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Audio Engineering: A Tribute to Cid - History

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Finally got my ensemble together (finally), and we are practicing non-stop in lieu of summer break! I plan to record by the end of the month.

P.S. Due to possibility of being a thing in the end, the artist name may/most likely will be different. Just sayin, I will be the representative for the band, but not the "artist".

Edited by PixelPanic
Finally got my ensemble together (finally), and we are practicing non-stop in lieu of summer break! I plan to record by the end of the month.

P.S. Due to possibility of being a thing in the end, the artist name may/most likely will be different. Just sayin, I will be the representative for the band, but not the "artist".

Can't wait to hear it! :3

and no worries ^.^

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
I was looking at the track list. Am I correct in thinking that there are no unclaimed tracks available? Sorry. I don't really understand when you say "clear through the first deadline". I hope there's an opening. I've only just now noticed this project. I hope I'm not too late.

Sorry for just now getting around to this. Actually, if you see a Cid that isn't represented in the tracklist, it's technically open. Send me a WIP and we'll see what we can do. All I ask is that the source track(s) be linked to that game's Cid in some way, whether it's his theme or a track that can be related to him (as in Lindblum for FF9 Cid, since he's the Regent of the city).

As for "clear through the first deadline" I just mean the arrangement and track be a third to a half complete. Or in simpler terms, a substantial WIP.

Also, I'm looking for an assistant director for this. Mainly someone who can judge quality far better than I can. Shoot me a VM or PM if you're interested.

Ah, OK. So every track is taken and the ones that say claimed are claimed but just haven't been worked on yet, right? NOOOOO!

Sorry, I'm not the best judge of audio quality. Every time I say something sounds great, 10 more people say it sounds like crap. Hahaha.

Hey Legendary Zoltan, if you're looking for work, why not make a balls-heavy ocr-passable mix of these two themes from FF2 for the FF2 album?

Revived Emperor

Here's the project thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40478

Sorry Mirby, I owe you one Cid-related post in my thread now. :-P

Ah, OK. So every track is taken and the ones that say claimed are claimed but just haven't been worked on yet, right? NOOOOO!

Sorry, I'm not the best judge of audio quality. Every time I say something sounds great, 10 more people say it sounds like crap. Hahaha.

Ehwhat? Now I'm confused. I just don't have the open tracks listed for cleanliness's sake. If you want on, just pick a Cid that's open. That leaves... lessee...

FF Tactics - Cidolfus Orlandeau - Trisection

FF Tactics A2 - Cid - Companions That Surpassed Their Tribe

FF Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King - Mogcid -

FF Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers - Cid -

FF: The 4 Heroes of Light - Cid -

FF Legends: Hikari to Yami no Senshi - Sid -

Chocobo's Dungeon - Cid -

Chocobo Racing - (same as FF4)**

FF Fables: [any] - (see ***)

all these tracks are open. or any other tracks that can be linked to those Cids.

FF Tactics - Cidolfus Orlandeau - Trisection

FF Tactics A2 - Cid - Companions That Surpassed Their Tribe

First you don't remember who send you wips and now you can't keep up with your own thread. This is quoted from page 7:
Hey Mirb! Fyi these tracks are not the themes of Cid for the respective two FFT games.

The correct Cid's themes are: Thunder God Cid's Theme (FFT) and


I even did all the hard work for you. Try to keep it together Mirb. ;)
First you don't remember who send you wips and now you can't keep up with your own thread. This is quoted from page 7:

I even did all the hard work for you. Try to keep it together Mirb. ;)

A) They were suggestions not hard-coded claims

B) I must've been too lazy to put those links in the .txt file of sources I keep on my computer, which is where I copied that list from


Pwned! Hahaha :-P
That's uncalled for, man. I wasn't trying to be mean, just to motivate Mirb to focus a bit more.
Maybe the Dj should be co-director of this ;-)
OCR rules forbid anyone to co-direct multiple albums unless they've got a track record of doing so in the past.

But I'm always up to help others in 'Recruit & Collaborate' set up projects and move in the right direction. :)

That's uncalled for, man. I wasn't trying to be mean, just to motivate Mirb to focus a bit more.

Don't worry I knew that~

Brandon, really? Especially when you don't know the truth behind why he said that, nor acknowledge the real reason I kicked you off of this project? Really? I'd expect better from someone who's successfully directed 2 OCR albums, honestly.

Anyways, still need someone to help co-direct. VM/PM me if you're interested.


You kicked me off the project because I said Nintendo is bad and should license their IPs out to third parties, they you made up some bullshit about me being homophobic as an excuse to kick me off the project. Don't think you can cryptically say "THE REAL REASON!!" without me saying what it is. I'm not ashamed to tell the truth about what happened, maybe you should be?

Besides, you've said the "owned!" thing to me a few times. That's the only reason I did it.

You kicked me off the project because I said Nintendo is bad and should license their IPs out to third parties, they you made up some bullshit about me being homophobic as an excuse to kick me off the project. Don't think you can cryptically say "THE REAL REASON!!" without me saying what it is. I'm not ashamed to tell the truth about what happened, maybe you should be?

Besides, you've said the "owned!" thing to me a few times. That's the only reason I did it.

this is not the time nor the place for this. if you're so outraged pm me, but don't bring it into this thread, and stop trying to flamebait me.

in other news, does anyone know a reliable way to get ahold of akumajobelmont?

Word has it that he has been busy right now & hard to get a hold of. Just be patient.

Okay. I just needed a way to tell him that if he doesn't get any sort of WIP to me by October 6, he's cut and the track opens up for claims again. I run a tight ship around here.


In light of recent news regarding SE-related OCR projects, I have decided to not submit this to OCR. Instead, I'll probably seek it to be hosted on Kyle's site, if he's okay with that, as others have been before. I hope everyone understands this, and is okay with this. Otherwise, please let me know. Thank you for your understanding.

In light of recent news regarding SE-related OCR projects, I have decided to not submit this to OCR. Instead, I'll probably seek it to be hosted on Kyle's site, if he's okay with that, as others have been before. I hope everyone understands this, and is okay with this. Otherwise, please let me know. Thank you for your understanding.

Oh yeah, a KNGI release would be great! :)

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