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*NO* Captain Tsubasa 2, Mighty Final Fight, Tecmo Cup & Mega Man 2 'All or Nothing'

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Remix Link:

YouTube: (Helps a lot if you want to know which part of the mix belongs to what source. The drums at the very ending doesn't exist in the subbed mp3 above)

Contact Information

Your ReMixer name: Dj Mystix

Your real name Mansoor Nazar

Your email address

Your userid 11757 (DjMystix)

Submission Information

Name of game(s) arranged

Mighty Final Fight

Captain Tsubasa 2

Tecmo Cup

Mega Man 2

Name of arrangement: All Or Nothing

Name of individual song(s) arranged

Mighty Final Fight - Round 2 (Riverside)

Captain Tsubasa 2 - RioCap Enemy Theme, TOHO Team theme

Tecmo Cup - Dream & Dragons Team's theme

Mega Man 2 - Dr.Willy Stage 1

Composer(s) :

Mighty Final Fight: Yoshihiro Sakaguchi, Yoko Shimomura

Captain Tsubasa 2: Koji Yamada

Tecmo Cup: Unknown (I couldn't find out who is the composer)

Mega Man 2: Manami Matsumae, Takashi Tateishi, Yoshihiro Sakaguchi

System :

Mighty Final Fight, Captain Tsubasa 2 and Mega Man 2 on NES

Tecmo Cup on Genesis/Megadrive

Original Sources:

(00:00 - 00:40) Captain Tsubasa 2 - RioCap Enemy Theme

(00:41 - 01:57) Mighty Final Fight - Round 2:

(01:58 - 02:27) Captain Tsubasa 2 - TOHO Team:

(02:28 - 02:57) Tecmo Cup (Dream & Dragons Team's Theme):

(2:58 onwards) AkumajoBelmont's "For You":

http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02121/ (Actual Source:


OCR Workshop link:



Okay so here I am again, mixing ridiculous amount of sources together. :)

I'm sure most of us have some incredibly cherished moments from our childhood playing Mighty Final Fight, Mega Man (and for some of us Captain Tsubasa too :D). I started this mix with complete intention of mixing all sources I've used. Captain Tsubasa 2 has some incredible tunes but they are too small to make a remix out of each of them. I knew I was going to merge a couple of them together before I even started working on this mix. And I always thought Tecmo Cup source and Dr.Willy could be merged into one song. But instead of using actual source from Mega Man 2, I decided to use AkumajoBelmont's "For You" which, IMO, is not only way better than the original, but also one of the best videogame remixes out there; so this is my way of paying tribute to it.

The idea was to combine Chillout and Rock styles while retaining the chiptunish soul of the sources. I hope you like the remix, the transitions and overall sound.


Mansoor Nazar

  • 4 weeks later...

Nice work making all these themes mesh without making it sound like a medley, and it has a pleasant vibe. The guitar solo was really nice was well, and the only real complaint I have is the stiffness of some of the piano.

SHort and sweet thoughts on this one, I think it's great. :-)



I disagree. I think this sounds an awful lot like a medley. There is certainly some amount of overall form; I can identify that Wily Stage is like a B section, but the track never really comes full circle. The main thing that unites the song is the groove, which never changes. I can't pass this on account of medleyitis. Sorry.


  • 4 weeks later...

I'm somewhere in between the two gentlemen. I think it's recognizable as a medley, and I do wish there was more to tie the beginning in with the end, but I also think that the overall groove of the song is a pretty good factor that keeps things going here. Maybe a recap of one of the first two songs would help a bit (for me at least)? I'd also like to hear some kind of change-up in terms of instrumentation, there's no real time for your ears to get a rest of the same instruments and very similar synths throughout.

There are some areas that also feel a little stiff overall, which I think you could go back and clean up. It's a nitpick, but I know you can improve it!

NO (resubmit)

  • 1 month later...

Heh, this is actually not as complicated of a track to break down as I expected it to be from the list of sources. I think the general strength of DJ Mystix's arrangements is in the fact that he knows how to pick sources that flow well together and, to someone who doesn't really know the sources that well, feel like they could potentially all be from one source tune. This mix is no exception, I don't have any issue with the nature of the medley here.

I find myself aligning much more with DragonAvenger's crits, though, in that the soundscape is pretty homogeneous throughout. I'm actually not a fan of the lead synth that holds up much of this arrangement. It's definitely useable in context but overall, this mix does end up feeling like it doesn't have a very diverse instrumental palette. Fortunately, there's acoustic guitar and piano breakdowns to help break up some of the samey-ness (that word looks really silly to me at 2:35 AM) whenever the synth leads start to get a little too pervasive. The same can be said for some of the other synth sounds that make brief appearances in the song.

I've been going back and forth on this in my head, but overall I do feel like this is of the same arrangement caliber as DJ Mystix's other passed medleys, and I don't think the mix is as devoid of changeups as Deia is saying. It's a closer call than usual, but I really respect what he's done with the themes here and I think he pulled off that concept well enough to pass.


  • 1 month later...

