redchlorine Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 FREE XBOX LIVE ALTERNATIVE BEEN SAID BEFORE, WE STILL DON'T CARE, KTHXBYE And I will make a final post sometime today, before my PC gets the reformatting boot. Quote
KonohaNinja Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 Heres another match! Its a double team Dr. Marius and I played a little while ago. Great stuff. Give it a download!;3991740;4;/fileinfo.html RedChlorine and ANYONE who owns a DS: Make sure you also have Meteos in addition to Kirby Canvas! It's my favortie game on the system. Its quick, fast, and addictive. It will last you a long time as well! I will be on hope to see you guys on!....or...else... Quote
Yellow 13 Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 Might be on later, there's a 45% chance I will. I just haven't had the incentive to play for the last couple-o-days. But since Lazy will be on, I might make some point to be on later Quote
redchlorine Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 Well then I'll let windows live for one last night. But tomorrow, it gets it. Quote
53phy Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 I'll try to be on tonight. Try being the key word there. Quote
Deej Valen Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 It came with mario64, and I'm almost broke now, but that is the game I had my eye on.At least I got the sexy blue one. Best Buy here didnt have the free game anymore... Missed it by a day. Thank you once again mom for not getting me help for driving because you screwed me over AGAIN. Ah well, Meteos still rawks.@Lazy: Waiting for IT to come out... You'll know what I mean when it does and hear me ranting. In the meantime, I'll let my bro get Kirby so I can mooch from him. 100 posts for me. Blah to you all =P Plus, I am a swell Pirate! as I have killed all in my path... Quote
Yellow 13 Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 Didn't make it tonight, but only because I made this uber-awesome pic! (email or pm me for a larger image) View it here I updated a new one where the text is more visible, but this isn't the one. Quote
Icy Guy Posted August 6, 2005 Posted August 6, 2005 Boobbagging! Lazy, Marius, and I somehow got on the discussion of a certain annoying member (his name is based on that of a certain red echidna) and his supposed teabagging habits. This turned into a discussion about teabagging. Something came up about Lazy teabagging people, and I said that since it was physically impossible for Lazy to teabag someone (unless there's something about her she's not telling us), she could try "boobbagging" ("boobagging"?) them. They said "Boobagging" would be quote of the day, but neither of them posted. Quote
KonohaNinja Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 Awww..I'm sorry Icy Guy...I have been sleeping all day since I stayed up so late last night playing halo. I'll post the video of that game some time tonight before I go to a.."sorry" Quote
redchlorine Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 ...and my new hard drive doesn't like the RAID card I put in. What next. Windows reinstallation will be delayed longer than expected. *fights urge to just burn all 40 gigs of saveworthy stuff to CDs* Maybe today, I'll actually get into a good game with someone. Third time's the charm... Quote
Yellow 13 Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 I dunno, I haven't had much motivation to play online lately. And I might see Stealth tonight with the family. In which case I won't be on tonight. Quote
Deej Valen Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 Didn't make it tonight, but only because I made this uber-awesome pic! (email or pm me for a larger image)View it here I updated a new one where the text is more visible, but this isn't the one. Looks like something I could do in fireworks if the 2 variables are TRUE:~)if PC = shiny and fixed and had studio mx back on it( ~)if i had the resources( well, just to brag, here's Otenko that I made ALL in fireworks during school (took 5 classes to finish). I may make me a badge outta this... May ALSO burn most of the keepsakes on my PC (music, install files for ripped stuff >_>, flash files) onto as many CDs as I have, then email the rest to my yahoo mail account, since I have about a gig of untouched space. Blah, my eyes hurt and I'm hungry so no halo tonight... Maybe you people should get Conker so I can keel you as a sneeker/long ranger... As for boobbagging, don't make fun of us thin guys who are flat chested! </inside joke> Quote
Yellow 13 Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 Didn't make it tonight, but only because I made this uber-awesome pic! (email or pm me for a larger image)View it here I updated a new one where the text is more visible, but this isn't the one. Looks like something I could do in fireworks if the 2 variables are TRUE:~)if PC = shiny and fixed and had studio mx back on it( ~)if i had the resources Did mine in photoshop. I'm quite proud of it Quote
KonohaNinja Posted August 7, 2005 Posted August 7, 2005 Well, here it is! Every one should give this match a download at least for the laughs if not the awesome pwning. B00bbagging:;4019510;4;/fileinfo.html Quote
Deej Valen Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 Did mine in photoshop. I'm quite proud of it I still luff Fireworks because I can constantly juggle between that and Flash without any quality damage =)Besides, I can draw things in Fireworks, import to Flash, distribute to layers, and make animations. I have a few Boktai models drawn up but I'm still working on different angles, poses, etc.. before I start the small parody of the start of Boktai 2. GAWD that was so lame! ::goes to play conker online for awhile:: Quote
