Merk Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 Asking why Zelda has two pictures may seem irrelevant, however, what to do with those two pictures are not. If you click on should it bring you to the exact same bio as ? If not, what would be different about the two bios? Can I make my own mascots if I provide the bio information? Quote
Dafydd Posted July 31, 2005 Author Posted July 31, 2005 Thanks for answering all those questions, DarkeSword. Some of them didn't really need asking, I guess, but I just felt like pouring it all out and get some clarity on things. ... So what do we do now? Start picking people for the crew? Quote
DarkeSword Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 Thanks for answering all those questions, DarkeSword. Some of them didn't really need asking, I guess, but I just felt like pouring it all out and get some clarity on things. ... So what do we do now? Start picking people for the crew? Go ahead and start choosing people and assigning jobs, etc. It's your show; you're the project leader. Edit your first post's thread title to something like "OCR Mascot Bio Project," and write out what you need from people. I'll leave this thread in GD for a few more days just to recruit peple, and then go over to Site Proj with a new thread to actually organize and work on everything. Quote
supremespleen Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 I'd like to do some Nintendo characters. Quote
Infinite HP Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 Asking why Zelda has two pictures may seem irrelevant, however, what to do with those two pictures are not. If you click on should it bring you to the exact same bio as ? If not, what would be different about the two bios? Can I make my own mascots if I provide the bio information? Well, obviously the one on the left is from a different game than on the right, and a part of these bios is/may be the games this character has been in. So, I suppose in a sense the bios would pretty much be the same, except for the game section. Unless in order to save a page one could direct both pic-links to the same page, and in the game section just say [young zelda] or [mature zelda] for whichever game corresponds accordingly. Quote
Bahamut Posted August 3, 2005 Posted August 3, 2005 Well, I put myself forward before, and am still available for help if wanted. Quote
supremespleen Posted August 3, 2005 Posted August 3, 2005 Well, I put myself forward before, and am still available for help if wanted. Ditto. Quote
Infinite HP Posted August 3, 2005 Posted August 3, 2005 Well, I put myself forward before, and am still available for help if wanted. Ditto. True dat. Quote
Dafydd Posted August 3, 2005 Author Posted August 3, 2005 Good. Let's have all three of you. Bahamut, I was going to ask you before, but I didn't, because I wanted you to remind me instead SupremeSpleen, Infinite HP (and, of course, Bahamut), count yourselves in. I also took the liberty to appoint KungFuChicken to the team, mainly because he seemed competent enough, but also because I liked his attitude. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, LET ME DO IT, I KNOW EVERY CHARACTER ON THE LIST AND CAN DO WRITE UPS. AND I HAVE NOTHING BUT TIME! Heh hrm. He'll be gone until the 9th, however, but seeing as we're not likely to finish before then, it doesn't really matter. This, I believe, concludes the recruitment phase. As mentioned before, anyone is welcome to help, but we need a team to do the real work, and that's... us. I just hope 5 isn't too many, and that we'll get along, now that there are 5 of us. Hopefully it will allow us to work more efficiently and finish the project in less time. Darkesword, thanks for the bump. I guess it's time to move this thread. Quote
Infinite HP Posted August 3, 2005 Posted August 3, 2005 Good. Let's have all three of you. Bahamut, I was going to ask you before, but I didn't, because I wanted you to remind me instead SupremeSpleen, Infinite HP (and, of course, Bahamut), count yourselves in. I also took the liberty to appoint KungFuChicken to the team, mainly because he seemed competent enough, but also because I liked his attitude. KungFuChicken! wrote: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, LET ME DO IT, I KNOW EVERY CHARACTER ON THE LIST AND CAN DO WRITE UPS. AND I HAVE NOTHING BUT TIME! Heh hrm. He'll be gone until the 9th, however, but seeing as we're not likely to finish before then, it doesn't really matter. This, I believe, concludes the recruitment phase. As mentioned before, anyone is welcome to help, but we need a team to do the real work, and that's... us. I just hope 5 isn't too many, and that we'll get along, now that there are 5 of us. Hopefully it will allow us to work more efficiently and finish the project in less time. Darkesword, thanks for the bump. I guess it's time to move this thread. Yup. Also, it might help things to run smoothly if we were each assigned (or we each choose, it doesn't really matter) a set of characters to write bios on. It shouldn't be a problem if someone gets characters they don't really know because Google is like your old grandfather who knows just about everything. One last thing, I know it was already sort of mentioned in this thread, but a definate layout/outline should be created so that everyone knows exactly what the format for each bios should look like. Quote
Dhsu Posted August 3, 2005 Posted August 3, 2005 Asking why Zelda has two pictures may seem irrelevant, however, what to do with those two pictures are not. If you click on should it bring you to the exact same bio as ? If not, what would be different about the two bios? Can I make my own mascots if I provide the bio information? Well, obviously the one on the left is from a different game than on the right, and a part of these bios is/may be the games this character has been in. So, I suppose in a sense the bios would pretty much be the same, except for the game section. Unless in order to save a page one could direct both pic-links to the same page, and in the game section just say [young zelda] or [mature zelda] for whichever game corresponds accordingly. The two Zeldas are, in fact, two different people, from different eras/timelines, and therefore would have completely different backgrounds. There are multiple Links as well. This might be an issue for the two Samus mascots, though. Quote