There's some effort in making the whole song sound unified, but the fact that the structure of each individual source is basically intact is disappointing. I felt like Mansoor hit one groove and went through each song over it, which is how a lot of medleys work. I did love the layering of the intro piano in the MM2 section and it's that kind of interpretation that is necessary for a medley to work on this site, in my mind. If this had more of that, I'd probably pass it. His Sunset Riders mix used multiple sources in a much more clear direction - one source being used for a breakdown section, another for a bridge, all contributing to a unified whole. Whereas this mostly feels like one song after another. I felt like there were more sources used in this than there needed to be.

Solo guitar sequencing was fantastic, definitely a highlight. The drum sounds were a little plain and the drum track had the quality of a keyboard preset accompaniment. That's not to say it was bad, just a little boring. The piano should have been less stiff. The production issues don't matter to me much in light of the arrangement issues.


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have any issue with the arrangement. sure, there's no repetition, but it just kinda feels like a progressive electronic/hip-hop tune. the transitions were fine and the song flowed just fine imo, so I'm down with this as far as arrangement is concerned.

production wise this was fine, but not up to djmystix's normal standard imo. the acoustic guitar stuff was really nicely done though. the overall soundscape just felt kinda sparse, and static. I agree that stuff could have changed up some more, but oh well. it's pretty good.


  • 4 weeks later...

Not a fan of the arrangement. I agree with Vig, it's a medley. The groove stays pretty static thoughtout, and you hit each source one by one and move on. To make it a more cohesive piece, I'd like to see some recaps of previously used tunes; don't just hit a source and then move on; bring it back later to show that this one piece of music, not a series of snapshots.

NO (resub)


If this made it, I'd have to count up seconds and figure out the game to assign it. It looks like Mighty Final Fight, but it could be Captain Tsubasa 2, because Mansoor's timestamps weren't totally precise, from what I can see. Moving onto the vote...

Heh, this is actually not as complicated of a track to break down as I expected it to be from the list of sources. I think the general strength of DJ Mystix's arrangements is in the fact that he knows how to pick sources that flow well together and, to someone who doesn't really know the sources that well, feel like they could potentially all be from one source tune. This mix is no exception, I don't have any issue with the nature of the medley here.

I find myself aligning much more with DragonAvenger's crits, though, in that the soundscape is pretty homogeneous throughout. I'm actually not a fan of the lead synth that holds up much of this arrangement. It's definitely usable in context but overall, this mix does end up feeling like it doesn't have a very diverse instrumental palette. Fortunately, there's acoustic guitar and piano breakdowns to help break up some of the samey-ness (that word looks really silly to me at 2:35 AM) whenever the synth leads start to get a little too pervasive. The same can be said for some of the other synth sounds that make brief appearances in the song.

I've been going back and forth on this in my head, but overall I do feel like this is of the same arrangement caliber as DJ Mystix's other passed medleys, and I don't think the mix is as devoid of changeups as Deia is saying. It's a closer call than usual, but I really respect what he's done with the themes here and I think he pulled off that concept well enough to pass.

I agreed with much of Emu's vote, except I'm not going YES. I agree that, IMO, the medley's cohesive enough and the source tunes flow together. The treatment of the themes was pretty straightforward, but personalized, and the transitions were fine on the whole, which was critical. I agreed with those who felt that if you didn't know where the themes came from, you could reasonably assume they were all from one game. Maybe Mega Man 2 stands out a lot more, but that's bound to happen. The flow IS a step down from the Sunset Riders piece, but not enough to be a dealbreaker for me.

That said, the arrangement having pretty flat dynamics and an overall simplistic, plodding groove ultimately dragged this down by the end of the 4 minutes. Even within a flatter dynamic curve, you need to have more significant development and evolution of this soundscape. That was the core issue that made this a NO to me.

Also, halc mentioned the soundscape feeling sparse, and I thought that spareness exacerbated unrealistic sounding parts like the exposed mechanical piano at 2:12 (worst from 2:27-2:57 for the Tecmo Bowl section).

Pick something to improve, and improve it significantly, and you'd probably flip some votes here. :lol:

NO (resubmit)


So I'm on the fence on the source arrangement side. You could argue both that this is a quick once-over for each theme, then moving to the next. But you can also make the case that, while short, each theme is both recognizable and has a degree of personalization.

Personally, I think Larry hit the nail on the head with what was bothering me the most:

That said, the arrangement having pretty flat dynamics and an overall simplistic, plodding groove ultimately dragged this down by the end of the 4 minutes. Even within a flatter dynamic curve, you need to have more significant development and evolution of this soundscape. That was the core issue that made this a NO to me.

Minus the breakdown around the 2 minute mark, everything else is basically the same beat & energy level, with the melodies switched around to a different theme and different leads.

Really liked the guitar solo section, though. That was definitely my favorite section as it nailed the moody spanish guitar feel.

A few nitpicks: the snare felt a bit on the thin side IMO and the lead synth was a little hot on the high freqs. Mechanical piano's already been mentioned. Otherwise, I'm digging the production treatment.

I can't really way whether, based on source use crits alone, I'd be a yes or no on this one, however, taking the other issues into account, this pushes me to ask for a resub.

No, resubmit please

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