prophetik music Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 what's your username? haven't seen you online. can i just say that zilean + yi last night was hysterically funny? i almost couldn't see the screen at one point i was laughing so hard. the 3v3 game was awesome =) the 5v5 game was not, but that's to be expected occasionally. i know i didn't play that great in that game. Quote
The Derrit Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 whoever runs this thread if you could add The Derrit to the list of usernames that'd be cool i won't be playing for about a week but after that i'd love to get in on some ocr games Quote
Sir_NutS Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 what's your username? haven't seen you online.can i just say that zilean + yi last night was hysterically funny? i almost couldn't see the screen at one point i was laughing so hard. the 3v3 game was awesome =) the 5v5 game was not, but that's to be expected occasionally. i know i didn't play that great in that game. The username for my main account is in the first post "Cagonaso". I usually play between 7 PM and 12 PM EST (3 to 8 pm PST). Quote
Tensei Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 Feel like I'm finally getting the hang of Nidalee. She's tricky because of the high APM requirement and the complete lack of CC, but she's excellent at ganks and has an insanely strong heal. I feel like I do best if I can get a 1v2 lane with a jungler on our team. Quote
prophetik music Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 had a solid 14/3/12 game with fiddles as mid the whole game. never done that with him before, but i out-farmed their mid (yes, me!) significantly and got three kills by level 7, and didn't look back. two hats, magic pen boots, void staff, abyssal scepter, and a rod of ages helped a lot, too, since by late-game i was over 550ap even before level 18. got my first quad-kill, too, in a 4v2 fight where they focused jarvan instead of me. couldn't get to soraka since she was too far away, but a quad ain't bad, eh? Quote
kitty Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 Just did a 5 man with OCR peeps. Let me just say that we should Fortify + Teleport as ranged AD carries more often. Quote
prophetik music Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 played two games with a guy with fort/tele and he rocked. fortify saved our asses at least three separate times, when we had three or four people dead and they were pushing with five. Quote
zircon Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 Just did a 5 man with OCR peeps.Let me just say that we should Fortify + Teleport as ranged AD carries more often. Hahaha yes. 4-5 AD carries, all Doran's Blade, all Fortify/Teleport, 5 mid at the start. We got their Nexus in like 26m. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 Wait, so all of you had Fortify / Teleport? That would make it next to impossible to push if you lived -- to the point that it might be advantageous to outright avoid teamfights and just push their towers, since they can't ever push without killing 3 of you. Quote
zircon Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 Yes, we had Corki, Caitlyn, Heimerdinger (AP, but good pusher), Tristana and Sivir. We all had Teleport and Fortify and bought Doran's Blades early to quickly stack health, AD and lifesteal (swapping them out later when we had more money.) We started the game by all going mid and pushing their tower hard. As expect, they started to send extra champs mid, but thanks to us all doing a lot of ranged damage, we generally had the upper hand. We pushed most of their towers very quickly, and rotated our use of Fortify so as to prevent them from pushing any of ours. Teleport let us easily get from lane to lane and rejoin an ongoing teamfight. Midgame (10-15 mins in) was a little tricky because they started to outlevel us and their farm was generally better. However, we had vastly superior map control due to pushing their towers so hard, enabling us to jungle, dragon and gank without fear. We did Baron at 22m. By that time (lategame) we were all 14+ with some powerful items that let us cut through their champs and buildings in no time. Their team was Karthus, Lee Sin, Akali, Singed and Katarina. We were basically ROFLing the entire time, especially at the very early game with all 5 of us pressuring the hell out of their mid tower and getting it in like 30 seconds while simultaneously killing them with all our DPS. I don't know if this gimmick strategy would work again but hey, seemed pretty solid to me. Quote
kitty Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 I also think we had much more coordination than usual in that game. We not only coordinated our usage of Fortify, but also discussed what aura items we should get, getting lots of wards down, setting up ganks, and deciding where to go. Quote
prophetik music Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 clearly i wasn't around for that one, then Quote
Tensei Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 Morgana is such an amazing champion. Constant mass AoE damage, long range snare, arguably the best shield spell in the game, and an ult that can turn teamfights. She also really easily snowballs from babysit/support into AP carry, farms amazingly well, and can push down towers relatively quickly. Quote
BardicKnowledge Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 I still think almost every team can use one of the two "goddess sluts of assists" -- either Janna or Sona. Definitely want to try team fortify later on though. Did all of you have the mastery that gives towers splash damage? Quote
Tensei Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 (edited) Soraka is probably the best support and even then as an AD carry I'd prefer Lux or Morgana in my lane because of their CC and damage output. There's also champions like Alistar or Taric, who babysit ranged AD carries all day with their heal, can easily pick up kills inlane, and need a minimum of items to tank, initiate and CC in teamfights. Edited July 28, 2011 by Tensei Quote
prophetik music Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 I still think almost every team can use one of the two "goddess sluts of assists" -- either Janna or Sona. there are a lot of characters that stack up assists, though. a character like rammus is a good example - someone who can do tons of AOE in a tight teamfight, has arguably one of the best chasing moves in the game (besides yi's ult), and has that 3s taunt to keep enemies in range and prevent them from using getaway moves...but beyond his ult basically can't take anyone 1v1 because his AS and AD is so low. Quote
kitty Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 I still think almost every team can use one of the two "goddess sluts of assists" -- either Janna or Sona. Good Sona's are so annoying. Definitely want to try team fortify later on though. Did all of you have the mastery that gives towers splash damage? None of us had it I believe. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 HoN is going F2P. Time to try it out. Quote
kitty Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 HoN is going F2P. Time to try it out. Most of my friends play LoL but I will be giving this a shot. Quote
Tensei Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 (edited) God, just had the dumbest game ever. I was playing Caitlyn against a really weak top lane (Tryndamere/Xin) and completely dominating, so at ~15 mins I was at 5 kills and had Berserker's boots, 2x Dorans Blade, and a Bloodthirster. I'm also the only one warding on our team, but early teamfights end up in our favor and we get down the mid inhibitor tower relatively early. Then I start to get focused down in teamfights, despite having plenty of initiation support in the form of Cho'Gath and Sion (who aren't really doing their jobs). The worst thing is that the enemy Katarina is constantly owning us because she had an easy time soloing mid against Malzahar (?) and for some reason she never gets interrupted out of her ult. To make matters worse, it's not like our team is exactly starving for CC, since even between Sion, Cho and Malz they have 5 ways of interrupting channels. So then we lose and I end up at 11/4/15, which is probably the best score I've had in a losing game so far. Edited July 30, 2011 by Tensei Quote
Bleck Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 cc is bullshit basically any game designed around making your opponent incapable of actually playing is just bad design cc is too hardwired to change completely but it does need to be toned down heavily (diminishing returns) and there needs to be more options to counter it other than just constantly running cleanse and quicksilver Quote
Tensei Posted July 30, 2011 Posted July 30, 2011 Are you kidding? I was arguing FOR CC. In a way I think it's a good thing that an enemy team can shut me down despite being farmed up as hell, by being well coordinated (i.e. not focusing the tanks). I was more annoyed by the fact that my team couldn't do the same to their Kat despite certainly having the means to do so. If you nerf CC you indirectly buff every single AD carry and in doing so you move the game more towards boring farm-centric PvE. Flash already allows people to make ridiculous positioning errors and get away safely, so if anything CC should be buffed. Quote
Tensei Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Has everybody stopped playing this or something? I haven't had anything but solo queue for the last two days. Quote
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