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Objectively, I'd say Chicago IF at least one or two people planning to attend were Chicagoland residents. Getting lost in a major city during an OCR meetup because you guide has been rushed to the ER really sucks...um.. I've heard. Frankly, Chi-town has more to offer culturally.

I don't live there, but I've been there for an extended stay twice and I know it, and it's public transportation system (yummy) quite well. I think Chicago could keep quite a few of us busy for sure.

Not only that, but we've got duckpin bowling near Fountain Square!

Objectively, I'd say Chicago IF at least one or two people planning to attend were Chicagoland residents. Getting lost in a major city during an OCR meetup because you guide has been rushed to the ER really sucks...um.. I've heard. Frankly, Chi-town has more to offer culturally.

Subjectively, I'd say Cedar Point. It = win.

Practically, I could only do something here in Indy and therefore propose a meetup to coincide with Gen-Con the weekend of August 18th. Anime, gaming, laser tag, duckpin bowling, AND a remixer town. What more do you need?

...I still never got to meet McVaffe. Stupid squirrels : (

WHAT THE SHIT. Including you and me once I'm posted, I think that makes, like... 7 posted remixers currently living in Indianapolis. There must be something in our water. Probably excess fluoride.

Do you actually live in Fountain Square? Because I spend like all my god damn time at the dental school a mile away from there. Tooooo weiiirrddd

I'm cool with Chicago so long as we go to Giardono's (sp?) for dinner. I'm really not one for amusement parks, so my vote is no on all that business. #1 vote is still Indianapolis obvi.


I have lots of connections in Indy, so I'd love to be able to help out with the logistics if that's what we decide on. If we do laser tag, the owner of Laser Flash is an awesome family friend (actually came up with the idea to start the place at my brother's birthday party years back if I remember right). Also, Laser Flash has a liquor license. Nuff said. If we want to do King's Island, I have at least 20 cousins in the area and a few of them might still work there. Another suggestion - when the aforementioned cousins meet up they drive south of Cincinnati right on the Kentucky border to Newport and meet in the Hofbräuhaus, but I'd have to check what time we'd have to get there to get in for those of us under 21.

I think my favorite idea is still GenCon though, VGL *should* be coming back this year (historically they've come every other year since they started, and didn't come last year) so that would be awesome. Also, my brother is president of the Indiana Anime Club who run the entire anime wing of GenCon every year, and they always pass out free staff 4-day badges to just about anyone who can volunteer (change DVDs) or run an event. Last year GenCon also had a lot of the same bands as MAGFest, (Armcannon, Danimal Cannon, Brentalfloss, Random Encounter, Bit Brigade, Year 200X, Protomen) I shot an email to the GenCon event staff, they said they might invite them all back this year. That's all stuff I'm pretty sure we could pull off, if we wanted to reach a little we could always try and invite the VGL crew out to dinner downtown. As far as I know GenCon is one of the few cons they show up extra early for because they set up a booth to plug the concert in person instead of letting the event staff do it, so they likely have one or two nights in town when they're free before they start practicing and setting up for the show.

Transport/Lodging - Indianapolis traffic's much easier to deal with than Chicago. Since it's not built on any major bodies of water, the roads are all a nice grid. Plus, there's a Megabus stop right smack downtown. It seems like at least a third of us are in Indy, I think halc and chth both live inside of 10min from downtown, and I live 20min north. I've been trying to meetup and throw a little pizza party since last GenCon. I don't know about travel time for the other Indy guys. I'll check and see if I can't offer up some lodging myself, but I think the rates downtown are at least reasonable, and since last year we've built a ton of new hotels for the big game in February.

Well there's my thoughts on the matter, I hope you guys made it through all of that without suffering information overload.

- Grimm/grimmthetallest(twitter)/VashtheStampede(turntable)

I'm cool with Chicago so long as we go to Giordanos for dinner.

Holy shit that is the best place ever. I have some good memories about that place <3

me and 2 other friends went there (never having deep dish before). We each ordered a medium pizza. The lady brought out the first one and started serving it to us and we were all "we each ordered one" and she laughed it off but then we were like "no... we really each ordered one" and she looked so scared.

