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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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As a note, the Shoutbox is broken (think this has been mentioned, but it's worth mentioning again, I guess), and you will not stay logged in upon leaving the site: You have to log in each time you visit the forums.

I still haven't heard back from my host about switching the domain name. Urgh...


Lots of changes were made right before the site went down (and if you'd actually go back and read the previous page or two, you'll find out what happened and see that it's not really down, I just made a mistake and lost the domain name) and the status list has been changed a lot, with new remixers coming on board, and new songs added. The project is definitely NOT in the same state it was in 6 months ago: Please do some research and look at the track listing in the first post of this very thread before posting such ill-informed assumptions. This is far from dead.

As much as it saddens me to see Decisive off the list, it gives me new strength to wait.

Hope the new version of Freeze will pass the judges panel Joker :).

You have no idea how much it hurt to drop that one. Snapple said he was almost done with it, but he never came through on that one or FoTS. :(


If decisive is off the list, can you post the song? Or is this something I have to ask snapple myself?

Also, it's always nice to know that Reu's song (that I've obsessively been waiting to hear for... about a year now) is COMPRETE :P


If Snapple does make a comeback (which I'm inviting him to do, if he happens to read this) and does finish what he claimed to be a near-complete song (though I never heard that version), then I will add it back to the project.

If I don't get a complete song from him before this thing finally does come out, I will make the WIP he sent me a part of the bonus package. You can ask himself, although I can't guarantee he'll be nice enough to send it to you. :P


I would like to participate in this project, but I'm not sure how high the quality standards are set, so I would like to hear a preview or something so I can judge for myself if I'm up to the level.


If after hearing a preview, you are in fact interested in joining the project you will have to wait for Lea or Kyle to come online and give you more info, because I don't know if they are still bringing people on or not - since they want to get this thing done as soon as possible.

Basically, as a site project they want OCR quality and better. Many of the songs I have heard include live instruments when suitable.

Here's a link to the Tales Project forum, and it has the latest 2 previews of music from the project. CLICK ME!

Kyle or Lea should be around eventually. Kyle's under the weather - so he'll be at his computer at sporadic intervals throughout the day, but I don't know if Lea is even around a computer at the moment.

Yeah, I've been country-hopping lately. I should be here for a few stable days at least though, though probably not on AIM much. Kyle, can I send project-related shtuffs to your gmail account?

Yes'm, you can. Send anything and everything there.



The 2 tracks in the topic that you link to don't work unfortunly.

Hmm, I was hoping to hear some real orchestral arrangement, I didn't expect rock and dance-like things on these remixes(Hale-Bopp & DJ Pretzel)...

Both sound very good, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't give me the real image of what kind of quality you're looking for.


Are there any orchestral previews available?


If you're expecting realistic orchestral arrangements, then you're probably gonna be disappointed with the rest of the songs on the project, as they're mostly done in various styles of rock. The majority of them being country and southern rock style with vocals. But mostly country. Think Shania Twain and Keith Urban. That's kinda what we're going for here.

But yeah, what I've heard sounds great so far!


Oh, nothing for me then, I'm very interested in composing, arranging and orchestratingfilm and movie scores, but I've yet to find something that I can work on seriously, taking my time.

If you're expecting realistic orchestral arrangements, then you're probably gonna be disappointed with the rest of the songs on the project, as they're mostly done in various styles of rock. The majority of them being country and southern rock style with vocals. But mostly country. Think Shania Twain and Keith Urban. That's kinda what we're going for here.

But yeah, what I've heard sounds great so far!

gee thanks!

but yeah there are a few orchestral works, there's a couple i can think of off the top of my head that are on the project.

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