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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, I'm putting out a call here.

Anyone who wants to take on this track, has some previous quality work with which to show me as an audition, and plans on finishing the track in something resembling a timely manner please contact me. I kicked the person who was doing it, so now we need someone else. Maybe it could be YOU!

If we can get someone for this song and a certain SnappleMan to get to work on a certain Fighting of the Spirit we may actually be on our way to something of some sort of release type thing, or something. SO HELP US YOU MUSIC MAKING FOOLS

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As stupid as this may sound, and as much as I know that the other songs will be awesome beyond the trifling descriptions of any tongue, I am looking forward to the 'Beat the Angel' mix most of all... Awesome song, and I'm curious of just how the song will be done.

With each passing day, I fall further to the edge of my seat... I await thy 1337ness.

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No no no, just the domain name is gone. The site, in its entirety, is still there, along with everything that's been uploaded recently. I'm having some problems getting kylejcrb.net to work properly (I'm gonna have to talk to the Tech Support hosting my site and figure out how they can change which domain name the site points to), so it may be a day or two before we can get that to work. In the meantime, this will remain our main base of operations, since my forums are kinda difficult to deal with right now (as pu pointed out). If you have any WIPs or finished songs, please send them to me or Lea via PM at these boards.

EDIT: Okay, the forums should be fixed. You can access them here, and log in normally:

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