Cyan_Ide Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 My favortie game was teh Snipers only game >.> *cough*cyanidegotpwned*cough* Oh, yes, just keep clinging to that ONE game that you prevailed in. Whatever helps you eek out your pathetic little existence. I'll give you that one, as long as you RECOGNIZE. Next time, my master sniping skills WILL best you. Quote of the Night: Me: Sorry boys, mind if I cut in? 1 second later, a double kill with the sword. Classic. I had a rough night, IMO, so i don't think I remember anything cool happening to me, so good job everyone, we did pretty good consistently all night long, so that was pretty cool. Clan OCR rules! Quote
redchlorine Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 Hmm... My current clan sucks, my friends's clans suck, I'm about to become a free agent... I can't resist, I'll join. GT = redchlorine I'll be able to get on every night this week, but not next week, then every night next week... It's a parental divorce thing. Quote
Decrescendo Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 Yup, we're back and...better than ever?Okay, not gameplay-wise, but community wise, WE SHALL PWN. So anyone who wants to join, post here. I check OCR pretty much daily, so invites shouldn't go unnoticed for long. I also plan on making my good pal The wingless co-overlord, and good times shall be had by all. So...c'mon! I'll be on for an few hours after posting this thread, so if you get on Live and message "WesPip", i'll send you the clan invite right then. That about covers it, I think. edit: The official gathering time of the clan is currently set at 9:00pm Central-Standard Time. Try to be on around that time whenever you can. You suck. Quote
supremespleen Posted April 26, 2005 Posted April 26, 2005 Nice playing with you this afternoon, Lazy and Aku. I finally got the pay maps to download right. I wanna play some slayer with everyone on Turf, Warlock and Sanctuary. They seem like nice slayer maps. Quote
WesPip Posted April 26, 2005 Author Posted April 26, 2005 Yup, we're back and...better than ever?Okay, not gameplay-wise, but community wise, WE SHALL PWN. So anyone who wants to join, post here. I check OCR pretty much daily, so invites shouldn't go unnoticed for long. I also plan on making my good pal The wingless co-overlord, and good times shall be had by all. So...c'mon! I'll be on for an few hours after posting this thread, so if you get on Live and message "WesPip", i'll send you the clan invite right then. That about covers it, I think. edit: The official gathering time of the clan is currently set at 9:00pm Central-Standard Time. Try to be on around that time whenever you can. You suck. JEALOUS. Anyways, invites sent to metrion, ff6cyan ide, and redchlorine. And..shit! I forgot about the new maps... Quote
PhantomSky Posted April 26, 2005 Posted April 26, 2005 so...9 pm central is the time to be on? every night? Quote
Cyan_Ide Posted April 26, 2005 Posted April 26, 2005 JEALOUS. Anyways, invites sent to metrion, ff6cyan ide, and redchlorine. And..shit! I forgot about the new maps... Sweet. Thanks. Unfortunately, I probably won't be on until a HUGE English paper to do, unless you guys can give me your opinions on T.S. Eliot's The Wasteland while we battle. Quote
GhostMercXIII Posted April 26, 2005 Posted April 26, 2005 The Tito would like to join this clan. Sounds like it would be a fun clan to be in, my Gamertag is EL SC0RP10 Quote
WesPip Posted April 27, 2005 Author Posted April 27, 2005 Just to clarify, since it's all in caps and all, both of the "0" in EL SC0RP10 are zero's, not actual O's, right? I doubt Halo2 is as forgiving as Animal Crossing. Quote
supremespleen Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Hahah, that was some fun stuff this evening. We owned mostly. I enjoyed TheWingless' dialogue on Alucard. Quote
The wingless Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 I love it when my internet connection decides FOR ME when to quit. But an hour with you guys is an hour well spent. Favorite Quotes: SuperSpleen: Aw man, that one was for Wingless -or- haha! I got Wingless! -or- WINGLESSSSZzzz! Honorable Mention: Michael Jackson-esque squeels from LazyLeaf whenever she became the Ninjanaut and immediatly got killed. Me as Ninjanaut: Mwa ha ha. How can you kill a God? Come to me {insert name of Character obliviously running away}. Come to me! Cyanide (I think): Man... I actually feel bad for these guys {rapid fire sniper shots} Huzzah to Clan OCRemix! Quote
GhostMercXIII Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Just to clarify, since it's all in caps and all, both of the "0" in EL SC0RP10 are zero's, not actual O's, right?I doubt Halo2 is as forgiving as Animal Crossing. That is correct good sir Quote
