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Tales series: Summoning of Spirits - History


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This project not being done has turned into a staple of the Projects forum. It's gonna suck when the project finally comes out and I'll have nothing left to make fun of... except the music that is.

Except my tracks because they are awesome and there is absolutely nothing bad in them that you could possibly make fun of at all.

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FLAC and MP3 is the plan. I have all of the waves, so a lossless release is entirely doable.

Hotness, I definitely was hoping so. I was really disappointed when I saw that several of the previous OCR albums available were MP3-only, as I enjoy losslessly archiving music. Thanks for the good news and clarification. :razz:

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Hotness, I definitely was hoping so. I was really disappointed when I saw that several of the previous OCR albums available were MP3-only, as I enjoy losslessly archiving music. Thanks for the good news and clarification. :razz:

I'd probably need a bigger hard drive for this...

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Hey, I just wanted to drop in and say a few things.

A. You guys are awesome. I was really hoping for a ToS remix and it sounds like you guys are going to remix the heck out of it. I'm almost as excited about this release as I am about Dawn of the New World, and that's saying something given how ridiculously much I enjoyed the first ToS. (and to be fair, I played the GBA version of ToP and liked that, too, albeit not as much as ToS, so I'm sure the ToP stuff will be great, too, even if I'm not quite as familiar with it)

B. What exactly is the deal with your site? I visited the latest forums, but it looks like the site is down, which is a shame since I would've really liked to give that bonus track a listen.

C. Would you be opposed to me putting a banner for the project in my sig if I saw fit? I know you're almost finished already, but more publicity can't hurt, right? Granted, I haven't decided whether or not I want to, but I figured I'd ask since I'm new and don't know all the etiquette involved in this stuff. I wouldn't want anyone accusing me of stealing their banner.

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A. Thank you for your support. :)

B. Our current site is here. It will change exponentially for the release. It looks like the link to Beyond Absentminded is currently broken on that site. I'll look into it, but for now, you can still grab it right here. And of course djp's track is right here at OCR.

C. Absolutely, we made banners specifically for that purpose and suggest anyone who wants to promote the project to use them.

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Thanks, guys! I'm definitely liking both of the bonus tracks, and given that I still haven't even heard any of the Symphonia stuff yet, this is going to be awesome. And I guess I'll show my support and put one of those banners in my sig, too, at least for now. It beats having a blank sig.

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