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I'm loving the changes to DK trees. Might partly be because I always loved Blood tanking even during 3.0 (I did have to rely on starla's rogue or a hunter's MD though 'til the changes to threat generation), and 2h Frost tanking was my 2nd option until 3.2. Frost tanking is no more, but at least they brought back the 2h option in that tree. I can't say much about Unholy since I never played it and the playstyle never looked appealing to me.

Almost every tree got overhauled to a certain point. Fused skills, less points to be spent all-around (no more 5pt talents) and some trees feel more specific for a certain job/playstyle now, not only for DKs, but also for Locks and Hunters, as an example. Demo and Destro got many talents switched around in the last few patches, and only now I feel like it makes more sense overall. I've been spending some time on the Cata beta talent builder of Wowhead since my last post and I'm impressed right now on some changes.

Feels a bit like playing a new game, rotations have changed to a certain extent for everyone.


Hahaha! Silly girl :)

Now if only my campus internet would stop dying every 5 minutes... Halfway done with the patch and it's been almost a full day. At least I get around 65kb/s when it's stable. 'Til then I can figure out what specs my chars are going to be.

Major lols related to this patch right now are huntards crying about using focus instead of mana. Hilarity all over the boards.


Yeah I haven't come back to Illidan yet sorry guys.

Also there were tons of problems with 4.0.1 (mage tables crashing instances!) and really bad frame rates so far. It's been hard for me to deal with at the moment.

Right now I'm more excited about updating my addon to 4.0 than about playing the actual game :0

I made you guys a Social Group on the forum.


You can use it for posting player lists and organizing raids and stuff, if you'd like. Group ownership can't be transferred (yet), but there are practically no restrictions on the group, so anyone can post.

Thank you sir, you are awesome! :)

YAY!! :)


Anyone here who's looking for an addon to track your XP and levelling progress might be interested in this addon I wrote:


I updated it this morning to work with 4.0.1.

Also, if you're still using TitanBar (or FuBar) you might want to consider moving to a Data Broker system, which is more CPU efficient and a little more customizable. I personally use ChocolateBar (it says Out of Date but the latest version works with 4.0.1) but others I know of are Fortress and DockingStation.

Anyone here who's looking for an addon to track your XP and levelling progress might be interested in this addon I wrote:


I updated it this morning to work with 4.0.1.

Also, if you're still using TitanBar (or FuBar) you might want to consider moving to a Data Broker system, which is more CPU efficient and a little more customizable. I personally use ChocolateBar (it says Out of Date but the latest version works with 4.0.1) but others I know of are Fortress and DockingStation.

orly? this is nice. also: from the way you explain it it sounds like my FuBar things (Let's say...AuldLangSyne, for example) will work on ChocolateBar as they do on FuBar, but more better?


Now if only they'd fix my frost talents as a DK.... Frost is majorly broken right now. 2h Oblits where nerfed by 30% and don't benefit from diseases, and tot now only provides 1/3 damage from your offhand instead of 100%, and iit slows rune regeneration by 10%


So, after 2 days of raging because of interrupted update from internet issues (campus server is shitty) and 4 attempts at installing the damn thing, I finally have 4.0. There's another patch currently downloading, but I can deal with that one.

There are still quite a few bugs I heard, which was to be expected. Some are very annoying though, like certain mobs hitting more than normal (scaling issues) or certain skills not behaving correctly like resto druids with no internal CD on their pvp skill making them OP, or a Blood DK's bubble sometimes absorbing 0 dmg.

And I've been trying to look for a decent replacement for Fubar without having to find addon equivalents in ages. ChocolateBar sounds like it's worth looking at.


It's weird now, because DK tanking has SO MANY buttons. Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Festering Strike, DnD, Dancing Rune Weapon, Blood Tap, Rune Tap, Blood Boil, Death Strike, Rune Strike

Compare that to my old rotation of: DND, IT, PS, Pestilience, (Rune Tap) Blood Boil, Blood Strike, and everything has rune strike macro'd when it's up

Mean while, for DK DPS once I get up IT PS on a single target then it's just Festering Strike, Death Coil, Death Coil, HoW, Death Coil, Festering Strike.

I feel like a rogue with a 2 button rotation.

But yea I don't know how big of an issue that whole DK bubble thing is. It's based on mastery and mastery levels aren't all that high yet (afaik you can only get it from reforging, and I don't know how much reforging DK tanks are doing, my priest reforged EVERYTHING though, lol), and PvP is pretty broke to all hell anyway. Damage levels are through the roof, and HP levels won't be adjusted until 4.0.3/Cataclysm anyway. Pretty sure arenas, even skirmishes from what I've heard, are out of commission, though BGs but be pretty lul right now.

orly? this is nice. also: from the way you explain it it sounds like my FuBar things (Let's say...AuldLangSyne, for example) will work on ChocolateBar as they do on FuBar, but more better?

Unfortunately if they are FuBar plugins you'd have to find a broker equivalent, I don't think it imports directly.

However brokers tend to be pretty easy to write. I don't know if there's a broker for AuldLangSyne though. If I used it I'd probably have written a broker for it already if there wasn't one.


The rotation Rama posted about DK dps rotation is only if you're not Frost with the HB glyph. Festering Strike becomes useless in that case, and right now adds die too fast to make it worth applying a 2nd disease with PS + Pest.

Tanks are having issues right now, some due to bugs and others because they, like Holy Priests for example, have been given Cata tanking mechanisms while we're still in LK. Those problems become more apparent while raiding, especially HM encounters.

As for Fubar-related stuff: I didn't like how few options ChocolateBar offered compared to Fubar, but I found Bazooka, and I'm loving it! I just need to find an equivalent to the addons that are Fubar-dependent.


