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The PCReMix Initiative ~ Let's put the PC in OC ReMix!

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Hi, everyone! I apologize for the long absence.

I've finally updated the first post. A huge thanks to Eino for helping me out with the list (it made everything much easier) and to everyone else for their work and support. =)

We've already got several finished tracks and a couple of WIPs. I've had a WIP for another track sitting around for a while now, so I'll be posting it in the near future (hopefully).

Please check the list to see if I haven't made any mistakes. If you've changed your mind about the track you've claimed, let me know and I'll update it.

Have fun, the show must go on. =)

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm Hombre de Mundo - Webmaster over at Zelda Universe and I actually registered just to post here and say that I love this idea, OCRemix definately needs more PC tunes (Heroes 3 - which Archangel made an excelletn remix of - is one of my favourite games of all time) so... yeah keep up the good work, really happy to see more classic games being honored on this site, regardless of platform.

Personal wish:

. You don't get more classic on the PC (though the specific version I posted is the amiga. It sounds better).

Again, keep up the awesome work and good luck to you :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm so glad someone is doing something from Lode Runner: The Legend Returns.

I want to claim

from Homeworld. It came out in late 1999 so it's just under the cutoff. I was incredibly obsessed with this game when I was teenager. I actually suck at RTS games, but with a lot of help from the official strategy guide, I actually managed to beat this one.

If you can, use this mp3 version of the source, because the quality is 10x better.

  • 2 months later...

Hey Team,

Been reading this thread for a little while now, and I'd like to get involved with contributing. I'm working on a remix from Age of Empires 1 "The Rise of Rome" expansion. Unfortunately I cannot find the official name of the track or the composer's name. All I have to go by at the moment is the "Age of Empires: Rise of Rome Music 1"....

View the track


Does anybody know the name of the composer and/or track?

Anyway, will post a WIP when there is something substantial to submit. =)

Excited to see new material coming through!

  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, that's quite a source there eatacay, I'm looking forward to hearing what you come up with! HOMM series often gets cited for good music, I also remember a friend playing some tunes from HOMM3 (if I recall correctly) to me just to show it was good stuff.

Thanks also for the offer Orangedragan. Keep that offer in mind folks!

I just won PRC round 249, and I'm picking a tune from a classic, classic PC game. It won't appear until round 251 though (and I'll post again revealing the pick once the round starts). PRC250 is a special round, where you can mix a tune from any of the previous competitions. Plenty of classic PC soundtracks are featured in that list! Check it out!


  • 3 weeks later...

My pick for People's Remixing Competition #251 is

from UFO: Enemy Unknown (aka XCOM: Ufo Defence), the classic strategy/tactical combat game from Julian Gollop (etc, music by John Broomhall), published by Microprose in 1994. (There's also a theme from Ristar usable in the round).

I think one can do a lot with this piece, lots of material there! I hope we get a good number of submissions, and hopefully some will eventually land on OCR - please consider taking part in the compo if the track is familiar to you or it inspires you! And if you happen to win the round, you get to pick a familiar PC soundtrack piece for the next round! (:


  • 2 weeks later...

Both DrumJ8 and sggod89 came through and incorporated Geoscape 2 into their PRC251 entries, sggod89 doing it so more prominently. Worth checking out! Links in the above post.

It so happens I won the round with my Ristar mix (I wasn't allowed to mix my own source pick, but it was a double source round), so here's another classic DOS source:

from Star Control 2. PRC252 has started! (also featured: a fanfare theme from Donkey Kong Country 2)


dear god i want to organize a command and conquer album at some point

all the games up through red alert 2. all of those

do it! if there isnt one already, someone might as well. its pretty tough organizing an album though. alot of work.

  • 2 weeks later...

July's DoD was Sierra Month, so I did a mix that can be shared here!


The source is Crystal Hoard from Lode Runner: The Legend Returns (already claimed by mk_97!). I'm not 100% sure if I'll submit since it depends on if I can get someone to play acoustic guitar (only the solo is live played, by Hakstock), but any feedback is welcome and could be useful if I actually submit this.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Flexstyle's Starcraft mix got rejected for not enough source usage. I really liked it, so I'd love to see it get through. Any plans for it, Mike?


I hope they gave him a good idea of how much more source usage he needs. Flex is the last person I'd expect to get a NO :puppyeyes:

Speaking of which, does any1 have a link to the track?? I'd love to hear it Mike :D

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