Deej Valen Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 Lazy just had to drag me from my head chopping frenzies to play some games with her and Marius... Deimos had to leave though for whatever reasons he had -.- But it was a fun night, I guess... o.o Quote
Yellow 13 Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 Lazy just had to drag me from my head chopping frenzies to play some games with her and Marius... Deimos had to leave though for whatever reasons he had -.- But it was a fun night, I guess... o.o Yeah sorry 'bout that, but there were a couple reasons for that. Primarily I was getting a little irritated, but I guess I could blame that on my lack of sleep the night before and I was really in no mood to be taking any jokes. Plus I needed food . I left my browser on signalling I might be back, but a few people had left by the time I got back . And dr. Marius. I may be slow with jokes and the like, but I can still kick your ass Quote
Dr. Marius Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 Yellow, that link isn't working. So I'll be the good man and come on here and say, yes, he can kick my ass. heh. DAMN we've had some good games lately, unfortunately Leafy records the ones where I'm sleep deprived and sounding like a 5 year old on a sugar high. Heh heh. Boob bagging. Goooood shit. Quote
Yellow 13 Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Yellow, that link isn't working. So I'll be the good man and come on here and say, yes, he can kick my ass. heh. Ah dammit. The link worked earlier. It was the sniper match where I beat you 8 to 15. PWNED XD I might play tonight, but I told someone I might play Forza Motorsport. If you see me, feel free to let me know you're around and I'll join up/ Quote
Deej Valen Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Have all MY files backed up on 2 CDs. Hafta wait till mom and my brother finish up and get their crap offa here before the big wipe... Then I can get those things from ya Lazy, as well as watch that vid (since WMP wont work anymore ;-; ) Also, a friend of mine might be dragging me off to her newly found private RO server too. >.< I used up my 15 free days and was like "Private servers only now, since I'm not that crazy about it." At least on here I know I'll have someone to play with and not have to party with strangers like I usually hafta on MapleStory. My aim may be lower than normal, but I am now sneakier and better with reaction times thanks to Conker! Now I wish my aim was as good as it used to be... Deimos kept taking too long to kill with a BR due to the fact on average only 1 bullet would hit him at a time X_X ::will practice later, eat cheese now:: Quote
PartTimeShinobi Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Bah. Stupid vacations. OK, well, I'm back now (because you missed me, admit it), so I can play a bit more hopefully. I also picked up a copy of Splinter Cell CT the other day. Anyone care to lend a n00b a hand in the online? Quote
53phy Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 In CT, or Halo 2? I can help you out a bit in Halo 2, but my rental of CT ran out last Friday. Quote
Decrescendo Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Have all MY files backed up on 2 CDs. Hafta wait till mom and my brother finish up and get their crap offa here before the big wipe... Then I can get those things from ya Lazy, as well as watch that vid (since WMP wont work anymore ;-; )Also, a friend of mine might be dragging me off to her newly found private RO server too. >.< I used up my 15 free days and was like "Private servers only now, since I'm not that crazy about it." At least on here I know I'll have someone to play with and not have to party with strangers like I usually hafta on MapleStory. My aim may be lower than normal, but I am now sneakier and better with reaction times thanks to Conker! Now I wish my aim was as good as it used to be... Deimos kept taking too long to kill with a BR due to the fact on average only 1 bullet would hit him at a time X_X ::will practice later, eat cheese now:: You act like formatting your hard drive is a monumental and historic event... I could've formatted my hard drive like 8,000,000.23132412 times by now Quote
redchlorine Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Have all MY files backed up on 2 CDs. Hafta wait till mom and my brother finish up and get their crap offa here before the big wipe... Then I can get those things from ya Lazy, as well as watch that vid (since WMP wont work anymore ;-; )Also, a friend of mine might be dragging me off to her newly found private RO server too. >.< I used up my 15 free days and was like "Private servers only now, since I'm not that crazy about it." At least on here I know I'll have someone to play with and not have to party with strangers like I usually hafta on MapleStory. My aim may be lower than normal, but I am now sneakier and better with reaction times thanks to Conker! Now I wish my aim was as good as it used to be... Deimos kept taking too long to kill with a BR due to the fact on average only 1 bullet would hit him at a time X_X ::will practice later, eat cheese now:: You act like formatting your hard drive is a monumental and historic event... I could've formatted my hard drive like 8,000,000.23132412 times by now And you're acting like formatting a hard drive is as common as breathing. Whoop de doo. I'm more concerned about the fact that he could fit all his files onto only 2 CDs. Quote
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