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Yo, so... Prince Azuzu called my house a few minutes ago... :roll:

He didn't know your mom was gonna answer.. My apologies. Here is us$3.500.000.00 for your troubles. Right after you transfer me a harp and cookies..

And panties? Or is that not allowed past customs anymore?

And panties? Or is that not allowed past customs anymore?

Well what do they smell like?

It's a deal. And I shall offer you this fair maiden as your future queen.

Boy she's a looker.. THAAAANKS PIXIE!


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh when they tease you that means they like you...

So, yeah, I've been listening since Ep.001. I wasn't sure at first if I'd stick with it, but here I am 3 months later, still listening religiously. Aurora and Rayza have some really good chemistry/banter going on, and the interviews and ReMixers' soundbites are pretty fascinating. Thanks for making Mondays less crappy, VGDJ!

hehe sweet! Its so awesome to hear that... I see you joined not too long ago... did VGDJ have any influence on you joining the community at OCR? (just curious!)

Yeah, kinda. I figured I was already wasting so much time lurking on the forums following the Wingless/Aurora saga, I might as well sign up and start posting. :D COMMUNITY +1!

So, yeah, I've been listening since Ep.001. I wasn't sure at first if I'd stick with it, but here I am 3 months later, still listening religiously. Aurora and Rayza have some really good chemistry/banter going on, and the interviews and ReMixers' soundbites are pretty fascinating. Thanks for making Mondays less crappy, VGDJ!

hehe sweet! Its so awesome to hear that... I see you joined not too long ago... did VGDJ have any influence on you joining the community at OCR? (just curious!)

Yeah, kinda. I figured I was already wasting so much time lurking on the forums following the Wingless/Aurora saga, I might as well sign up and start posting. :D COMMUNITY +1!

wow that's so great! ... speaking of Wingless... where is he? :(

wow that's so great! ... speaking of Wingless... where is he? :cry:

Seriously. I genuinely miss The Wingless. Maybe he was so love-sick he couldn't take it anymore. Aurora, you must doooo something! Send him a love PM! (Hehe, get it? Not poem, but PM?)

I shall profess this P oe M ... openly.

To be Truly Winglessless ... *clears throat*

OH, to be without thee

Is like a morning without dew,

like car without a motor,

like a sewer...without the poo.

Aye, the latter be a good thing

for lack of rank and odor

I want you bad I want you back

like I want Giorgio Marauder


*awaits the snapping fingers*


For the record, I'm getting around to listening to the old ones, finally. The new ones shall come..uh..after I'm done with the old ones.

Also, Aurora's a much better host[ess] than is Fusion2004. *nods*

For the record, I'm getting around to listening to the old ones, finally. The new ones shall come..uh..after I'm done with the old ones.

Also, Aurora's a much better host[ess] than is Fusion2004. *nods*

But his self proclaimed awsomeness can't be competed with. I think we have 7 voicemails of him saying he's awesome. When a guy just knows he's awesome, he's awesome..

That was an awesome post..

Fusion is awesome,

Like cherries have blossoms.

I'll keep this short,

Reply and retort..

For the record, I'm getting around to listening to the old ones, finally. The new ones shall come..uh..after I'm done with the old ones.

Also, Aurora's a much better host[ess] than is Fusion2004. *nods*

But his self proclaimed awsomeness can't be competed with. I think we have 7 voicemails of him saying he's awesome. When a guy just knows he's awesome, he's awesome..

That was an awesome post..

Fusion is awesome,

Like cherries have blossoms.

I'll keep this short,

Reply and retort..

Don't quit your day job...

PLUS... YOU chose Fusion as the replacement, and who gets in shit for it...

ME! I was in fuckin Vancouver getting a lazy and high...

What the fuck is that all about!?

PS: the most hilarious thing about the accuser was that a) he claimed never to have listened to any shows, nor did he care to and B) that he so desperately wanted to accuse us, he couldn't do it over IM or PM or forum... oh no...

what a fuckin poser! hehee

I was in fuckin Vancouver getting a lazy and high...

What the fuck is that all about!?

Well if your POS Mac didn't keep crashing all the time ON TOP OF the fact that your shitty connection was shitty, I would have many less things to worry about. Also the show could be edited faster since everything would be in sync with it being 1 long take. I would suggest you not quitting YOUR day job so you can afford a decent piece of gear.

I was in fuckin Vancouver getting a lazy and high...

What the fuck is that all about!?

Well if your POS Mac didn't keep crashing all the time ON TOP OF the fact that your shitty connection was shitty, I would have many less things to worry about. Also the show could be edited faster since everything would be in sync with it being 1 long take. I would suggest you not quitting YOUR day job so you can afford a decent piece of gear.


I don't see how this pertains to what I was talking about. I wasn't talking about using Fusion, I was talking about being blamed for using fusion, when I dont' think there is cause for blame. SEE the PS.


If you MUST: My piece of gear is fine. I need software that I can't afford that won't conflict with each other. That's it.

I was in fuckin Vancouver getting a lazy and high...

What the fuck is that all about!?

Well if your POS Mac didn't keep crashing all the time ON TOP OF the fact that your shitty connection was shitty, I would have many less things to worry about. Also the show could be edited faster since everything would be in sync with it being 1 long take. I would suggest you not quitting YOUR day job so you can afford a decent piece of gear.


I don't see how this pertains to what I was talking about. I wasn't talking about using Fusion, I was talking about being blamed for using fusion, when I dont' think there is cause for blame. SEE the PS.


If you MUST: My piece of gear is fine. I need software that I can't afford that won't conflict with each other. That's it.

Oh no!

Aurora and Rayza are having conflicts - arguing over their common enemy, Fusion2004! This, combined with TheWingless's painful confession that he no longer can pursue Aurora's love has our beautiful heroine in a mess!

But what about the involvement of the sweet and innocent pixietricks, who passed on a woman with a harp and cookies to a suspicious-looking Price Azuzu? The resident detective Mythril Nazgul has suspicions that this Prince is actually Rayza in disguise! What could he possibly want with our dear voice of the heavens?


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