KyleJCrb Posted October 3, 2006 Author Posted October 3, 2006 I've heard it. It's no PriZm, that's for sure.
Kit-Tsukasa Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 The new preview is pretty tight.There is one other thing that's going to help with the wait: Tales of the Abyss. October 10th can't come soon enough. On an unrelated (and probably already covered somewhere else in this massive thread) note, has anybody else heard the 10th anniversary battle track from Abyss' OST? It's called Everlasting Fight, and is pretty solid if unspectacular. Both Tales of Destiny and Tales of Phantasia's battle themes were redone, along with one I didn't recognize. You can check it out here: (EDIT: Linking to copyright soundtrack files is not allowed on this site. Sorry!) The battle theme songs are in this order: Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Destiny 1, Tales of Eternia, Tales of Destiny II, Tales of Phantasia, Tales of the Abyss.
Azreous Posted October 4, 2006 Posted October 4, 2006 The battle theme songs are in this order: Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Destiny 1, Tales of Eternia, Tales of Destiny II, Tales of Phantasia, Tales of the Abyss. Merci. That would explain why I didn't recognize the part in the middle; Eternia's the only one I haven't played. I figured it had to be from that.
KyleJCrb Posted October 8, 2006 Author Posted October 8, 2006 It would seem that the website is down.
Pavos Posted October 9, 2006 Posted October 9, 2006 It would seem that the website is down. Now that's a first
Sir_NutS Posted October 9, 2006 Posted October 9, 2006 man we remixers are such a bunch of lazy farts. This project has taken longer than it should. But hey what the hell, it'll be the best project since KiC, so hell it'll be worth the wait.
KyleJCrb Posted October 10, 2006 Author Posted October 10, 2006 man we remixers are such a bunch of lazy farts. This project has taken longer than it should. But hey what the hell, it'll be the best project since KiC, so hell it'll be worth the wait. Admittedly, it's mostly my fault. I've been quite busy lately, plus I have a family member in the hospital who's been there for over a month and isn't doing very well, so my time and drive to work on this project is fairly limited. Lea is also busy, and her tasks are somewhat seperated from mine anyway, so it's not really her job to do what I've been doing. I'm actually not too surprised that this project has taken this long, considering the full scope of what we're going for (the 40 track count, namely), so even though I would've liked it to have been done sooner, we're not as far behind as you might think. There's only a few tracks left! Hopefully I can find the time to get on the remaining remixers here soon, and maybe Project Chaos will get released sometime before New Years.
Azreous Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 plus I have a family member in the hospital who's been there for over a month and isn't doing very well Best of wishes. On the plus side, if the biggest problem you end up having is that PC is blocking SoS's release, you're in pretty good shape. At least at that point all the tracks will be done and rarin' to go.
Sir_NutS Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 now that I thik about it you're right. The initial scope for the project was very wide, so the time it has taken isn't that much compared to all the effort involved. Also I'm really happy that every track I've heard is no less than great.
Kureejii Lea Posted October 10, 2006 Posted October 10, 2006 Site's back up. Now if someone could tell me why my account won't stay logged in, everything will be super-disco-happy!
KyleJCrb Posted October 10, 2006 Author Posted October 10, 2006 Site's back up.Now if someone could tell me why my account won't stay logged in, everything will be super-disco-happy! Clear your cache/cookies. If all else fails, switch to FireFox.
The Mutericator Posted October 11, 2006 Posted October 11, 2006 it'll be the best project since KiC, so hell it'll be worth the wait. Wrong, Bound Together. Which was the best thing since KiC. If you can beat Bound Together, you're all promoted to godhood. Because I've yet to get sick of BT.
Rexy Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 Bound Together doesn't count. I know some people would like it, but at the end of the day it's not an official project. Anyway, yes... lemme at those previews
KyleJCrb Posted October 15, 2006 Author Posted October 15, 2006 Bound Together doesn't count. I know some people would like it, but at the end of the day it's not an official project. I know why you feel that way Rexy, but I don't think it's any less of a project than what we've been doing here, no matter who's involved with it or what sort of recognition it received.
Rexy Posted October 15, 2006 Posted October 15, 2006 I wasn't talking about what it got in return, Kyle. All I was saying was that their home bases were particularly different. Bound Together had a different base as it was already, having centered itself around VGMix/OneUpStudios for most of the time, so why do we have people who think of comparing an almost complete OCR project to something that's pretty much entirely different? Nonetheless, I might as well shut up
The Mutericator Posted October 16, 2006 Posted October 16, 2006 Bound Together doesn't count. I know some people would like it, but at the end of the day it's not an official project. 'Cuz OCRemix is oh-so-official, am i rite?
The Joker Posted October 16, 2006 Posted October 16, 2006 I didn't really like Bound togethor to much. Some of the songs, mainly the trance stuf by OCRemixers, were the only thing I actually kept from the whole project. Having said that, this project will rock your socks. I'd say this & Project Chaos will set a new bar for compilation projects in general, OCR or other!
watkinzez Posted October 16, 2006 Posted October 16, 2006 Bound Together as a bunch of remixes is generally excellent. Bound Together as a project is flabby, sluggish and disjointed. I'm liking Summoning of Spirits in terms of its structure so far.
KyleJCrb Posted October 17, 2006 Author Posted October 17, 2006 An email has been dispatched to the remixers who currently have unfinished arrangements. If you are one of them, please respond to the email as soon as possible. Thanks. There's also some sweet new bonus tracks on the website, so check 'em out.
Azreous Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 Site seems to be down. Could just be me though.
Kureejii Lea Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 Site seems to be down. Could just be me though. Seems like it is just you. This time.
The Mutericator Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 Bound Together as a bunch of remixes is generally excellent. Bound Together as a project is flabby, sluggish and disjointed. Personally, I think the variety of tracks was what really made me like BT so much. I get bored listening to the same type of thing for too long, which is why even Hedgehog Heaven couldn't hold my ear for too long. BT has a great mix of offbeat, techno, and rock that keeps me from getting too bored with it. But, as most things, it's all a matter of opinion - and this one's coming from someone who found Chrono Symphonic to be one of the biggest wastes of time and bandwith since myspace.
Monobrow Posted October 17, 2006 Posted October 17, 2006 Hey guys, I just actually played and beat ToS, so I have a new appreciation for what you are doing. I was kind of disappointed with the endings, but anyway, good luck on the final stuff and getting this released.
KyleJCrb Posted October 18, 2006 Author Posted October 18, 2006 Bound Together as a bunch of remixes is generally excellent. Bound Together as a project is flabby, sluggish and disjointed. Personally, I think the variety of tracks was what really made me like BT so much. I get bored listening to the same type of thing for too long, which is why even Hedgehog Heaven couldn't hold my ear for too long. BT has a great mix of offbeat, techno, and rock that keeps me from getting too bored with it. You'll probably get bored with SoS, then. GEETAR WANKERAGE XTREEM
Kureejii Lea Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 Bound Together as a bunch of remixes is generally excellent. Bound Together as a project is flabby, sluggish and disjointed. Personally, I think the variety of tracks was what really made me like BT so much. I get bored listening to the same type of thing for too long, which is why even Hedgehog Heaven couldn't hold my ear for too long. BT has a great mix of offbeat, techno, and rock that keeps me from getting too bored with it. You'll probably get bored with SoS, then. GEETAR WANKERAGE XTREEM And piano, orchestral, techno... Kyle, stop being guitar-biased.
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