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I don't suppose the Summoning of Spirits project getting moved to Site Projects is newsworthy, eh? :P I'll see if I can get you guys an exclusive soundbyte this week to play...

Yeh thats cool, see if you can get it to us by Thursday afternoon at the latest. Or try leaving a voicemail if you don't wanna make an mp3 and all that crud..


Sad but true, as usual.. I can't even get an Official Land of the Dead Tshirt if I wanted to since they don't ship here. Bastages..

I don't suppose the Summoning of Spirits project getting moved to Site Projects is newsworthy, eh? :P I'll see if I can get you guys an exclusive soundbyte this week to play...

Just a note to add to this... if you are listening to our podcast and you think we've missed something, this is exactly what we would like you do to. If you know that an event is coming up or your projects are moving up in the world or whathaveyou, please let us know in the various forms of communication we provide. We can't catch everything and the rama report sometimes doesn't get everything either, so if you'd like us to mention something that's upcoming, please lets us know before THURSDAYS (i think everyone knows this now though) as Rayza has indicated...

I guess I just wanted to make that official as in we do like getting material from people... its makes the podcast more of a community effort and its fun.

Sad but true, as usual.. I can't even get an Official Land of the Dead Tshirt if I wanted to since they don't ship here. Bastages..

I suppose I can't just call your house and be like " HEY RAYZA GREAT SHOW PUT ME ON GVJD!" :)

Nice Show #007. And yes, Shariq did say his name quickly and it kind of ended up sounding like "shark".

Is it possible to just record a message on your computer and send it via email? Seeing that I live in Australia... <.<

Sure.. Thats completely acceptable..

heheh we encourage that :) ITS FREE. THE FREEER THE BETTER. But ya i guess this is just another way for people to get us audio clips, either through the GIZMO program itself (we'll have a little walk thru on our website at some point) or through the SIP GIZMO phone service.


we are up to 169 listeners! This is fantastic!

we are up to 169 listeners! This is fantastic!

Well we have roughly 169 people that have subscribed to the RSS feed. There has been over 300 downloads of the latest show so I think thats a more accurate stat..

Since there are a bunch of new listeners via iTunes we are gonna do a quick recap of OCRology.. Hopefully get people interested in the site and shiznit..

Is it possible to just record a message on your computer and send it via email? Seeing that I live in Australia... <.<

Also if anyone is going to use this method, please don't add music or effect your voice. Just a dry recording is fine.

Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the XML Subscribe link missing the r? It says "Subscibe!" right now..

Correct! It will be fixed when Aurora finishes spanking me..


feedback +2(zomg!)

Hey, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the XML Subscribe link missing the r? It says "Subscibe!" right now..

Correct! It will be fixed when Aurora finishes spanking me..


feedback +2(zomg!)

OHSHIT hehee Fixed it!


iTunes 4.9 is now carrying VGDJ in the directory as well as under the MUSIC category. Our artwork and other info are FINALLY now being recognized... so if you're a user of iTunes, please subscribe! The more listeners through iTunes, the higher up we get on their 'Top Podcasts" list... which we aren't even a part of :/ heheh YET! hee

Also, if you're not a user of iTunes, you can always go vote for us and help us out.


Oh hey, Wingless: 8O


Woohoo! I've been gone a while--I need say that ep 004 was MARVELOUS and that the DJP interview was GREAT!

And ep 008...yes! Loved the show. I'm glad that you guys brought in the basics of OCR again. Next time you do that, mention what happens when someone "reinterprets" a video game song. Good reviews, despite nobody sending you clips.

On that note, I have two things to say to all remixers, current and to-be:

1. Send VGDJ a clip when they ask for one! Your flipping voice on the radio about your song! Shit!

2. Make it concise. I'm sorry, I get a little tired after 5 minutes of rambling.

On the subject of Rama, his singing to the melody of "Kingdom Trial" was both original and hi-freakin'-larious. And he should stop recording in his bathroom! Get some padding, or something, cause the Rama Report sounds like I'm playing raquet ball.

Great job again, Aurora and Rayza. No beer bongs, the both of you!



Hey, you guys should mention OCR Idol next time. We finished Round 4 and came up with some pretty decent entries. And then there's Round 5, which was submitted and has yet to be judged, but they'll be up soon and the remixers could really use feedback. Talk to Suzu if you want some information... hm, Sir Nuts, TO, Rama, and Gray are judging that one. This might end up being covered by ThaSauce but hey, a mention never hurt.

Will listen to 008 today when I get to work. :)

Hey, you guys should mention OCR Idol next time. We finished Round 4 and came up with some pretty decent entries. And then there's Round 5, which was submitted and has yet to be judged, but they'll be up soon and the remixers could really use feedback. Talk to Suzu if you want some information... hm, Sir Nuts, TO, Rama, and Gray are judging that one. This might end up being covered by ThaSauce but hey, a mention never hurt.

Will listen to 008 today when I get to work. :)

Just a note in reference to this: Like we said in the beginning we can't catch everything that's going on... so make sure if you have stuff going on you think is noteworthy you tell us before thursday if you want it in the next episode (as in, if you want it in 009, tell us before this thursday... OCR idol will be mentioned in 009) A lot of this stuff is usually covered in the Rama Report and Rayza and I don't wanna step on Rama's toes too much (thought its not like he produces consistently :D)

Thanks, Arcana!

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