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One thing I find interesting is that it's implied that you're supposed to get the same colored sequel as the first game that you played. For instance, since I got white I should get White 2. However, unlike White which had Zekrom as the Star legendary that you catch, White 2 has Reshiram (albeit kinda possessed) as the star, which I presume you can catch. But at the end of White N rode away on Reshiram's back, so what's happened since then that caused Reshiram to become possessed, and what happened to N? Sequels! Gotta love them!


I am pretty excited for this. I'm glad they are finally making an actual sequel, rather than just a re-polish. I hope they add a whole new 8 leaders, new Elite Four, and more post-game. It's looking to be pretty sweet.


My previous link was incomplete. It only showed the intro to Pokemon B2W2. This link has a lot more information, including verified animated spirites for all characters, the first Rival battle, a tour of the new city, and spirites for Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, as well as an official demonstration of their signature attacks. It really does seem to be the case that the placeholder data that was inside the original Black and White was for these spirites to make their appearance. Smart Nintendo, planning things several years in advance :D

For a little more info on the upcoming games :D

the BW and BW2 trainers look like siblings in those pics. also rival is about to slip on that banana peel.

The protags are actually the protags from BW1 in an alternate timeline where Blue defeats Red and Giovanni is N's brother but Koga really loves Jasmine but has to undergo surgery revealing him to be the protag from RSE.

But that's just a theory


i was talking with ocre earlier and brought up the idea of the BW1 protags being the champions in BW2 depending on version. like Black 2 would have the female protag and White 2 would have the male protag.

or they could do something like digimon world dawn/dusk and have the champion be the protag of the opposite gender from bw1 or something.


I've seen the map of the new Unova Region and I'm curious to see what this will mean for the story. It is two years now from the events of the first games and nearly half of Unova is frozen over. And there are two new gym leaders? Just how much can change in two years?


GSC Kanto says hi.

In fact, let's take the two versions in the original games, and just compare them a bit.

Original Kanto (RBY) and GSC Kanto.

Those are large-scale sprite maps from the games, so you can really see what changed. Hell, even the updated versions from Fire and Leaf to Heart Gold and Soul Silver are pretty impressive in what changed.

Most obvious,of course, is Cinnibar Island. It's a smoldering crater a few years later.

  • 3 weeks later...

So... new Corocoro is leaked, and it looks like Kyurem isn't the only one getting an upgrade.


It's hard to make out, but it seems that the "Kami Trio" (as they are called by some), namely Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus, are getting new formes. Aside from that, who knows what else is happening.

BW2 is starting to look like the version to own, and BW1 is looking kind of like an "also-ran" kind of game.


According to this update video, there is more news then the new forms of the Kami Trio.

Apparently, a new "World Tournament" Facility is going to be in the game. In this "World Tournament" facility, you can fight such people like Misty, Brock, Erika, GREEN, Giovanni, LANCE, Lt. Surge, Volkner, and STEVEN. The World Tournament facility is operated by Cynthia.

If you could fight Green in Black 2 and White 2, My life will be complete. If you could fight Red in Black 2 and White 2, I will die happy.


So, the Kami Trio turn into animals (tiger, bird, snake?), Cheren and Bianca are older and have some role (looks like Bianca gives you your starter?) and N is back (or at least mentioned by what looks to be one of the Sages).

Also, older Gym Leaders and Champions make some appearance, looks like some sort of in-game tournament.

And you seem to fight a giant robot ala one of those live-action Super Sentai stage acts they have in Japan.

OK, this is seriously looking to be the far superior version. It's almost like they shouldn't have done BW1 in the first place.

So, the Kami Trio turn into animals (tiger, bird... other tiger-like animal?), Cheron and Bianca are older and have some role (looks like Bianca gives you your starter?) and N is back.

Also, older Gym Leaders and Champions make some appearance, looks like some sort of in-game tournament.

And you seem to fight a giant robot ala one of those live-action Super Sentai stage acts they have in Japan.

OK, this is seriously looking to be the far superior version. It's almost like they shouldn't have done BW1 in the first place.

the mechatyranitar is part of what i've heard called pokéwood, which replaces the (useless) musical.

seriously, why'd they take out contests? at least those were fun and gave you ribbons and stuff, and you could be on tv. and it was all based on what moves your pokemon had. musicals... what the hell purpose did they serve? they didn't even give you anything to show off iirc.


yeah, aside from that, you pretty much got it down.


From what I could tell of the trailers, there will be a movie production that you get involved in in some way, so the robot would be a prop or something similar. Still, this may mark the first time in Pokemon history when you fight something other than another pokemon, something I've wanted for a loooooooooong time.

I really hope that for the gen 6 games we get into lots of battles with machines and maybe even mutant/fusion pokemon that you can't catch. Just pure bosses.


<insert pokewood penis joke>

anyway, yeah, this looks like some hot shit. I hope they bring back a lot of the little interface things from HGSS (having the running shoes on all the time, having the menu RIGHT THERE). It looks like they're making this sort of a giant conglomerate of the whole series. Maybe something to whet the insatiable appetite of the "Play all the region" folks?

regardless i'm much excite


I'm not sure what to make of Brycen making an appearance. On the one hand, I'd expect the Gym Leaders to either be all the same or all different. On the other, the Kanto lineup changed between RBY and GSC. Yet I struggle to figure out which leaders would be replaced by Punk Girl and Shirtless Dude. Best I can figure is that you won't fight the Striation Trio, since I doubt they'd leave you to possibly face two leaders that use the same type.

I really want to know how Cheren and Bianca figure into the plot. N's no doubt involved with the legendaries du jour.

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