DarkeSword Posted August 3, 2005 Posted August 3, 2005 Good. Let's have all three of you. Bahamut, I was going to ask you before, but I didn't, because I wanted you to remind me instead SupremeSpleen, Infinite HP (and, of course, Bahamut), count yourselves in.I also took the liberty to appoint KungFuChicken to the team, mainly because he seemed competent enough, but also because I liked his attitude. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, LET ME DO IT, I KNOW EVERY CHARACTER ON THE LIST AND CAN DO WRITE UPS. AND I HAVE NOTHING BUT TIME! Heh hrm. He'll be gone until the 9th, however, but seeing as we're not likely to finish before then, it doesn't really matter. This, I believe, concludes the recruitment phase. As mentioned before, anyone is welcome to help, but we need a team to do the real work, and that's... us. I just hope 5 isn't too many, and that we'll get along, now that there are 5 of us. Hopefully it will allow us to work more efficiently and finish the project in less time. Darkesword, thanks for the bump. I guess it's time to move this thread. Yup. Also, it might help things to run smoothly if we were each assigned (or we each choose, it doesn't really matter) a set of characters to write bios on. It shouldn't be a problem if someone gets characters they don't really know because Google is like your old grandfather who knows just about everything. One last thing, I know it was already sort of mentioned in this thread, but a definate layout/outline should be created so that everyone knows exactly what the format for each bios should look like. That's the task of the editor. Anyway, moving to SP. Dafydd, you need to contact me on AIM in order to join the Project Coordiator group. Quote
Dafydd Posted August 4, 2005 Author Posted August 4, 2005 One last thing, I know it was already sort of mentioned in this thread, but a definate layout/outline should be created so that everyone knows exactly what the format for each bios should look like. Yeah, I was hoping we could agree on something together. Quote
Dafydd Posted August 4, 2005 Author Posted August 4, 2005 One last thing, I know it was already sort of mentioned in this thread, but a definate layout/outline should be created so that everyone knows exactly what the format for each bios should look like. Yeah, I was hoping we could agree on something together. This is, basically, an idea of how I want it, and is still subject to change. Visualizing it using the forum layout tools gets pretty difficult. On top to the left: Character Name Creator (Company) (company/manufacturer names should be clickable links to their sites) Year of Creation To the right of this information, the mascot picture. I'd prefer if we could have the pictures without their backgrounds, as well as having the entire bio page background white instead of gray. Below: Introduction, "who is this guy". We will specify exactly what to write here later. Then: Short biography - where does this guy come from and how did he end up becoming a super hero? Sometimes the introduction and the biography might sort of bleed into each other. Shit happens. After that: Major/more significant apperances, what those games were about, what kind of games they are, etc. Each of these 3 things should take about one paragraph, so no... huge... enormous... big... monster essays. To the right of that information, a (more or less) full list of games in which the character has appeared. If a game has music remixed on this site, the name of the game will be a link that redirects you to the remixes page for that game. The best thing would be if this list could be somehow dynamically updated so that if a game that isn't already covered suddenly becomes so, the name of that game will turn into a link automatically instead of us having to manually oversee the pages every time a new mix arrives. I'm not sure how that would work, but it'd be cool. EDIT: On the very bottom, a list of useful links to fan pages or the likes. Well, what do you think? Is it, in general, a good layout? Opinions? Massive critisism? Quote
supremespleen Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 My aim: then spleen said I'm typically on aim more in the evening... 7-11 PM central. However, I live it up and away most of the day. I think it would be good if people "claim" three or so characters at a time. If it's okay with you, I'll claim: Mascot 1: Link(Ocarina Art) Mascot 5: Mario(64 Art w/ wingcap) Mascot 25: SSBM Bowser I'll follow the outline you gave. Then maybe if I notice any issues, I'll let you know about them. I might have trouble with some of the linking things though. And since we're going to stick this bugger into the message board as topics, should I just type it into here or copy from word? Quote
Dafydd Posted August 4, 2005 Author Posted August 4, 2005 Well, you said you wanted to do nintendo characters, so go ahead and get started. There are a few things I want to say first though - 1. I think we might be better off with having Mario, Link and other characters that have several different pictures on one bio page instead of one for each picture (one exception being Mega Man/Mega Man X, since they are not really the same character at all). Then you can just mention "this picture is from Mario 64" and explain what function the winged hat serves etc. Link would, naturally, have several bios, however. Telling people in detail about every single one of them might not be in our best interest, so I suggest you try to figure out what's similar about them (him seemingly always starting out as an orphan sent by greater powers to fight evil (usually Ganon) and save princess Zelda (Link's awakening being a notable exception)) since they are all independent games with independent stories, I mean (wow, that's some serious overuse of paranthesises)). Mention the fact that Link is a legendary hero that reincarnates several times in the history of his world etc, and that his bio is therefore different for each game and so on. As for Mario, mind what I said about wikipedia and the information that can be found there. You don't need to write a whole lot about him, I mean. 2. I understand the links are a problem when making the bio pages, but we'll focus more on that later on. We need the actual bio texts anyway, so we might just as well get started. 