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League of Legends: I finally updated the player list in the OP!

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You won as Heimer? How?

Oh wait, I see, no tanky dps on the other team cept for Panth.

Heimer is really strong on Dominion. With two turrets and garrison you can't take him out at a tower unless you dive him with more than half your team. Also a turret at a tower is instant defense because it will cause tower aggro so no ninja caps.


I have to disagree with the comment on Heimer. Every time I've met him he's been melted and his turrets disappear. He has never been a threat and most matches were lost because of him not being able to do anything.


What are people running for summoner skills?

I think that Garrison is more useful overall than Promote. On defense garrison is obvious -- on offense, Garrison lets anyone dive a tower and get kills. Promote is okay but not great.

Similarly, Ignite ramps down much quicker, making Exhaust look better on many heroes. The arguments for Ghost over Flash are all in favor of Ghost here, though I would argue that if you need to burn Ghost to a point in time you probably were in the wrong place to begin with...except at the very start, where two ghosted people charging the windmill is very powerful.

Also, another new topic to discuss: How do people like the Dominion-specific items?

Prospector's items are good, I've been starting the Blade on anyone that can make use of it.

On Irelia and Xin Zhao I really like Ionic Spark early, followed by Entropy for big damage.

On anyone who is best played as a point-sweeper, Priscilla's Blessing is easily the best item. You'd be surprised how much faster it makes you at capping, and saving 2 seconds is usually the difference between stealth capping and only getting 80%.

What new items are other people using? Lightbringer and Hextech Sweeper seem only worth getting against two or more invis heroes...


Exhaust has always been better than Ignite, IMO. Exhausting someone will typically allow you and your team to get at LEAST one more hit/spell, and the damage from that will almost always exceed the damage you'd do with Ignite. If they have no blink or escape then you're probably going to do WAY more damage than you would with Ignite. But factor in the extreme emphasis on speed and positioning in Dominion and Exhaust is pretty high tier. I also agree that Ghost is better. Flash just doesn't create as much of a distance advantage. Ghost is just superior.

I agree that Garrison is solid, and I think it's important for at least one or two people to have it. Cleanse seems like it could be interesting, though I've never tried it out (more CC resistance could buy your team a tower or defense.)

The Dominion items are great. Priscilla's Blessing is god tier and should probably be nerfed. It makes champs like Singed or Rammus stupidly good. Ionic Spark is a nice item for attack speed heroes that have a proc anyway. I haven't found much of a need for Lightbringer yet, but I like Hextech Sweeper (cheap, good bonuses, better stealth detection.) I've tried Odyn's Veil twice now but it seems kind of expensive for what it does. It didn't seem that good. Entropy on the other hand is a very powerful item as it has a combination of snare, survivability and big damage.

I do know. I think he's an awesome champ on summoner's rift but terrible in dominion.

Think you've got that backwards.

What are people running for summoner skills?

I think that Garrison is more useful overall than Promote. On defense garrison is obvious -- on offense, Garrison lets anyone dive a tower and get kills. Promote is okay but not great.

Promote is good for someone that naturally pushes waves so that when you attack a tower you get a huge creep wave to assist you. This would be heroes like Kog'Maw or Karthus. Otherwise Garrison is much more useful.

I haven't found much of a need for Lightbringer yet, but I like Hextech Sweeper (cheap, good bonuses, better stealth detection.)

Karthus with Hextech Sweeper is pure gold. Kog'Maw with Lightbringer is inescapable death. You can never juke and his range is so huge you just die. Every aspd/on hit item added in dominion benefits Kog'Maw greatly. This however is balanced out by the sheer number of Thorn Mail Rammuses.

Surprise characters that are awesome are Zilean, Dunk Yi (any Yi really but still), and Cassiopeia.

Zilean ninja caps everything and needs nothing but Priscilla's to be a huge pain in the ass. Bombs do a slight DoT so that prevents counter caps and due to his haste and rewind he tends to get away all too often. You don't always make points yours but you at the very least neutralize them.

Yi's biggest weakness is team fights. Too much CC and focus kills him off before he can do his damage. That's not the case in dominion. You take him on alone when he's got ghostblade and some lifesteal and you're bound to get dunked.

Cassiopeia has always been strong in my eyes and it's no different now. My build of rushing Will of the Ancients still applies because with so many map objectives people are more likely to stay in poison+fang range so your health stays pretty topped off and you can survive purely by building AP.


rammus is spectacular in dominion. i get so many kills by taunting ignorant vlads and jaxes and xins, fortifying the tower, and popping my ult and shield. they can't get out, they take ridiculous damage from the tower, and then i slow them so it takes even longer. not to mention that rammus can easily get 250AD with no attack damage items.

i'm only taking garrison, ghost, and exhaust, depending on what i am playing. someone complained that ghost is only used four or five times a game, but with rammus it means that no one can possibly keep up with him, and i can kite teams around the map while our team captures points.

i'm only taking garrison, ghost, and exhaust, depending on what i am playing. someone complained that ghost is only used four or five times a game, but with rammus it means that no one can possibly keep up with him, and i can kite teams around the map while our team captures points.

This, combined with adding pressure by ballrushing to empty enemy points and THEN kiting them around when they come to stop you, is what I'd like to call the "Pussy Rammus" tactic. And it works so well in Dom.


Yeah, still not thinking Heimer is any good in Dominion. After winning ~85% of my dominion games I'm p sure he's garbage because he's been stomped into the ground every time I've met him. That or he just sucks against all our team comps.

Also haven't seen effective usage of either new summoner skills consistently. Garrison has potential in certain situations but I'd rather run Exhaust/Ghost. My team also likes super try harding with two CVs for total map "control."

Posted (edited)

The map is so small that imo CV is a waste of time. Garrison allows for so much more offense on the point that if you play a character designed to engage the enemy (Irelia, Xin Zhao, Twitch, etc) then imo you should be running it. This ties into the most important concept for Dominion...

The single worst thing you can do in Dominion is have one of those stalled out fights around a point the enemy controls while they are ahead. If you see two people at a point and cannot _immediately_ dive them, go somewhere else and don't waste time.

Edit: In case you (like me) usually play these games with your music off, do yourself a favor and listen to the Dominion music in game sometime...or here at

Edited by BardicKnowledge

speaking of bad characters

i bought and started playing eve and i currently have only lost one game with her out of like 5 or 6

i guess before 30 people don't know what oracle is? except for one amumu i played against but he was never with his team anyways

speaking of bad characters

i bought and started playing eve and i currently have only lost one game with her out of like 5 or 6

i guess before 30 people don't know what oracle is? except for one amumu i played against but he was never with his team anyways

People know what Oracle is, they're just too cheap to buy it cause it delays their ONE BUILD THAT THEY CAN'T DEVIATE FROM NO MATTER WHAT.

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