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Gah! Its one word! Why do so many people make my name into 2 words???

And what the heck is with the Morrowind music in that superbounce video?!

...and now on a less angry note, I did pretty well tonight, considering I haven't played Halo since October 3rd.

Gah! Its one word! Why do so many people make my name into 2 words???

And what the heck is with the Morrowind music in that superbounce video?!

...and now on a less angry note, I did pretty well tonight, considering I haven't played Halo since October 3rd.

quoted for emphasis on the WHY????

lol, Metrion was selling me pix of his mom,thas how he got my adress.

pfft, lies

you know you said you were looking for "the penis place" (no seriously, he found a place called the penis place near his house and he sent me a mapquest link with his address in it)

lol, Metrion was selling me pix of his mom,thas how he got my adress.

pfft, lies

you know you said you were looking for "the penis place" (no seriously, he found a place called the penis place near his house and he sent me a mapquest link with his address in it)

You mean the one weebl was talking about on www.weebls-stuff.com?
lol, Metrion was selling me pix of his mom,thas how he got my adress.

pfft, lies

you know you said you were looking for "the penis place" (no seriously, he found a place called the penis place near his house and he sent me a mapquest link with his address in it)

You mean the one weebl was talking about on www.weebls-stuff.com?

i dunno, he just said that he found a place with the word penis in it (i don't remember exactly what he said it was called) near his house


*cough*needlessexpense*cough* :wink:

Edit: *cough*alsonotasfastandasweallknowfasterisbetterexceptduringsex*cough*

Edit 2: I'll be on from 8:30-9 EST. Be there, ya'll.


Well, there's always tomorrow. Assuming, of course, my dad doesn't decide to ground me for being on an hour too long... which I was...

I recommend that we set two seperate meeting times for those of us who can't afford to stay up till 11. Say, 8 to 9 EST?

I recommend that we set two seperate meeting times for those of us who can't afford to stay up till 11. Say, 8 to 9 EST?

I like that idea. Problem is, though, people usually just get on when they can; the meeting times don't seem to hold up too well.


Just an FYI, if you see me sitting there in menu, that usually means I'm up for a game, I'm just at my computer at the moment.

I have horrible luck playing alone, as I seem to always get stuck on the team of quitters. :evil:

I recommend that we set two seperate meeting times for those of us who can't afford to stay up till 11. Say, 8 to 9 EST?

I like that idea. Problem is, though, people usually just get on when they can; the meeting times don't seem to hold up too well.

Well, then it'll be my meetup time. If anyone wants to join me on the digital battlefield, they can do it from 8 to 9. :)

Just an FYI, if you see me sitting there in menu, that usually means I'm up for a game, I'm just at my computer at the moment.

I have horrible luck playing alone, as I seem to always get stuck on the team of quitters. :evil:

Ah, then it's my fault I didn't send you an invite. When I'm in the menu, I'm usually getting a snack or something... I'll know next time, sorry. :?



Now that's funny.

Nothing new to report, other than kids in springboro (our big school rival) SUCK FKN ASS AT HALO! 4 of us from here at Franklin pwned them all at a lan party... Too easy. Can someone give me a challenge for us to play?

BTB ish dead T_T I'ma hafta kill meself now that it's gone... <sigh>

Just an FYI, if you see me sitting there in menu, that usually means I'm up for a game, I'm just at my computer at the moment.

I have horrible luck playing alone, as I seem to always get stuck on the team of quitters. :evil:

i know how you feel, that happens to me a lot ;_; bungie needs to do som,ething about that...


I want to play halo 2 so bad.. but I have so much homeowke... I think I'm gonna cry...and where is every one!!!!?? WESPIP WHYYY!!? WHeres Cyanide, Marius, Spleen and many others that I have forgotten?? >_>. I mean I have had shadow of collosus which is acompletely valid reason becasue its such anawesome game <_< and craploads of homework >_>... Anyways after this week I should have some free time but come christamas break.. count me in almost EVERY NIGHT!!!11!


Now that's funny.

Nothing new to report, other than kids in springboro (our big school rival) SUCK FKN ASS AT HALO! 4 of us from here at Franklin pwned them all at a lan party... Too easy. Can someone give me a challenge for us to play?

BTB ish dead T_T I'ma hafta kill meself now that it's gone... <sigh>

you sick sick little moo cow!

meh, i might get on in about an hour, so deej, bug me on aim then

OMG LAZY LEAF SAID SOMETHING! SHE'S NOT DEAD! w00t! she must join us tonight....

oh yea: the xbox 360 is gonna have ubertastic majikal 3delicous grafux, so how does microsoft advertise it? a bunch of black ppl playing jumprope! (nothing against black ppl of course) wtf does that have to do with gaming! the giant water balloon fight looked like fun tho...

BTB ish dead T_T I'ma hafta kill meself now that it's gone... <sigh>

Wait, what? Big Team Battle?

Edit after reading Bungie.net: Well shit. BTB is where all my ranks are. I'll be, what, a 16 as opposed to a 30?


OMG an excuse to play Halo2!!!

gamertag is Will Beers

invite plz!



No seriously, I need to go play some Halo 2.

hokay, i'll go and add you now

anyone who reads this: GET THE FUCK ON LIVE YOU LAZY BASTARDS!

i <3 u with mouth kthxbye ;) (gotta love that cartoon)

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