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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History

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Soooo... Kyle let me do a mini-preview of the tracks I have a hand in. So, I figure I'd post it here as well.

Summoning of the Joker

Tracks in order:

Sacred Ashes (Deepest Woods) with Kureeji Lea & Hemophiliac

Cold Memory (Freeze)

Arche Angel (Arche's Theme)

Chronometrical (Stream of Time)

Apogee (Last Battle) with Andy Jayne & Fishy (Older Version)

Note: I just kinda made this in all of 10 minutes, including render, so the transitions are sudden, & yeah, sudden.


Here we go again...

You can take my word that every mixer in the project knows (or can see, if he/she wants to) how far the unfinished mixes are along. I really should comment on this, because it just feels like another "hurry up with the project you guys are slow and this is stupid"-post, but I'll give you one good reason:

Not every mix was started at the beginning of the project. Mixers come and go and there have been a few mixes that have started only recently. This, however, won't really delay this project much as there is more stuff than just the mixes themselves.

And, with the release of VotL not long ago, you´ll definetly have to wait a while beofre DJP releases another project...


A lot of your complaints are based purely on what you see - and the fact of the matter is there's a friggin' TON of stuff going on behind the scenes here. You're making a lot of assumptions about what we supposedly haven't been doing that are just that - assumptions. And guess what? They're uneeded and flat-out wrong. Ultimatums have been made, songs (MANY songs) have been dropped, remixers have been cut. Hell, if you were paying attention to the info we DO make public, you'd be aware of half of that. The project's forums have several sections only remixers and other members of the project are able to view, so your claim that the other remixers ought to be able to know "why" things aren't done is baseless - they can and do see how things are going.

What does you knowing the exact specifics of "why" a song isn't complete help? School, broken computers, bone-crushing accidents - these things happen in real life and have gotten in the way of things here, and many of the major ones have been mentioned publicly. The others come down to a matter of common sense - you yourself said that real life takes priority, so what's the problem? Everyone here's devoting their personal free time to this thing; daily reports of "oh, so-and-so didn't work on their track today because they had a chem exam" isn't going to help things, and I doubt it's really a slight against the public or whatever to not be told of every production deal. This talk about having a "right" to know is ridiculous; we give you an overview as is, and frankly, we don't owe you a damn thing. We've given you a basic update list; just because we're not spitting out daily percentages doesn't mean that there's no progress being made. If you paid attention to the last few pages of this thread alone you'd know that there's been progress, but instead you whine about nothing having changed in months - you're wrong, simple as that.

Remember, kiddies; every time you make a baseless assumption, the project release date is pushed back another week out of spite. Think before you post.


Break it down.


As much as I agree with the idea of 'slow and steady wins the race', I've seen the same progress for what must be months, still with the same few songs 'ALMOST' done, and the same few songs still 'WIP'... As much as I'd love to hear THOSE songs, shouldn't you be asking the remixers still not done why they aren't done, or if you have and they wouldn't mind letting us know, can't you post these reasons so we at can at least know WHY?

Honestly, why exactly does the general public HAVE to know? Any OCR personnel certainly need to know, and they are welcome to PM me or post about it here if they feel fit to do so. VotL kept even its tracklist completely under wraps: At least we've had the courtesy to give you one of those.

Not only for those who are simply waiting, but maybe so the people who have already posted their own (38) remixes could know why they needed to wait months on end to let their songs be heard for 6 that seem to have NO progress in all that time?

They know. We have an entire forum dedicated to this project in which we have a private section wherein remixers can update on the status of their track, post WIPs, and ask for help. If anyone involved with the project is curious about why the project is not out yet, they can check and post about it (and they generally do) there.

I mean no offense to those who still have songs left to be completed, but from the outside, it's just a track list, rather than what we want, a playlist.

I would love nothing more than this project to see the light of day, but we don't feel it's ready.

If there really isn't any reason why the songs haven't been moved along, project leaders have been known to cut out songs that show no signs to movement, in favor of making a reasonable release date.

We've cut plenty of songs. Cutting any of the remaining ones is not necessary.

So really, and I am aware I have no say in the whole of the matter, but, this is how I see it:

A.) If they have a reason to be taking this long, we have the right to know why, so long as it isn't too personal and they don't mind us knowing... Hell, I personally wouldn't mind a simple:

Song Title (Theme Title) - *WIP* {10-17-07 ~ They have a reason for being late, so get over it!}

SOMETHING to tell us that they haven't abandoned the project and that a recent check has been made to make that certain.

You have no right to know. We're not going to disclose every little reason for a holdup. OCR personnel and anyone involved with this project may need to know, but not you. I know what the problem is if there is one, and that is all that's necessary.

B.) If they have not provided a reason for having taken this long, really push them to get it done. If you/they WANT to, for any reason, drop the project, please don't feel ashamed to do so... Most, if not all, of you who have mixes remaining have already proven yourselves here, on way or another, so if you wanted to drop this project, we still have so much more of your talents to listen to.