supremespleen Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 I love it when my internet connection decides FOR ME when to quit. But an hour with you guys is an hour well spent.Favorite Quotes: Cyanide: Aw man, that one was for Wingless -or- haha! I got Wingless! -or- WINGLESSSSZzzz! Honorable Mention: Michael Jackson-esque squeels from LazyLeaf whenever she became the Ninjanaut and immediatly got killed. Me as Ninjanaut: Mwa ha ha. How can you kill a God? Come to me {insert name of Character obliviously running away}. Come to me! SupremeSpleen: Man... I actually feel bad for these guys {rapid fire sniper shots} Huzzah to Clan OCRemix! Fixed... I think. I said that last thing, I have no idea who said the first. I still thought your little speech on Alucard was the best. *Guy named Alucard joins* Wingless: Hey guys, did you know Alucard is Dracula backwords?? I read it in a book..... I think it was called Nintendo Power. Quote
Cyan_Ide Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Ya, another great night on live. I agree that the crucial input on the origins of the name "Alucard" was hilarious, though my favorite was definitely when Wingless proclaimed that we couldn't kill a god EVERY time he became the juggernaut. It reminded me of a boss battle where the enemy spouts off random evil and intimidating phrases. I don't know if I'm going to be on tonight or not. I procrastinated on that English paper I talked about earlier, but depending on how my other work goes I may get a jump on it today and be able to be on for a couple hours. Quote
redchlorine Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Sorry guys, I know I said I'd be able to get on all week. There was a bit of a snafu between one of my teachers and my dad; the teacher made it sound like I did absolutely nothing in class. The result was that my dad took my computer for an unspecified amount of time, and that being how I get on the internet [wireless], I can't get on Live. I did manage to download the free maps before that, so now all I can do is try to find all the good spots to run to. If nothing else, next week I should be able to get on at the other house from 3 to 5 [Arizona time], prividing I can find a long enough network cable... Quote
The wingless Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Haha. Worse excuse ever. Just come clean and say, "I fukked mah skewl werkx and mah pappy dun cut off de elektricitee" Clan OCRemix will soldier on while you Breakfast Club yourself to a more promising future! Quote
Cyan_Ide Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Actually, I've decided to forgo a few hours of sleep in order to play (Halo will keep me more sane than sleep will, anyways) so I will indeed be on tonight. That, and I may not need to do much after we play anyhow, so see you there. Quote
Kireek Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 If I'm on it will be very late tonight or during the day tomarrow because I have a day off of school. Hurray! Quote
KonohaNinja Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 Yeah last night was great..and yes..I love to squel.. I think the Zanzibar game and Ninjanaut on Warlock were my favorite games. Zanzibar: As I ride on top of the warthog Wingless drives...He starts singing teh Miss America theme... priceless.. Warlock: Me:AHHHHHHHHHGSHSGHGAH IA M TEH NINJANAUT HOLYSHIT KILL SOMEONE AGGHH!HH!HG! *random guy*:DUDE! You Squeal like a girl.... Me: Uhh...ummm.. I am? I haven't played this much halo online or had this much FUN since I got it in November.. Thanks every one this is awesome! Quote
Cyan_Ide Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 ANTI-quote of the night. bobthename: come on guys, don't you wanna see some glitches? I guess they were cool....for about 10 seconds. Quote
KonohaNinja Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 just so HAPPENED...I had to leave..RIGHT before he started that...such a shame... >.> Quote
WesPip Posted April 28, 2005 Author Posted April 28, 2005 OSHIT! It's 9:00! I'm on my way, WAIT FOR ME!!! Quote
supremespleen Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 OSHIT!It's 9:00! I'm on my way, WAIT FOR ME!!! We caught you. We know you have 40,000 blocks of Hilary Duff on your XBOX. My favorite quote of the night: Wingless: Anybody call for a web slinger?? Quote
The wingless Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 Big showing! Our power grows by the hour! QotD: We're Level 2!! (Entire Clan at our first clan vs. clan match against level 3's) Oshit! (Entire Clan at our next clan vs. clan match against level 6's) Honorable Mention: WesPip: I *still* have no idea what's going on! (Game of Ninjanaut) ---- Excelsior! Quote
KonohaNinja Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 Yeah! Tonight was another awesome night.. We even won our first clan match ;_o We are all growing up so fast...*sniff* There were so many awesome games..I don't know what my favorite was... Again..I was a crazy micheal jackson squealer..>.> The best part was when the whole clan tried to ride the same warthog..that was priceless.. Lesse Quotes...umm: Me: OMG I have the flag..and umm I need.. help... *crouches inside base..with 2 wraiths circlin it* Wingless: Looks like you have a wraith problem their missy.. Me: I know...O_O Me: I'm 17 years old.. Z Saber: Your a N00b Me: awwww Cyan_Ide: CTF...NO CTF..don't even think about it Lazy Leaf! Hahaha yes a big thank you to all who played! I had a lot of fun AGAIN! woot! Quote
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