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Pokémon Thread!! R/S Remakes! Gray Domain Registered!

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Juinchi Masudo recently opened a Twitter[→] to increase interaction with his fans. Recently some sites, including our Japanese affiliate Shell Spider, have caught some interest wind about the Ruby and Sapphire being very “worthy” to get an upgrade. NICE. Hopefully his words aren’t just talk and there’s someone already on his team designing the next games: MagmaRuby and AquaSapphire. (...)

(...) ps- Want to see this on the 3DS or the regular DS(i)? Sound off in the comments.

Well? It may be just a hint, but I felt it was worthy of a thread.

Or you could merge it with the old Pokemon thread. Whatever.


Obligatory post about how every Pokemon game is a remake in the first place.

Obligatory reply about how that's not true.

(Someone needs to do a post bitching about the monster designs now.)


New/old pokemon designs are ugly as hell. The original/newer ones are better.

What's this about datamined info from Black and White that mentioned Hoenn stuff? I don't recall hearing about that.

EDIT: Depending upon the site, there are two or more ways to read the twitter post. One is that he responded by saying that the original games were important to him and thanked the user for his input, not that he'll "consider" remaking them.


I can't find an actual translation of the image anywhere at the moment. I suspect that once there is one, the twitter post will end up being very disappointing.

EDIT the 2nd: The current translation is "Thank you! Your thoughts have been received. R/S are a very important work for me too. I want to create something good. Thank you!!"

No statement that he said they were working on a remake, just saying he liked RSE and wanted to make more good games.


The 3rd gen hate is unfounded. RSE added a lot of good things, many of which are still implimented today, as well as fixed many of the flaws that gens 1 and 2 made.

In fact, most of the hate seems to be "the designs are ugly and unoriginal" bullshit that gets thrown around every time there's a new game. Every argument that people use against 3 rd gen works just as well against all the others, especially 1st gen.


Gonna second The Damned here; RSE weren't bad or unoriginal in ways relative to the other games. In fact, 3rd gen games were my favorite, so I'm pretty excited for these possible remakes :P

In fact, most of the hate seems to be "the designs are ugly and unoriginal" bullshit that gets thrown around every time there's a new game.

this isn't why I disliked it in fact some of my favorite pokemon (376Metagross.png) are from gen 3


I just want Groudon back, dagnabbit. Gotta get my legendaries. I played through Ruby twice on an emulator and never got to actually use the 3rd gen 'Mon in any sort of competitive manner (and I'm too cheap at the moment to go out and buy a used cartridge).

Also, +1 for the DS Lite. I love mine. :-)

Edit: Add a +1 for Metagross. That's one of my all-time favorite pokemon.


I'll stick this here to save time.

A web domain for Pokemon Gray (appropriately titled ‘pokemongray.com’) was set up by Melbourne IT Digital Brand Services. This may, at first glance, seem like someone trying to cover bases in an attempt to beat Nintendo and The Pokemon Company to the punch – just like the recent Modern Warfare 3 web domain dispute – but a further look into Melbourne IT DBS shows that they are the exact same company that registered the official domain for Pokemon Black and White. That’s a good indicator that Pokemon Gray is on its way.


I think it's plausible. And with the special 3DS presentation on Friday that Ninty's holding, we may get info sooner rather than later. :3

  • 4 weeks later...

I've still yet to get into Pokemon Black like I thought I would, but sign me up for a 3rd gen remake. As long as it has the battle frontier from emealdy, which stands out imo as the most fun area in any Pokemon game ever, ill never need to pick up another Pokemon game again.

Typing this from phone so I kinda gave up on capitalization.


Can someone tell me how to catch Pokeblu? I beat the elite four five times and tried to use STRENGTH on that truck but it doesn't move


Okay, I'm done. I don't understand why there's such hub-bub about mostly insignificant things. All this social media has done is made people misconstrue information from others more often and more quickly. Also perhaps the Pokemongray aquisition was also to prevent squatters from abusing and posting something fake? Or it could be code for "Pokemon: Go Ride a Yodeler!"

Edit: In retrospect, I would 100% buy a pokemon game about riding yodelers. Not even kidding here.


So these are actually all just unconfirmed rumors.

brb, opening a thread about Half Life 2: Episode 3. My uncle works at Valve and he said it's definitely coming out soon!

E: It will have Gordon Freeman and Chell teaming up with the entire TF2 cast + all Left 4 Dead survivors to defeat zombie ninja pirate robot BreenTankAdministratorGlaDOS.

It will have Gordon Freeman and Chell teaming up with the entire TF2 cast + all Left 4 Dead survivors to defeat zombie ninja pirate robot BreenTankAdministratorGlaDOS.

I'd play this game

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