3. Make sure you keep track of where you find your information. If you run across any good fansites out there, keep the URL's around somewhere, we could use them later. Good Luck to all of you. If you find a character you would like to "claim", please say so here, so noone else picks it and does the same work to no use. And since we're going to stick this bugger into the message board as topics, should I just type it into here or copy from word? I'm not sure I know what you're saying... If you're planning on posting entire bios in this thread, yeah, I guess that's ok. At least for right now. Ideally, we would have one thread for each mascot, but that would mean having our own forum (like, general, judges decisions, remixing, mascot bios), and right now, that doesn't seem possible. Hopefully this will be possible later on, but it'd need some serious action from the people who run the site, which is something we can't really expect until we show them we're actually getting somewhere. Myself, I guess I could go with the Mega Men for the time being. Those of you who know the less commonly known characters would probably do best to claim them. Kungfuchicken said he knows every one of them, so if there's one you don't know at all, leave it to him for now. Quote
Kureejii Lea Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 1. I think we might be better off with having Mario, Link and other characters that have several different pictures on one bio page instead of one for each picture (one exception being Mega Man/Mega Man X, since they are not really the same character at all). Actually, there are two pictures of X as well. =P Quote
Infinite HP Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 I sort of know what Supreme_Spleen is saying, as I got to wondering this myself. Should we upload our projects (for this one, big project) onto the web somewhere so that the editor (whomever that may be) can collect, sort, and organize the info? It would be rather hard to type all that information and put it in the layout you suggested into these tiny little post boxes... Quote
Arek the Absolute Posted August 4, 2005 Posted August 4, 2005 Woa shiznit! This actually made it here pretty fast. Nice. I am wondering if I may join the team . This project really has got intrigued. Quote
Zeality Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 You can use for the CT characters. Those bios are the most complete and detailed available. Quote
Dafydd Posted August 5, 2005 Author Posted August 5, 2005 Actually, there are two pictures of X as well. =P Well I'll be... thanks for the heads-up. And to HELLO. This is the kind of help I want. I am wondering if I may join the team . Start making bios and we'll consider it It would be rather hard to type all that information and put it in the layout you suggested into these tiny little post boxes... Yeah, I was trying to explain that to DarkeSword. I already mentioned I'd prefer having one thread per character, as you know, and each bio on a page that allows for more formatting and code than an ordinary forum post - like a html page within the forum post. Since there are threads containing over 1200 posts in the site projects forum, however, I don't think he's too bothered. If you can come up with a better solution than the current one, I'm all for it. It'd need to be accessible - but not editable - to everyone if it's to be very effective. This is partially why I wanted a team to work with instead of having just everyone posting stuff all over the place. I need help organizing this Quote
Infinite HP Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 It would be rather hard to type all that information and put it in the layout you suggested into these tiny little post boxes... Yeah, I was trying to explain that to DarkeSword. I already mentioned I'd prefer having one thread per character, as you know, and each bio on a page that allows for more formatting and code than an ordinary forum post - like a html page within the forum post. Since there are threads containing over 1200 posts in the site projects forum, however, I don't think he's too bothered. If you can come up with a better solution than the current one, I'm all for it. It'd need to be accessible - but not editable - to everyone if it's to be very effective. This is partially why I wanted a team to work with instead of having just everyone posting stuff all over the place. I need help organizing this Well, if we are able to get more formatting and code it could definately be possible, keep me up to date on that. Otherwise, if that's not possible, then perhaps we'll have to find some other means of uploading it onto the net. Quote
Dafydd Posted August 5, 2005 Author Posted August 5, 2005 As for any and all suggestions regarding the forums - we are strongly considering migrating the forums to vbulletin 3.5 when a final build is released. PHPBB has been subject to numerous security exploits, but more importantly, development on it is so far backlogged and moves at such a fantastically slow pace that I feel it's holding our site back. vBulletin will allow for sub-forums, enhanced moderation, better WYSIWYG editing of posts, etc., and with the new version especially is much easier to extend and customize in a normalized, repeatable, upgradeable fashion. There may be light in the other end of the tunnel, friends. I hope it will allow us to do the things I mentioned above. *hopes really throbbing-vein-on-forehead hard* Quote
Linkjing Donuts Posted August 5, 2005 Posted August 5, 2005 I call Bomberman, The Prince, and Link (Windwaker bio). And if Link with Windwaker bio is taken or it is too little a task, I'll take Toad EDIT: Can we copy and paste bios with the link of the original text next to it? I'm not going to do that with what I've chosen, but it's for the information of the harder-to-write-bios of some mascots. Quote
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