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So...to get back on TOPIC

I'll be honest. I haven't given a damn about Sonic since Adventure 2 for the dreamcast. When I was a kid, I had a friend who was ADDICTED to Sonic and whenever we went to his house after school he borderline put a gun to my head and made me play sonic with him. He had every game on the genesis. Still does.

Sonic 1-3 and the sonic & knuckles games were great but everything else was pretty much crap with the Adventure games just being "okay".

Looking at some stuff for sonic generations and trying the demo a few times. I just went "meh". Sonic's relevancy has fallen to basically zero. Like Megaman and Mario.


I was completely with you up until that last line. Mario is no longer relevant? Really? Comnparing his games to Sonic... Really?? Wow

Throwing MM down to that level too is cold. Sega wishes they could make a Retro game as good as MM9/10 but obviously failed with 4

Im not holding my breath for Generations thats for sure. If it turns out anything other than a heaping trash that's come out of Sega, I will be shocked

Also its funny to see so many people defending autotune. SCOURGE I SAY!

So...to get back on TOPIC

I'll be honest. I haven't given a damn about Sonic since Adventure 2 for the dreamcast. When I was a kid, I had a friend who was ADDICTED to Sonic and whenever we went to his house after school he borderline put a gun to my head and made me play sonic with him. He had every game on the genesis. Still does.

Sonic 1-3 and the sonic & knuckles games were great but everything else was pretty much crap with the Adventure games just being "okay".

Looking at some stuff for sonic generations and trying the demo a few times. I just went "meh". Sonic's relevancy has fallen to basically zero. Like Megaman and Mario.

:( you put sonic AND mega man down, you aint even getting coal for christmas.
I was completely with you up until that last line. Mario is no longer relevant? Really? Comnparing his games to Sonic... Really?? Wow

Throwing MM down to that level too is cold. Sega wishes they could make a Retro game as good as MM9/10 but obviously failed with 4

Im not holding my breath for Generations thats for sure. If it turns out anything other than a heaping trash that's come out of Sega, I will be shocked

Also its funny to see so many people defending autotune. SCOURGE I SAY!

Lara Croft wasn't relevant again until Legend. That's when I started caring about her once more. Now, the same basic appearance and prince of persia styled gameplay got old. However, I'm super stoked for the reboot which changes up her look quite a bit, different gameplay and a new story. Thus making her relevant once more. At least to me.

Sonic is still sonic. If he's not in a Sonic 1 clone or some mediocre 3D game, he's in some game no one cares about like Spinball or Sonic Battle. Mario's in the same party games, sports games etc. Megaman I can't really say since he's my most hated game character.

Tomb Raider, Ninja Gaiden, Mortal Kombat, Civilization etc are still relevant series in my opinion because they actually change, evolve and improve and let the past be the past. Rather than shove the same games from 10-20 years ago with slightly better graphics down our throats. Sports games being the worst offenders of that.

I might just be a bitter jack ass though. I don't like Zelda, Final Fantasy, Call Of Duty, Chrono Trigger, or Halo either.

Lara Croft wasn't relevant again until Legend. That's when I started caring about her once more. Now, the same basic appearance and prince of persia styled gameplay got old. However, I'm super stoked for the reboot which changes up her look quite a bit, different gameplay and a new story. Thus making her relevant once more. At least to me.

Sonic is still sonic. If he's not in a Sonic 1 clone or some mediocre 3D game, he's in some game no one cares about like Spinball or Sonic Battle. Mario's in the same party games, sports games etc. Megaman I can't really say since he's my most hated game character.

Tomb Raider, Ninja Gaiden, Mortal Kombat, Civilization etc are still relevant series in my opinion because they actually change, evolve and improve and let the past be the past. Rather than shove the same games from 10-20 years ago with slightly better graphics down our throats. Sports games being the worst offenders of that.

I might just be a bitter jack ass though. I don't like Zelda, Final Fantasy, Call Of Duty, Chrono Trigger, or Halo either.

I would say Mario still grows and changes. Sure the Galaxy games may have had similar elements to Mario 64 / Sunshine or whatever, but they were very unique games with new and exciting gameplay elements. It still follows the basic formula of collecting stars but the gameplay was a real evolution. Also, the sports and party games I would count as spin-offs or separate series.

Though I suppose the relevance of a series does come down to personal taste, which you hinted at anyways. You seem to dislike many of the series that I personally adore so it wouldn't be worth getting into too much of a kerfuffle . (Although I'm not really a fan of CoD or Halo myself, so at least we agree on that much)

Either way I'd still say Sonic is relevant, personally, though he has strayed from the path more than I would like (though I liked Colors). I wont get my hopes up but I must say what I've seen so far is making it a bit difficult.

