Sonic Posted November 19, 2005 Posted November 19, 2005 No Halo for me today. There was a short in my room and I have to wait until tomorrow to get it fixed. Well, at least it happened on a Friday. Theres no [as] today so I don't have record anything. Quote
metrion Posted November 19, 2005 Posted November 19, 2005 noooooooooooooooooooes! i might not be on the first shipment of xbox 360s ;_; that makes me a saaaaaaaaaaaaaad panda. specially after they told me before that i would be on the first shipment ;_; but they did say that a few ppl canceled so i just might be on the first shipment, and if that doesn't get me on it then i'll ask if coming at midnight will get me a 360 on day one... Quote
Yellow 13 Posted November 19, 2005 Posted November 19, 2005 Well, we (at Toys R Us) just got our shipment of 360s just last week, and I thought they were fucking joking when I saw how many they sent to us. 16 units. With 8 already reserved. Quote
metrion Posted November 19, 2005 Posted November 19, 2005 Well, we (at Toys R Us) just got our shipment of 360s just last week, and I thought they were fucking joking when I saw how many they sent to us.16 units. With 8 already reserved. did they let you take one? Quote
redchlorine Posted November 19, 2005 Posted November 19, 2005 Hmm... I do remember zombies being fun at one point, but that was back when I was first playing online.... Hmm... If anyone else is willing to, I'll make a pre-gayness zombies game to be played on non gay maps with no gay settings. Purely to see if the gametype still holds any value for people who have progressed beyond that noob stage. If not, well, there's always rocketball.... And a big LOL to you guys getting the 360 at launch. I think I'll save my money until it goes for less, or if something I must have comes out. I got my computer till then, and that's saying something. Quote
Sonic Posted November 19, 2005 Posted November 19, 2005 I found out what broke. The outlet connected to my alarm clock shorted so no power could get to my tv and stuff. It'll probably take the reat of today to fix it but I'll definitly be on tomorrow. Quote
Yellow 13 Posted November 19, 2005 Posted November 19, 2005 Well, we (at Toys R Us) just got our shipment of 360s just last week, and I thought they were fucking joking when I saw how many they sent to us.16 units. With 8 already reserved. did they let you take one? No. Plus I'm not really interested in the 360 at the moment. Quote
Sonic Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 If your not gonna play Halo, then at least play Bankshot Billiards on Live Arcade. Its pretty fun and you can play custom music, too. Quote
metrion Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 i guess eb games was right to only allow about 6 to 10 reservations microsoft screwed up the launch... i'm not even old enough to sign up for a gamercard on their website! i was old enough to have an account there during the xbox ages... Quote
KonohaNinja Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 I'm playing tonight at 10:30 pm EST! Whos with me?????? ....please... o.o Quote
neminem Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 So that'd be, what... 7:30 Pacific? You might see me on, sometime before you're done, depending on how much interesting is going on in real life. Certainly, having free time again means you'll see me on a nonzero amount in the future. On a similar note, I was sad to not see anyone else on in the past couple days. So I just kept playing Rumble, which is fun anyway - I'm up to level 20 now . But it would have been neat to see some people on. Quote
redchlorine Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 I'll be on tonight; I get off at 6:30 Arizona time. Yes, we have our own time zone. Don't believe me? Check the various time zones on your computer clock settings. Enough rambling, on to more important things. So... Friday. Convenient, I got a friend coming over Friday and he's gonna buy a headset, so he knows what the heck we're rambling about. Another random thing, do we have one of those maps that shows the locations of our members? If not, where would we go to set one up? EDIT: accidental use of engrish. Quote
PartTimeShinobi Posted November 24, 2005 Posted November 24, 2005 Going out of town for tomorrow, but I'll be back Friday afternoon. I really hope to see some people on that evening. Might I suggest people who can (and will) be getting on post within the next day or so? I recall 53phy and Metrion (and a few others) saying they were in. Quote
Deej Valen Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 Well, we (at Toys R Us) just got our shipment of 360s just last week, and I thought they were fucking joking when I saw how many they sent to us.16 units. With 8 already reserved.Me and my friend skipped tuesday, tried to get one monday night, to no luck. Oh well, I've heard these are a crappy batch and aren't as good as the later batches will be. Just save yer money for now... Until all the bugs are out. We did piss off some people waiting there since sunday night though. Bastard 50 year old guy who kept getting so upset that me and him even showed up. He was scared to death that they would raffle them off like at other stores. Quote
Deej Valen Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 I'm playing tonight at 10:30 pm EST! Whos with me??????....please... o.o Awww, does Lazy miss me that much? I'm sorry T_T Quote
53phy Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 I've got company coming over tonight, and I'm buying Metal Gear Solid 3 today. I'm still gonna try my damnedest to get on. Needless to say, you guys better make this worth it. If I'm not there, rest assured that I'm playing something. Quote
PartTimeShinobi Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 I've got company coming over tonight, and I'm buying Metal Gear Solid 3 today. I'm still gonna try my damnedest to get on. Needless to say, you guys better make this worth it.If I'm not there, rest assured that I'm playing something. It will be worth it. Say what time you're getting on, and I (at least) will be there. Quote
redchlorine Posted November 25, 2005 Posted November 25, 2005 Me and my friend are getting on, as soon as he stops playing Spartan total warrior. He got a headset while we were at best buy getting cheap stuff. Quote
53phy Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 ...Where is everybody? I'm watching my friend's list on and nobody's on... Quote
PartTimeShinobi Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 ...Where is everybody? I'm watching my friend's list on and nobody's on... You. Play. Now. Ok? Good. Quote
53phy Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Blargh, that didn't turn out well at all. Got tied up with... um, stuff. Like snakes and bandannas and stuff. Sorry. Edit: Oh, sure, now everyone gets on. When I have to sleep. Damnable non-EST and/or don't-have-to-get-up-on-time-in-the-morning people. Quote
redchlorine Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Even I showed up WesPip... For shame!(They just had to tear me away from BF2:MC ) Jeez, even id card showed up, and he hasn't been on for months, literally. But yea, we should do that more often. Playing Halo with you guys shouldn't be something reserved for a holiday weekend, it should be on at least a weekly basis. Quote
WesPip Posted November 26, 2005 Author Posted November 26, 2005 Oh shit, it was the 25th wasn't it? ... Wasn't someone supposed to remind me or something? Dammit. Quote
PartTimeShinobi Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 We should do that more often. Playing Halo with you guys shouldn't be something reserved for a holiday weekend, it should be on at least a weekly basis. Amen, brudda. We played until about 3 EST (the "E" is for "Egypt"), and had much fun. That should seriously be happening at least once a week. Quote
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