That pizza lasted me like 4 days lol

WHAT THE SHIT. Including you and me once I'm posted, I think that makes, like... 7 posted remixers currently living in Indianapolis. There must be something in our water. Probably excess fluoride.

Do you actually live in Fountain Square?

I'm really not one for amusement parks, so my vote is no on all that business. #1 vote is still Indianapolis obvi.

A really good Naptown commercial.

My brother is in Fountain Square. I'm Northwest side, but we're originally from Kalamazoo, so I can't account for what may or may not be in the water!

GenCon = potential for wonderful setting and Grimm's got the hookup on everything else. Chicago traffic IS heart attack inducing if you're not used to the big city.

I vote OCR-MW @ GC in AUG.


P.S. Giodorno's pizza might last you four days, but Antonio Pizza lasts a lifetime.


Man, too bad Nekofrog and I don't live in Fort Wayne anymore, or we'd be all over this! Unfortunately, all but one family member high-tailed it to Florida in the last year, so I never have much reason to visit anymore. :( Have fun though, guys!

Man, too bad Nekofrog and I don't live in Fort Wayne anymore, or we'd be all over this! Unfortunately, all but one family member high-tailed it to Florida in the last year, so I never have much reason to visit anymore. :( Have fun though, guys!

Sounds like those family members have the right idea :P as soon as I'm done with school, I plan on doing the same.

edit: actually, the whole gencon thing seems like a good idea. i would imagine that some non-midwestern ocrfolk will incidentally be in town for gencon anyway. the more, the merrier.

You know that you guys don't have to have just one meetup - you can have more than one in different locations!

Yes, but it might not be economical for everyone to attend two (or more) meetups.

Still, Chi-folks could organize one in their area (maybe around the time of the Taste, possibly head up tp Gurnee for Six Flags), and Indy folks could organize one in their area, and those fortunate to attend both, could/should.

Chicago & Indianapolis seem to have the biggest interest so far.

A really good Naptown commercial.

GenCon = potential for wonderful setting and Grimm's got the hookup on everything else.

Yeah, in all honesty I'm just overcompensating for my epic fail and total lack of prior planning last year when I couldn't even get my own nerd friends to show at the VGM concert, much less halc and chth. :P I'd love to change that this year by going all out and fetching OCR folks, whatever VGM bands show, and VGL if I can gather each of them. Just imagine the level of killer studio chops that meetup would gather! :D

Excuse me, I believe the phrase you were looking for was killer studio chops. I don't know what pro studio chops are :razz:

Wait, what are you talking about? I totally didn't botch a meme... :D


Chicago is the best for me because I don't have to drive to get there.

Also I do not have a car :<

If you're planning something around the Six Flags at Gurnee wait until May, when it opens. The Taste doesn't happen until the end of June.


Thanks for all of the responses guys.

I propose 2 meetups. 1 in Chicago. 1 in Indianapolis.

I've never been too crazy for amusement parks. If you want a Cedar Point meetup to happen, please organize it. Any of us has the ability to organize an awesome meetup.

Chicago :

Giordonos is a must. Best Pizza Ever.

If you don't like driving in the city, I suggest parking outside

of the city and taking the train in.

I suggest doing this one in May or June.


GENCON seems like an obvious choice. If you're in Indianapolis and don't want to go to GENCON, we could even venture out into the city for a big meetup event.

GENCON INFO : http://gencon.com/

GENCON is AUG 16-19

What do you guys think of this proposal?



GENCON seems like an obvious choice. If you're in Indianapolis and don't want to go to GENCON, we could even venture out into the city for a big meetup event.

GENCON INFO : http://gencon.com/

GENCON is AUG 16-19

What do you guys think of this proposal?

A few things not mentioned in the info for my fellow cheapskates, the cheap-as-dirt Megabus has a stop walking distance from anywhere important downtown, and the last time the VGM bands and VGL were both completely separate, so you didn't need a badge for those, if those are going to be the focus of our meetup. Public spaces are no-badge needed as well. I think you can get to the entire anime wing including event rooms without a badge, and walk anywhere in the convention center except inside event rooms and the exhibit hall without a badge as well. Though I would highly recommend actually buying a badge so you can do fun things like wander the exhibit hall and participate in video game tournaments. Oh, and the networked Battletech cockpits. Those things are awesome.

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