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just wondering... are the navigational buttons really so far down on the page or is it just my browser? It's kinda weird because I have to scroll down to see them all, and in addition I am able to scroll way~yyy more down without seeing anyhting below the page's contents. This is really strange... :?

If this is intended, you might want to redesign it so the buttons already start to the left of the big banner image. You can do this in a quite easy way by incorporating tables. If you are confused now, I like to offer my help :)

Oh yeah, and btw. if you want you can use the uppermost animated banner of my gallery for that page, as well (It's the one with just the project's title, with animated purple flames in the background that doesn't link anywhere)


I think he means having the organisational stuff on one page without having to scroll much. Have you tried frames? That can be an option to stop that happening.

Mind you, good design so far ^^ Even though there's nothing on the links button (it's just the same as the main page) it's coming along firmly enough. Nice work, hermano. :nicework:


I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "having to scroll much", because on most pages, I hardly have to scroll at all (the exceptions being the Tracklist and the Banners page, which are just really long). Unless something crazy is going on your guys' end...


OK, I tried it in Safari as well, now...and it's exactly the same. I made some screenshots and posted them here to show what I was talking about. Look at the respective scroll bar's status to the right, especially on the banner site! OK, in Safari it's just Okay on the main site, I don't have to scroll down (maybe you changed something) but I was also referring to the fact that the navigation starts below the banner. You could make the whole page look more pleasant and symmetric without frames, just by using invisible tables (with border=0). I just made a quickie with a visible table where you can see how I mean it, just look here.


Sounds nice to see your thoughts on all this, but I still have to scroll a fair bit on my browser especially in a horizonal direction. It may have helped if the banner was shown in a top row, not part of the right hand column. These are the thoughts i have in mind for its design, in ASCII format -


I hope you understand what I mean O.o

[EDIT: Okay so now I just realised that my thoughts were the same as what was on the main page, which seems to work a bit better through my browser in terms of scrolling. I still think some frames would make some aspects that bit cleaner. O.o]


Actually, Usa, the pages do use invisible tables, so I'm not exactly sure what you mean.

And Rexy, I believe the banner is in its own table on the top, not centered in the right column. I just checked the site on 800x600 resolution and it looks okay to me. I can look at the extra long scrolling on some of the pages later, though. I might've messed that up.

And before I forget, let's welcome Bladiator to the project! He's picked up Last Battle from Symphonia. We're getting close to filling this thing up!


Maybe I didn't explain it good enough, so I'll try it again :wink:

OK, what I was referring to is that having to scroll horizontally is an absolute no-no for web design. Never, ever should a page need to scroll to the right to see everything on it. Many lucky people nowadays use 1024x768 or even higher (like mine, 1280 x 854, like you see on my screen shots) as their screen resolution, but to put it simple: Not everyone can. There is still a significant amount of people who use 800x600, or 832x624, and every good web designer should think about those fellas, as well :o This means the page contents should not be more than ~740 pixels in width. This is the main issue here, which seems to strike Rexy and surely some others, as well.

For me, with my widescreen display, the only problem is the vertical scrolling, that is induced on the main page by using a table that puts the buttons below the big banner at the top. That means, only half of the vertical space is left for the buttons, which should be on the left side, preferably centered. If you look closely at the test site I made and posted in my last forum post, you will notice that the buttons are left of the big banner, and centered vertically against the whole content. This means you don't have to scroll down on a smaller resolution and don't have to scroll at all on mine.

Maybe it would just help to resize the huge banner to a little bit smaller size, so everything would fit better. In my opinion, it literally kills the rest of the page because it's so big. That doesn't mean I don't like it. I think it's really beautifully designed, but just a tid bit too big :P

OK, hope now everyone understands what I mean - and btw. if you would incorporate the design I gave you, you should divide the left side of the table in two vertical pieces, the top one which contains the buttons with a fixed size, so the buttons don't get too low when you incorporate a longer text or other contents on the right side which are very scrolling-intensive :)

OK, what I was referring to is that having to scroll horizontally is an absolute no-no for web design. Never, ever should a page need to scroll to the right to see everything on it. Many lucky people nowadays use 1024x768 or even higher (like mine, 1280 x 854, like you see on my screen shots) as their screen resolution, but to put it simple: Not everyone can. There is still a significant amount of people who use 800x600, or 832x624, and every good web designer should think about those fellas, as well :o
I just checked the site on 800x600 resolution and it looks okay to me.

I'm well aware that people have different screen resolutions and I can say with complete honesty that I did design the thing with that in mind - like Kyle, I don't see any horizontal scrolling.

If I had, I would have changed things.

Now, I am now having the issue of certain pages (banners) being able to scroll down far further than needed. When I did the initial HTML it looked fine, however, when I sent it to Kyle the page displayed askew on his end, so I can only assume that whatever caused that on his end was fixed but with the result of the longer page.

So as it looks like we're having issues with display on different browsers/computers, we'll just have to tweak it a bit. Patience, folks.


We have our best crew working on the website around the clock to iron out the bugs.

...Okay, not really. But we will look into the problems soon. Theoretically, the tables should resize themselves depending on the resolution (as happened for me, on two different computers at two different resolutions), but if they're not, something's wrong. Hopefully we can figure it out and fix this soon!


Listen to the SPCs! Excellent old game music, prime for remixing!

(Now the site looks like a copy of Sim City got lost and exploded in there.)

But I don't know nothing 'bout no Tales of Symphonia or... the other one. :cry:

Neither did I, but i'm still having my fair share of enjoyment through this. ;) You still should join, especially with the type of music you offer to the community and all.


There seems to be no thumbs up emoticons here. Oh well, let me say that I approve of this project very much.

Thank you for selecting some of my favorite tunes. Although I can't participate in this project, Revival from ToS would be a great closing song in my humble opinion. Think about it, please.

For future volunteers: Castle of the Dhaos, Final Act, Beat the Angel, Keen-edged Blade and Last Battle ~Decision~ all have enormous potential. Go for it.

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