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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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I beg to differ. Project Chaos took long enough that I had to redo all of my songs twice due to massive upgrades in my production. In any case, I blame Kyle's girlfriend for this not being done (and a few other things as well!)

Redoing your songs twice is your own decision, not the fault of the project taking too long. If I recall you also had to redo your tracks because your computer that crashed.

My girlfriend has nothing to do with any of the delays of this project, or in fact much of anything to do with this project at all. Delays are somewhat the fault of remixers who won't get their things done (such as a certain guitarist that I happen to be replying to right now that took six months to say anything after he reported that he was supposedly nearly finished with his stuff, and then just dropped from the project anyway), which by extension and association makes the delays purely my fault because I haven't been hounding people enough to work on their shit.

Yes, I know this project is late. Yes, I know it's relevance has probably long since past by now. No, I don't care. I don't need people who couldn't even finish their own fucking contributions to it in here giving us this bullshit and grief.

You want to complain, SnappleMan? Go finish Decisive. You know, the track you were supposedly nearly done with over a goddamn year ago.

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wait, your third post is making fun of this project? wtf?

As far as i am concerned making fun of something isnt neccessarily a bad thing, especially under current circumstances. Suffice to say that it seems i have been misunderstood.

And a message to Kyle: I cannot fully agree with your "try harder". The term "wishful thinking" was directed towards those few songs not yet finished.

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making fun is always a bad thing when you're a stranger. just keep that in mind here on OCR. unless people 'know' you, don't poke fun at them.

Ill keep that in mind. Its true that the last thing this project needs in this tender phase is stingy jokes.

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Also, I haven't beaten Tales of Phantasia yet, but is the Dhaos/Morrison thing a major, major spoiler? I'd hate to think that someone would actually be so inconsiderate as to put such a thing in their signature.

I think it's actually in the prologue screen of the game...I haven't beaten it either, though. Just got REALLY far, and then something happened with the game (I.E. ROM was deleted by people cleaning the computer, never got GBA cart. from ex-girlfriend, ect.).

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Haha, he could totally do it.

Also, I haven't beaten Tales of Phantasia yet, but is the Dhaos/Morrison thing a major, major spoiler? I'd hate to think that someone would actually be so inconsiderate as to put such a thing in their signature.

I see your point, i have used a bad symbol. The opening phrase in ToP is by Morrison, while in the OVA those same words are pronounced by Dhaos. No spoiler here.

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