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If you really think about it, FF7 through 9 had 3D characters, but the backgrounds were a "painted" type style, not 3D backgrounds. I figure FFX would be easier to remake because it had 3D environments and characters, it's probably just a matter of using - and upgrading - the existing engine they used. Or heck, maybe they can even use their new engine, but it's probably not that hard to upgrade and re-use the 3D environments they've already made.. Unlike FF7 which would involve a lot of painting and an attention for every little detail if they did the painting route, or a complete revamp of every single seeable detail if they redid it all in 3D. It's a huge difference between the two there..

And I don't think people should jump to conclusions and say this will be a port. When Square says remake, it usually entails something like the FF3 or 4 remake... But we'll know soon enough when it gets clarified, but for now I'm going to stick with what was said and side with the HD Remake side of things


stevo, what is the game you had a picture of, it looks super awesome. :o

I agree with Brandon that 10 is the most logical one to remake at this point. FF13 had issues with detailed and expansive environments, which is probably why there were so many corridors; 10 has already been done in 3d, so there is a template for it already, and it can be planned for.

Posted (edited)

Its got the HD moniker like all the other PS2 ports and its a PS2 game. They have not said anything about remake that im aware of. It would cost them far more money to make a remake of FFX then to just use the exsisting tools used in all these ps2 HD ports. Why would you assume this is any different?

Edited by Crowbar Man
Posted (edited)

It's a good point that I think we established earlier with fewer words. Yes, Square Enix is taking the easier route by choosing FFX to port in HD. I think Crowbar Man is right on the money.

Given how quickly it will be played (december) coupled with the fact that we had heard absolutely no inkling as to its existence before TGS AND that no screens have been shown makes me near certain it will be an HD port, a la the HD PS2 rereleases we've seen lately announced for PS3 (which the FFX rerelease will hit as well).

Note, I'm not saying it's a bad thing this is a slightly improved port; I just wouldn't get my hopes up for a full overhaul.

Edited by ocre

To all the haters, they DID announce 2 brand new titles for the Vita, not sequels or any attachment to FF.

As for the amount of time this has been in development, we don't know. They released FF7 in 1997, FF8 in 1998 and I'm not sure but I think FF9 came out in 1999, so it's not unheard of for new Square (which is a much larger company now) to be able to handle a decent remake of FFX.. It may be in 3D but the game itself is a fair bit shorter than those games.

I'd be happy playing this in HD in widescreen, the upgraded graphic quality will be a definite plus, but they don't need to do too much beyond that for me to call it a proper remake. They could up the audio quality (obviously) and things of that nature. I both hope and assume that this is a project they've been putting together for a while, and it'll be solid. The original release of FFX surprised me in a similar way, as I had no idea it was even in production. I just walked into a GameStop one day and they had a big poster of it on the window, and I was like WHAT. And bought it instantly, because back then, whenever Squaresoft released a game, I owned it. :-o

Sadly that stopped with their next game or two, haha... but the time before that was pretty spot on


in most cases I'd be all on board the "why don't they just make new games?" bandwagon but...it's square, I can't say I have any faith left that they can make new games that I'll like

still FFX is already a fairly modern game, it only makes sense to do a basic HD port, maybe a few extra features(new game+!), but I can't see a full remake being justified to begin with


Yay more Square bashing for reasons that aren't consistent and don't really make that much sense in a topic where Square's quality output wasn't really the point.

Ontopic, I think its quite nice FFX is getting some more attention these days. It seems to be the quietest FF in social regard and I daresay I didn't expect them to give anything of a shit about. Don't know what they would have to improve upon without rebuilding most of the system inside it, but I hope it gets a good heavy improvement somehow.

of all the fucking games...

seriously, why not a new title? extreme lazyness man

it's not so much laziness so much as it is that FFXIII and FFXIV bombed pretty hard and re-releasing an older, much better title for the PS3 is an easy way to both appease many people who want this sort of thing and make a quick dollar

your challenge has been accepted

i would have thought that you didn't like just how much of a pussy tidus is and how much of a religious zealot wakka is etc etc

tidus being a whiny bitch does allow jecht to be even better, though

"you'll cry, you're gonna cry, you always cry. see, you're crying!"

X is definitely one of the better ones and I will engage you in fisticuffs to prove it

Spoony spends a couple hours tearing it a new one.


He does a pretty good job explaining about how poor the game actually is.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................But somehow I still like it. I even have a save file before the final Seymour battle where I KO him in 2 hits.

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