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It's the newest thing in online blogging. It's like a radio show that you download and listen to whenever you want. It's not broadcast live anywhere so you're not tagged with a schedule to follow. The podcast works around your schedule.


VGDJ is the official podcast for Overclocked ReMix presented by your hosts zircon & pixietricks. The podcast was initially started and hosted by Razya and Aurora, with Wingless being a host for a short time as well.

Here's what you can expect to hear:

- Reviews and clips from the latest mixes posted to the site

- A random older mix as selected by the Russian ReMix Roulette

- Special features recorded live at events such as concerts or meetups

- Reports from Rama (ThaSauce), Cyan_Ide, and DrumUltimA, covering community news, OCR competitions, and meetups, respectively.

- And anything else we see fit!

Our shows are usually between 35 and 45 minutes, with the special episodes being up to an hour or longer (so far, never longer than two hours though). New shows are typically released Sunday at midnight, with a few exceptions for the bigger episodes that take longer to edit. If you're a dedicated site visitor, you may not find all the information useful, but for new visitors to the site, this is as perfect introduction. We want to fill a void in an increasingly popular media trend in hopes that more people can discover and participate in this amazing community.


www.vgdj.net has a link to the show, show notes complete with timestamps and working links to all mentioned URL's. There is also an RSS feed that you can subscribe to which will make following the progress of the show seamless. We are also listed on PodcastAlley in the Music/Radio category (#1 currently!)


1. Interest

2. A web browser

3. A media player (desktop or portable or both)

4. An XML/RSS feed manager that can automatically download new shows and import them to your media player (optional)


Your feedback is welcomed and encouraged! Please let us know how we're doing, how we're not doing, or if you have ideas for this show. This is not just a pixietricks and zircon thing. We are more than open to ideas and we want the community to be involved in this as much as possible. Our email is vgdjpodcast@gmail.com if you would like to contact us regarding the show. You can also post here.


You can either subscribe to our feed or go to www.vgdj.net to download. Links to the show notes will always be posted with the show including the links to everything we've mentioned.

We also have an irc channel, #vgdj on irc.enterthegame.net. Come and chat!


There are over 20,000 podcasts organized and ranked at podcastalley.com. Because it's such a popular site, achieving high rankings is a way of gaining higher visibility for a podcast - which, for us, means video game music and OCR getting more attention! In order to get VGDJ higher up on the rankings, it's a simple matter of voting for us (note: simply downloading the show doesn't do anything). You can vote by going to the following link:


You just need a valid email address. Type it in, click on the link in the email that you receive, and you're done. You can do it once a month, since the rankings are reset on the 1st of each month. It only takes a few seconds, but it really helps, so please vote!

Lets have some fun with this, people!

Larry "Liontamer" Oji writes: "Everything sounds excellent so far. Love the format."


I got the nescessary software and feed in minutes. I'm looking forward to a future of successful broadcasts.

- Somtimes 'Shuffle' on your own playlists doesn't cut it :wink:


I'm about 9 minutes in, and yes there is a lot of talking, but I was forewarned and thus far it is perfect for those new to the site. DJP should consider offering a link to #001 episode on the sites 'About' pages...

- Ah, the first song is off and running, and I think things are gonna start rolling.

:?: How do you create the broadcast? And if it isn't quite live, do you do more than one take? I am just curious to how the show is made.


Well mostly we get on Skype and just talk to each other. I record my half, Aurora records hers and then she sends me her mp3 and I mash them together with music, editing and all that stuff in Sony Vegas 6.0.. We had a couple retakes and we had some technical issues, but overall thats how it goes. We're gonna be able to put it together smoother and quicker in the future..

Also do you guys think the full songs should be played or just minute or so clips to give people the idea? I mean its a 64kbps stream anyway so you're gonna go get the real thing right?


I just finished the podcast; wow, great work guys. Alot of good content. I think it served as a fitting first episode, with some helpful information for non-OCRers that still kept the attention of those of us more familiar with the site. I was actually expecting it to be more awkward, and sure, there's a little bit of awkwardness in there, but it seems like y'all are already settling into the format and routine. Which, of course, is a good thing. All in all, fantastic start, and I'm already looking forward to the next episode.

[EDIT] Rayza, I think the clips are very appropriate for the format. The best thing would be to keep that balance of both full songs and clips that was present in today's episode; it worked well.



Personally, I would prefer the full songs being played as I have been on the site a while. For those new to the site, a clip would give them an example of what is being done exactly on the site.

The stream is pretty low bit rate, but I don't think it is that bad. If one wanted a solid broadcast of music, they could do the ormgmas stream, but this radio show makes it seem a bit more personal and in fun. I do notice a lot of 'Ums' but you aren't professional Djs aye. >>> Anywayz, my final answer is to do a couple full lengths, but for general reviews, or new music, just do a clip.