They have been pushed. And pushed. AND pushed. There is more going on behind the scenes than you are privy to.

C.) Whether or not they have a reason, you need to give an ultimatum, tell them that if they don't have a completed version out by a specific date, not to be pushed for any reason whatsoever, it will either be cut altogether, or released as a bonus WIP song.

It's been done, several times over. There are many people no longer affiliated with this project simply because they took too long and did not meet due dates set for them. It's happened, but it is no longer necessary with what we have left.

It is a matter of fairness.

It isn't fair on the basic listener to have to wait for a few unmoven tracks to get an entire list to our ears.

It's not fair to us to force out a half-assed project, either.

It isn't fair on the remixers to have to wait for their tracks to get to the listeners ears due to said unmoven tracks.

There was the the known possibility going into this project that it would potentially take a very, VERY long time. I knew it, remixers knew it, OCR in general knew it. While it's taken longer than expected, we all knew going into this what it entailed.

It isn't fair on the Project Coordinators and Leaders to have to wait for those tracks to allow the burden of an entire project to leave their shoulders.

I'll wait as long as it takes until I am happy with the finished project.

Lastly, it isn't fair on the last remixers of this project to have criticism from anyone when they might have reasons in their real lives that take more priority than an internet remixing project (Not to devalue this at all, but real life priorities SHOULD take priority over this, no matter how highly you'd value it).

Then what exactly are you whining about?

Maybe it's not as big as all that, maybe it is, but I don't think it's selfish to suggest it.

Let's end it! Plus, I REALLY want to hear that 'Beat the Angel' theme.

You won't be disappointed. Just be patient.


Basically, we all Love you, the people. Kyle Loves you, the ReMixers Love you, I Love you, & Lea will forever hold the torch that unites us all under your base, which belongs to us, who are like you, the people. That no matter where in the world we are, the Summoning of Spirits, to happiness no less, has begun. Slowly, slowly, slowly. Can I get an amen!


It's just a shame that these posts occur too often and that they're not really motivating us. You are the people that we're mostly doing it for (the fans), but if you guys keep complaining then we don't get that eager to finish it...

It's good that you've apologized and just make sure never to be impatient with something like this, we want it to be finished too, but we want it to be perfect. Just trust us that when we finish the project, it'll be awesome

I suppose I was out of line saying something as asinine and pretentious as 'have a right' or to talk in such a fashion of myself or the other listeners about something that is merely provided as a luxury and is strictly a luxury... Were I in a more ept state of mind, I would have known this before even thinking to type or even post it, and for that, I strongly apologize. You do, I understand, have no reason to accept such vulgarities, especially when preforming something that can be considered a charity. Honestly, I'd like to delete that post and start it fresh with newer, better-formed thoughts, but that would be the cowardly thing to do, so I'll let it stand and allow myself to accept whatever ridicule I deserve.

(While everyone likes to consider internet chat rooms, IMs, and messages boards as nothing, I know that behind every username is an actual person, with real problems and real lives, just like myself... So talking so arrogantly to these people does me no good but create malice and hurt feelings.)

If you seriously do hold back production for people like me, though I strongly both hope against and doubt it, I deserve it, but does anyone else? Hardly, they are just waiting patiently, something I didn't have the sense to do.

This is the one problem with text... How do I convey the sencerity of my shame? I suppose that's up to you know figure out, but know that I am sorry, though apologizing doesn't change the past, my apologies are all I can give... Your forgiveness? No, believe me if you will, but hurt feelings aren't mended by a few words.

I can understand your impatience. It's been over two years since this project was started, and I know it looks like we've slowed to a crawl. No one is more aware of this than I am, but there is more going on than meets the public eye. I guarantee when this project finally does drop, it'll be amazing. You'll see.

I can understand your impatience. It's been over two years since this project was started, and I know it looks like we've slowed to a crawl. No one is more aware of this than I am, but there is more going on than meets the public eye. I guarantee when this project finally does drop, it'll be amazing. You'll see.

I've no doubt in my mind, but there really wasn't any excuse for my rude words.

Speak fo yoself, homie. I'm doing this for myself. Also, for the shortiez.



You will never ever see me whine about this project's tenure in limbo, and if you keep reading, you will find out why.

I am bumping this thread, even though I have no idea on which page it sits currently (too lazy to check if it's on page one).

I understand that I'm just some random, faceless lurker guy with no musical talent to speak of, but I consider myself a firm supporter of this project. I've been with OCR and it's affiliates since... well, at least 2002. I got to witness a lot of cool things being ushered in, and a lot of cool people have came and went in those years. However, as far as the music itself goes, there was one definite milestone for me: Kong in Concert.

I have about 200 or so ReMixes on my computer (lots of vintage & new), comprised of the best that my favorite games and ReMixers have put out over the years, but when KiC came out I was blown away. Perhaps it had to do with the turbulance that the judjes were going through at the time -- I don't claim to understand that drama -- but the mixes in that project just seemed so free and majestic compared to what I was used to at the time. Vigilante's "Beneath the Surface" was downright inspirational and singlehandedly renewed my faith in the community and what it's scope could/should be/is.