Tanks are having issues right now, some due to bugs and others because they, like Holy Priests for example, have been given Cata tanking mechanisms while we're still in LK.

Ho shi I can tank now as a holy priest?! or am I confused?

So after raiding with the new spirit changes, and still ending every fight with near full mana, I reforged all the spirit on my gear into mastery, which is awesome seeing so many numbers tick on my raid minions. I need to do some research to see if the mastery is better than straight haste, but damn if it doesn't make me feel like a healing badass. :-)

Ho shi I can tank now as a holy priest?! or am I confused?

So after raiding with the new spirit changes, and still ending every fight with near full mana, I reforged all the spirit on my gear into mastery, which is awesome seeing so many numbers tick on my raid minions. I need to do some research to see if the mastery is better than straight haste, but damn if it doesn't make me feel like a healing badass. :-)

None of my classes have a really good use for mastery yet that I've found. My priest reforged everything to crit/haste, my warlock reforged everything to haste, my death knight....I haven't really reforged anything on my DK.

I TRIED mastery on my priest at first, but it was such a DPS loss compared to straight up crit I couldn't justify it at all.

The rotation Rama posted about DK dps rotation is only if you're not Frost with the HB glyph. Festering Strike becomes useless in that case, and right now adds die too fast to make it worth applying a 2nd disease with PS + Pest.

The rotation I posted was for single target unholy. (ie boss fights) Also: Scourge strike. Forgot that one.

None of my classes have a really good use for mastery yet that I've found. My priest reforged everything to crit/haste, my warlock reforged everything to haste, my death knight....I haven't really reforged anything on my DK.

I TRIED mastery on my priest at first, but it was such a DPS loss compared to straight up crit I couldn't justify it at all.

The rotation I posted was for single target unholy. (ie boss fights) Also: Scourge strike. Forgot that one.

I lost the link for the spreadsheet, but atm mastery for spriest is considered a 0.3 dps increase (lowest) vs int at 2.7 (highest). It's completely not worth getting, and crit and haste are to be prioritized instead. I reforget all extra hit and sp on y priest's gear into haste or crit. Some other specs also need to have their mastery looked at (ex.: combat rogues).

As for Holy Priests, they're now having trouble keeping their mana up while healing the same way they did through all of LK. They now have Cata mechanics but those are incompatible with this xpac.

I think I found a AuldLangSyne replacement that works with any brokers, still gotta test it though. Edit: Yep looks just like it: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info11440-Broker_SocialState.html

I lost the link for the spreadsheet, but atm mastery for spriest is considered a 0.3 dps increase (lowest) vs int at 2.7 (highest). It's completely not worth getting, and crit and haste are to be prioritized instead. I reforget all extra hit and sp on y priest's gear into haste or crit. Some other specs also need to have their mastery looked at (ex.: combat rogues).

As for Holy Priests, they're now having trouble keeping their mana up while healing the same way they did through all of LK. They now have Cata mechanics but those are incompatible with this xpac.

I wonder if they're doing it right? Healing on the beta is hard. VERY hard. I healed one of the first instances with better gear than my priest has now, and the same spec, and I was having a VERY hard time with mana, even when properly using heal as opposed to flash heal, etc.

Compare that to healing normal instances, or even ICC10 now, I have absolutely no problem with mana, in fact I have trouble LOSING mana.

This might be very different in say...25 man hard modes, I can't imagine that anything is really GAME BREAKING right now, they just need to learn how they will be healing come Cataclysm.

I have to say right now, if ANYONE is having ANY mana problems on live right now, they're going to be COMPLETELY shit out of luck when they're trying to heal in Cataclysm.

I think I found a AuldLangSyne replacement that works with any brokers, still gotta test it though. Edit: Yep looks just like it: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info11440-Broker_SocialState.html

Also THIS is interesting. I shall be investigating for sure.


nah, did almost a complete 25m hard mode clear last night and healing was a little more challenging, but still had no mana issues as a holy priest. Once we are 85 i'll check EJ to see what I am supposed to for real, but i've always used a variety of heals, so who knows what's up. I am excited to tank though! :D


On my druid, it felt more like TBC healing, and it felt good. LB only stacks on 1 person at a time, and unlike TBC we don't end up sitting half the time out of FSR since half our hots last for less now, so we have to refresh more often. I liked it. A lot.

I think Cata will bring calculated heals back, instead of favoring spamming like Sunwell and LK.


Damn you hardcore min-maxers. Any casual noobs left playing this game? :)

I'm like the person who goes off and does heroic dungeons and levels alts and maybe a PUG raid in my T9 gear now. My server couldn't be bothered to invite undergeared anyone to ICC and my guild doesn't go anymore, they've all got bored of it.

Heh I used to be so hardcore. I haven't reforged anything on my gear yet.


with the new expansion on the horizon, and all the changes coming to low-level content, i imagine there might be some people wanting to get into wow for the first time.

before you do! please let me know, i will send you a 'refer a friend' trial. You get extra xp when we play together, and i get free game time (if you upgrade from the trial to a full account) and a fancy mount (if you end up playing for several months)

post here or let me know on #ocrwow on irc :)

with the new expansion on the horizon, and all the changes coming to low-level content, i imagine there might be some people wanting to get into wow for the first time.

before you do! please let me know, i will send you a 'refer a friend' trial. You get extra xp when we play together, and i get free game time (if you upgrade from the trial to a full account) and a fancy mount (if you end up playing for several months)

post here or let me know on #ocrwow on irc :)

Note that returning players who don't yet have Wrath can also get a different trial account type.

  • 3 weeks later...

According to an email I received this morning, Blizzard is currently offering 7 days of free playtime to people who are not currrent subscribers, but only if you sign up for said promotion before December 1st.

Go here to claim it.

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