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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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Yo Kyle. Sorry about being MIA and all that. Magfest seems to really have done a number on everyone... My tracks will be on your PC on Saturday, January 27th, 2007.

Now please, unban me from the SotS message boards :C

I have no clue how that happened: I don't remember preemptively adding your name to the list or anything, (why would I bother to do that, anyway? Haha) so I can only assume the forum did it automatically. Why? Who knows? It's fixed now though, and you should have access to the private areas.

Joker: You'll always be banned, in my heart.

Dhsu: Blowing minds, or blowing...Oh never mind.

  • 2 weeks later...

Progress has slowed to a crawl. Of course, this is pretty much my fault, since I have been ridiculously busy with 10-hour workdays as of late (if 8 hours wasn't bad enough, 10 is suicide) and don't have the time I wish I did to keep up with the remaining remixers. I'm really curious about klm09: He seems to have vanished. If anyone talks to him, let him know we need an update.

I wish I could say we are close to done, and while the status may make it look like we are, we're really not. Sit tight, folks.

  • 3 weeks later...

And I have been composing music for a game recently. Today is the deadline for it and I made it just in time :D

Now I can concentrate on the other stuff, like the collab with GeoffTaucer, the collab with S|r_NutS, the 4 songs I still need to do for Milkyway Wishes for Arek....oh, and I almost forgot my own project :P


Hey, I've been searching around for a version of the song "Fighting of the Spirit" that I first heard used in the following SSBM combo video:

So I ended on this site and discovered a whole world of video game music remixed, very cool. But, I still haven't found THIS version of the song! A link or upload of this song would make my day. Thanks in advance for anybody's assistance.

edit: I figured this would be relevant to this thread since you guys are putting together another version of the song I'm looking for in this project. I can make a new thread somewhere else if need be.


That would be Rubbler's version of FotS, called "Spirit in Metal" (Rubbler was actually slated to be on the project for awhile, but had to back down for personal reasons). It was on VGMix, but since that's down, I'll host and link to it for you, here.

If you think that's good though, wait until you hear SnappleMan's version for this project. ;)

In other news: Joker's Cold Memory is already on the panel to be judged. That was pretty damn quick. I just uploaded it yesterday!


I also got here because of youtube. The fighting of the spirit remix from s.s.h was music for a video there, so I searched and came here :) It's really super and I'm looking forward to this music :)

But s.s.h is different and has nothing to do with this project?


Please, don't tease us like that. I KNOW how good Snappleman's stuff is. It seems like he wins over at DOD almost all the time, and every track he did in Project: Chaos was gold. Someone needs to leak his version of Fighting of the Spirit. :)

Y'all keep up the great work. I couldn't compose to save my life, but I knows good music when I hear it, and I'm really looking forward to this project reaching completion.

Sarge out.

Someone needs to leak his version of Fighting of the Spirit. :)

Nah. Then we'd have to kill this someone, and things would get messy.

So... has anyone seen/heard from klm09 anywhere? Anyone chat with him, see him around other sites, know of other boards he tends to hang out at...? Know if he's having computer problems or something? We need to hear from him ASAP.

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