Ever since, I've paid EXTRA-special attention to the projects over the years. Hedgehog Heaven definitely had some issues, but they've all been incredibly enjoyable on the whole, otherwise.

From what I've heard from the Sunnoning of Spirits WIPs, Joker's teaser (and the other teaser you had on the project forums) Hale Bopp's track and djp's track... You guys are going to slaughter us with awesomeness.

I'm trying to boost morale by letting you guys know that it's OKAY if this thing doesn't come out until a long-ass time, because I know what the artists on your project are capable of and I've had a glimpse at your standard of quality, and I KNOW FOR A FACT that it will all be worth the wait.

I'm pretty sad about SnappleMan dropping out or whatever... next to heartbroken... but I take reassurance in your posture to work to release the current tracklist! Kyle, Kureejii, and everyone: thank you so much for all your hard work. I truely hope when this is all said and done that you will take comfort and satisfaction in AT LEAST my praise and adoration for your vicarious sacrifice of time and LIFE to produce... this gorgeous body of work. I think the fact that it's all Tales of music is enough to keep me excited forever, anyway.

Best of luck to you all, and thanks!


You will never ever see me whine about this project's tenure in limbo, and if you keep reading, you will find out why.

I am bumping this thread, even though I have no idea on which page it sits currently (too lazy to check if it's on page one).

I understand that I'm just some random, faceless lurker guy with no musical talent to speak of, but I consider myself a firm supporter of this project. I've been with OCR and it's affiliates since... well, at least 2002. I got to witness a lot of cool things being ushered in, and a lot of cool people have came and went in those years. However, as far as the music itself goes, there was one definite milestone for me: Kong in Concert.

I have about 200 or so ReMixes on my computer (lots of vintage & new), comprised of the best that my favorite games and ReMixers have put out over the years, but when KiC came out I was blown away. Perhaps it had to do with the turbulance that the judjes were going through at the time -- I don't claim to understand that drama -- but the mixes in that project just seemed so free and majestic compared to what I was used to at the time. Vigilante's "Beneath the Surface" was downright inspirational and singlehandedly renewed my faith in the community and what it's scope could/should be/is.

Ever since, I've paid EXTRA-special attention to the projects over the years. Hedgehog Heaven definitely had some issues, but they've all been incredibly enjoyable on the whole, otherwise.

From what I've heard from the Sunnoning of Spirits WIPs, Joker's teaser (and the other teaser you had on the project forums) Hale Bopp's track and djp's track... You guys are going to slaughter us with awesomeness.

I'm trying to boost morale by letting you guys know that it's OKAY if this thing doesn't come out until a long-ass time, because I know what the artists on your project are capable of and I've had a glimpse at your standard of quality, and I KNOW FOR A FACT that it will all be worth the wait.

I'm pretty sad about SnappleMan dropping out or whatever... next to heartbroken... but I take reassurance in your posture to work to release the current tracklist! Kyle, Kureejii, and everyone: thank you so much for all your hard work. I truely hope when this is all said and done that you will take comfort and satisfaction in AT LEAST my praise and adoration for your vicarious sacrifice of time and LIFE to produce... this gorgeous body of work. I think the fact that it's all Tales of music is enough to keep me excited forever, anyway.

Best of luck to you all, and thanks!


I think this is always on page 1, since the Site Projects forum is only 1 page (or is it 2 pages now?). :-P

But thank you. It may be a long ass time before this project comes out, since there are some other projects waiting in the wings that I'm pretty sure are more ahead of SoS and are going to come out first. All we can say is to keep being patient!


Just so everyone knows, and I've stated this before... From the beginning of me working on my song, I went into working on it saying if the project has to come out and it is not done by that time, I don't mind my song being cut, since it was probably the second (or third) to last song started.

I've been working on my song slowly and steadily this whole time, but I do not mind it being kicked out if it is not done by the time this project is ready to go.

That being said:

Kyle has good reason for any delays, and they are not all just because of unfinished songs... So guys, sit back and relax, this is like 40 songs, coordinated between dozens of artists... That in itself is great.

I've been working on my song slowly and steadily this whole time, but I do not mind it being kicked out if it is not done by the time this project is ready to go.

I really don't want to kick anyone out who has made (or is making) strong contributions to this thing. Lea and I don't plan on cutting anyone else unless they really show no progress or disappear.

Is it just me who screwed the project up, or were there some other delinquent muthughfuckughs who contributed?


You didn't screw the project up. Nobody really has, except me. There has been times where I haven't been keeping tabs on everyone like I should have been, and that's essentially the main reason for any delays. Some people just work slower than others, anyway. There's still songs that aren't done, and I don't mean just the ones you were working on.

That said, if you want to come back and finish Decisive... :-P

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