost 60 elo as a result of getting pounded first in a fed 4v5 situation and then as a result of morons randoming characters they'd never seen. and you know those games won't be forgiven, either, because that would make sense. i even said "i don't understand. what's the fun in getting annihilated because you don't know your character?" and he told me to screw off and to go outside more because i must be an internet nerd or something.

Posted (edited)

so um

what's the deal with this new patch and stuff

also while elo 'hell' may exist people who use it for an excuse as to why they are bad make me hate the term.

on the other hand when i go 18/3/15 as xerath and my team still loses it makes me upset

Edited by The Derrit

ELO hell doesn't exist. If you play enough games, the amount of times that you get feeders/trolls on your team will be balanced out by the amount of times that they are on the enemy team.

The only common factor between those games is yourself, so if you average out to a 50/50 win/loss ratio, you pretty much are where you belong skillwise.

Posted (edited)
ELO hell doesn't exist. If you play enough games, the amount of times that you get feeders/trolls on your team will be balanced out by the amount of times that they are on the enemy team.

The only common factor between those games is yourself, so if you average out to a 50/50 win/loss ratio, you pretty much are where you belong skillwise.

this assumes far too much statistically. in fact statistics doesn't work that way. at all.

also the elo system is built to attempt to keep you at 50/50 w/l ratio, so if you win several in a row it actively works to put you on bad teams. and under a certain point being placed on a 'bad team' means you will lose regardless of how well you play. recently i've gone 8/2/6 with fiora, as well as 18/3 and 15/2 with xerath, all in losses. if your ability to play well or even have a good game doesn't affect the outcome of the game, and the system in place essentially *wants* you to lose the game, you will.

nobody else here will understand this example because no one else plays competitive sports here but no matter how many people are playing a game, if even one of them is below a certain level their team will inevitably fail. in basketball if you have one incompetent player out of 5, you will lose. in soccer, if you have one incompetent player, you will lose the spacing battle and most likely the game. in american football, if one player out of eleven doesn't understand what he needs to do, he will lose his team the game. these really aren't "sometime" things. it doesn't matter how good you are, or if someone else on their team is 'kinda bad'. if you have one incompetent player you will lose. even if the other team is 5 below average people, you will lose if one person is actively hurting your team. if you are not able to influence the outcome of the game, it is no longer based on skill.

i hate the term elo hell more than anyone but

Edited by The Derrit

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