Wangless!! THank j00!!

and YAY interest! hehee

I guess the 'play the whole song' or 'play clips' thing is episode dependant. Sometimes there will only be one new song up in a week... who knows, right? In that case I'm sure we can play the whole thing. I think we're just trying to keep some sort of format, but its definitely not set in stone...i think you'll see the show morphing into slightly different forms every week, but keeping the same themes... that's what podcasting is all about... freedom, baby. freedom :D


Pretty nice stuff.

I do notice a lot of 'Ums' but you aren't professional Djs aye.

You'd be surprised how hard it is not to do that. I've done a few recordings for a podcast, and I realized I say "um" a lot when talking. I learned to write out a basic script/overview for what I wanted to say, the points I wanted to cover when I spoke.

Helped a lot, hope it can help you guys too.

EDIT: I like more of this as I listen. Like the part on what to do when looking to submit to OCR.

Pretty nice stuff.
I do notice a lot of 'Ums' but you aren't professional Djs aye.

You'd be surprised how hard it is not to do that. I've done a few recordings for a podcast, and I realized I say "um" a lot when talking. I learned to write out a basic script/overview for what I wanted to say, the points I wanted to cover when I spoke.

Helped a lot, hope it can help you guys too.

Whats funny is that after recording and going through making sure it sounded okay, we both made a pact with each other to try and stop saying UMS and UGGHS... even ANNNNND so much... you just don't notice while your recording!! Its tough but I think the more we do the easier it will get!

Thanks for the tip!

Pretty nice stuff.
I do notice a lot of 'Ums' but you aren't professional Djs aye.

You'd be surprised how hard it is not to do that. I've done a few recordings for a podcast, and I realized I say "um" a lot when talking. I learned to write out a basic script/overview for what I wanted to say, the points I wanted to cover when I spoke.

Helped a lot, hope it can help you guys too.

Whats funny is that after recording and going through making sure it sounded okay, we both made a pact with each other to try and stop saying UMS and UGGHS... even ANNNNND so much... you just don't notice while your recording!! Its tough but I think the more we do the easier it will get!

Thanks for the tip!

I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah, I'm glad I could help.

Listening to this show makes me want to go back and give the podcast deal another try. I'd like to help you guys in anything I can, so let me know if you ever need any help.

A vg radio show that I don't have to be on at a certain time to listen to? Excellent.

You have a regular listener right here.

That was one of my main problems with VGF. I loved Larry and all, but I was always busy and ended up missing it.

That was one of my main problems with VGM. I loved Larry and all, but I was always busy and ended up missing it.

Yeh and half the fun is being there in the chatroom and all. Theres a lot of + and - points for both podcasts and live broadcasts, but its all good..

Also if anyone wants to add me to their Skype im krag_x_one on there..

That was one of my main problems with VGM. I loved Larry and all, but I was always busy and ended up missing it.

Yeh and half the fun is being there in the chatroom and all. Theres a lot of + and - points for both podcasts and live broadcasts, but its all good..

Also if anyone wants to add me to their Skype im krag_x_one on there..

...and I'm frizico on Skype

The chatroom part of VGF was something I really liked...and being able to get realtime feedback...that's hard to beat.

Let it be known now that if you have something you wanna say that pertains to the site or the show, you can make your own mini podcast that we can include in the show. Any points of discussion, any comments what so ever, if you'd rather make your own mp3 instead of sending us an email, by all means, do that!


Except for a last song at the end (if you want, but I wouldn't - I'd continue doing maybe an extended clip like with DCT's mix), don't pad the show by actually playing full mixes. Playing clips only is supposed to entice others into checking out OCR and exploring the site further, plus you want the show, in its 30min format, to be fairly content intensive. That's what I'd be going for if I had a 30 minute time limit.

And keep in mind as you gain a listenership with the format that regardless, you need to record and talk about things as if you're talking to people very unfamiliar with the site so that you don't lose sight of who the podcast is meant to target. Great work on this, y'all. Keep it up!


I just finshed it.

There was that feeling that that last DCT song drug on a little too long. All in all, though, very well done. Very professional.

Liked the length, and the content was great.


I just started listening to this right now. A short show (compared to mine anyway, which goes on for 4 hours or more :P) but pretty informative so far. Of course, I already know most of the stuff about the site, but it's great to hear another radio show out there. :)

Also: Do you plan on maybe looking at VGMix as well, at least slightly? Not a focus shift, but at least acknowledging the existence of the site?

EDIT: Alright, the first song is by Goat! I give this show my stamp of approval.

Also: Do you plan on maybe looking at VGMix as well, at least slightly? Not a focus shift, but at least acknowledging the existence of the site?

Not sure yet, for now all attention is on OCR and the people within this community. If something else relevant comes up that has to do with VGMix we may bring attention to it.

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