And LOL chthonic.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I got it. I've only played through the first 3 stages so far and it's a lot of fun! The only thing I'm worried about is that the game is going to be really short and not have a lot of replay value. For example, each stage only has 2 acts. 1 for old Sonic, 1 for new Sonic. Which of course, the old Sonic levels are best, and there are only 1 per stage. So.... yeah. There are also challenges for each stage, but I've only done a few of them, they're okay, some better than others.

Apparently you can unlock the entire original Sonic 1 game too, which is kind of neat. Overall I'd recommend it if you're a diehard Sonic fan. If not, then it's probably not worth it.

EDIT: Oh and there are 9 stages total, plus like 3-4 boss fights I think.


I picked this up on tuesday and it has killed any productivity I was hoping to have this week.

Then again, it's the best gamegasm I've had in years. Only thing is that I can't believe that Star Light zone didn't make it in and out of all of those awesome Sonic CD levels they could have done they only gave us a really easy mini boss. On the other hand playing as Snowboardin' Sonic :) with playable controls was a real treat. It's kind of like Sega was saying "Hey guys! we are sorry for the last decade of Sonic but this is how it could have been!" If only Yuji was let go from the company earlier... Part of me just died saying that...

And why is classic Sonic a mute but classic Tails is just as annoyingly talkative as ever?

Time to play through Chemical Plant about 50 more times tonight!


Yeah, I've been having way too much fun with this over the last several hours (just unlocked tonight on Steam).

I have to say, the unlockable soundtrack has been a huge incentive for me to play the challenges and get every red star ring I can. I've beaten up to Crisis City, but I've been doing a lot of backtracking because of the unlockables. Did all Chemical Plant challenges and got all the Green Hill red star rings. Some of the challenges were surprisingly fun, though some are pretty silly. Still, its worth getting the tunes I'd say. Did the first boss with Sonic Boom playing, aw yeah.

Also, Sky Sanctuary is one beautiful level. Though I still wish they counted Sonic 3 & Knuckles as 2 separate games and included either Hydrocity or Ice Cap.

Also, Sky Sanctuary is one beautiful level. Though I still wish they counted Sonic 3 & Knuckles as 2 separate games and included either Hydrocity or Ice Cap.

Yeah I was bummed there weren't more levels from the Genesis games in general. Although I did read that Casino Night was going to be DLC which is cool. Well its cool as long as it isn't too expensive. I hate it when developers seem to purposely leave stuff out that could've been in the game to begin with and then sell it as DLC. But that could be a cool way to add more levels in the future if the price is right.

Lara Croft wasn't relevant again until Legend. That's when I started caring about her once more. Now, the same basic appearance and prince of persia styled gameplay got old. However, I'm super stoked for the reboot which changes up her look quite a bit, different gameplay and a new story. Thus making her relevant once more. At least to me.

Sonic is still sonic. If he's not in a Sonic 1 clone or some mediocre 3D game, he's in some game no one cares about like Spinball or Sonic Battle. Mario's in the same party games, sports games etc. Megaman I can't really say since he's my most hated game character.

Tomb Raider, Ninja Gaiden, Mortal Kombat, Civilization etc are still relevant series in my opinion because they actually change, evolve and improve and let the past be the past. Rather than shove the same games from 10-20 years ago with slightly better graphics down our throats. Sports games being the worst offenders of that.

I might just be a bitter jack ass though. I don't like Zelda, Final Fantasy, Call Of Duty, Chrono Trigger, or Halo either.

Honestly, I have nearly no interest in the upcoming Tomb Raider, just looks like it's mimicking everything else with cutscenes and quick time events ala Uncharted. Legend was a proper return to form. This new one just gives me vibes of Other M, which was an absolute disaster.

Back on topic, I'm thinking about picking this game up once it's a bit cheaper on Steam, gotta pay a few bills before I do. At least going and using canyourunit.com said I'd at least be able to run it at minimum specs.


I might just be a bitter jack ass though. I don't like Zelda, Final Fantasy, Call Of Duty, Chrono Trigger, or Halo either.

i am a cool kid thus i do not like any of the games that average people think are cool i am too good for them


Bought the collectors edition for generations myself seeing as i'm a rather big sonic fan.

juuust waiting for it to be delivered. >:/

Cant wait to play it and enjoy the last 20 years all over again.


went over to a friend's house. Loved it. I want it so bad now but it'll have to wait. At least I got a taste of how fun it is, pretty hard to. I'm still not a fan of classic, but its not bad, just different from what I'm used to.

And the music is just awesome.

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